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Can't Put Pokémon On My JAP Gold Version In PKHeX?


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So, I keep getting the below error. How can I add the Gen 2 English events to my JAP cartridge SAV?


And were there really no Japanese Gen 2 events? All I see on the site are English events. Find it very hard to believe that Japan had zero events for Gen 2. https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/73-english/

I see a list of Japanese distributions here, so does that mean they just haven't been archived on ProjectPokemon yet? https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Japanese_event_Pokémon_distributions_(Generation_II)


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13 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

For Gen1/2 games, Japanese games cannot trade with International games (English, German, etc). The data formats are not compatible, hence the error message.

Oh wow, ok. I guess that means they couldn't battle each other too? So, regarding only seeing English events on the site for Gen 2, is that only because they haven't been found/preserved here yet?

Edited by PLAFiles
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