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Dang how many people request here? Just in case you guys haven't noticed, there is almost no people to fulfill these requests. Every now and then I might try. I haven't made codes for a request in a while though, so bear with me guys.

Also, I have no pokemon games. Somebody stole my SS, my dog chewed up my platinum version, and I have no idea where my Diamond version is. So bear with me until I get my Black Version and I can make codes for it. Sorry traders.

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Well for what it's worth I'm monitoring the forum to do any and all requests. I like it and figure it will help me get faster at making .pkm's etc. in the future. I just wish everyone would use the format provided when filling out requests...


Please make this pokemon for me i know it aint legitt or legal its fine though please and thank you


Held Item:lucky egg


Ability:Wonder Gaurd

Nickname (If wanted):NO

Original Trainer (ARES)

Trainer Gender (If specific): male

Trainer ID (If specific):random

Secret ID (If specific):random

Pokemon Gender (If specific):

Shiny (Yes or No):NO

Egg (Yes or No):NO

Nature:dont matter

Attacks:Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse

PP (max or normal):50

Pokérus Status: Infected

Pokéball Captured In:luxary ball

Battle Stats:all 400 including hp

IV Stats:high as possible

EV Stats:high a possible

Ribbons (If any):all the master ribbons

Location/Date Met:fight area/Date traded

Level Met At:1

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):

Happiness:happy as possible

Contest Stats:max

Friend Code 3825-5863-9306

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2nd pokemon

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Is this still active? If it is, could somebody help me out with these Pokemon? Id like them traded over. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated. I have more requests but I thought I'd start with 3 first. I'm playing Platinum.

Friend Code: 464157409263

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  Rocketfuel said:
Is this still active? If it is, could somebody help me out with these Pokemon? Id like them traded over. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated. I have more requests but I thought I'd start with 3 first. I'm playing Platinum.

Friend Code: 464157409263

That is four pokemon. Just saying.

It is still very much active. However, I can't complete your request as EV stats cannot exceed 255 individually and more than 510 combined legally (if you care about that).

  Rinduri said:
That is four pokemon. Just saying.

It is still very much active. However, I can't complete your request as EV stats cannot exceed 255 individually and more than 510 combined legally (if you care about that).

they can't exceed 255? I kinda just took them from the Pokemon Marriland website. I tried using Pokesav on a SoulSilver Rom but I messed up. So I gave up. I'm using the Platinum cartridge now.

Am I being greedy? Ahhh..I want more though. Haha. But if you help in any way, I'm really really grateful. I always miss out on event Pokemon.

I guess, for the EVs (from Smogon no less. Haha)

Chatot-EV 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Celebi-252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe

Darkrai-252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Gorebyss-36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe


Anooby request


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

nothing else matters

another one

similar cept diferent pokemon


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

(Im using these for personel use only)

Much appreciated

  PKMN_trainer said:
Anooby request


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

nothing else matters

another one

similar cept diferent pokemon


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

(Im using these for personel use only)

Much appreciated

I'll make u them, but I need some more info on the pokemon. What game do u want the code for and what level do u want them at? I don't do trades so it will have to be the code or the .pkmn file.

  Gr8trainer said:
I'll make u them, but I need some more info on the pokemon. What game do u want the code for and what level do u want them at? I don't do trades so it will have to be the code or the .pkmn file.

doyou need like natures? ok uh can both of them have adamant nature and be born out of an egg

sorry about that i needed a wifi trade. heres my fc 4727 4546 2286

  PKMN_trainer said:
doyou need like natures? ok uh can both of them have adamant nature and be born out of an egg

sorry about that i needed a wifi trade. heres my fc 4727 4546 2286

I can't trade at all. My wifi is down at the moment. It will be down for a while. If u want them, I can post the code and someone can trade u them.

  PKMN_trainer said:
Anooby request


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

nothing else matters

another one

similar cept diferent pokemon


max iv



earth quake

swords dance

wonder guard

252 atk 252 spd 4 hp

(Im using these for personel use only)

Much appreciated

Ok, here are the .pkmn files for them both.



Sableye.pkmFetching info...

Spiritomb.pkmFetching info...

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Posted (edited)
  GHawk said:
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Completed. My friend code is 2322-3558-3313, let me know a time we can set up to trade.

EDIT: Request complete.

Edited by Rinduri

yes i know this is noobish but its for personal use only

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thanks a lot if you make this.

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Anyone wanna help me with one of my favorite legends?

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Okay, this is for the Action Replay:

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I want this little guy to be as legit as possible and will be raising him on my own to a strong and main-party Raichu. I'm just really tired and frustrated after months of trial and error trying to hatch a Shiny Male Pichu with a Bashful nature. (I've hatched maybe hundreds of eggs)

The main reason for these specifics is to be able to have a Raichu in my game that matches a character just-for-fun Raichu of mine.



Held Item:Macho Brace



Nickname (If wanted):Rioluy

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):PKNMDGN

Trainer Gender (If specific):Boy

Trainer ID (If specific):50652

Secret ID (If specific):any

Pokemon Gender (If specific):Boy

Shiny (Yes or No):Yes


Attacks:Focus Punch Focus Blast Aura Sphere Force Palm

PP (max or normal):Nomal

Pokérus Status:Cured

Pokéball Captured In:Cherish Ball

Battle Stats:any

IV Stats:any

EV Stats:any

Ribbons (If any):Classical Ribbon Legend Ribbon

Location/Date Met:Fatefuly Encountered May 16 2010

Level Met At:90


Contest Stats:none

Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):Party Slot 1 Press L

For what game:Platinum

And another code.


Held Item:Lucky Egg



Nickname (If wanted):Tristan

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):PKNMDGN

Trainer Gender (If specific):Boy

Trainer ID (If specific):50652

Secret ID (If specific):any

Pokemon Gender (If specific):Boy

Shiny (Yes or No):Yes


Attacks:Bite Thunder Thunder Fang Discharge

PP (max or normal):Normal

Pokérus Status:Cured

Pokéball Captured In:Cherish Ball

Battle Stats:any

IV Stats:any

EV Stats:any

Ribbons (If any):Classical Ribbon Legend Ribbon

Location/Date Met:Fatefully encountered May 16 2010

Level Met At:90


Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):Party slot 2 Press L

For what game:Platinum


Hey, can anyone make me the following? It would be a great help also if anyone can help me find my secret ID .

-I'd like all of them to be egg hatched in random parts of Johto or Kanto. Before today would be nice :<

-The IVs are to be maxed with the respective EVs like uh.. (252Atk, 4 Spe, 4 SpD >> 31Atk/31Spe/31SpD) or to match the listed hidden power.

-Also, I'd like all of them to be at lvl100.

Sorry for so many details ._.

FC: 3524 4496 7812

Trainer: Michele

ID: 49164

FC: 3524 4496 7812

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Would be very nice if I could get these as soon as possible. Much Thanks.

Posted (edited)

Was hoping I could find someone to produce this POKEMON for me. Would be much appreciated!! :smile:

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So If anyone can get me that code I'd be really happy =) TY!

Feel Free to edit some of the 'other' IVs if it makes the pokemon count as more legit. Thanks again

Edited by BunnyOHell
Changed Ball type, added end part
  BunnyOHell said:
Was hoping I could find someone to produce this POKEMON for me. Would be much appreciated!! :smile:
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So If anyone can get me that code I'd be really happy =) TY!

Feel Free to edit some of the 'other' IVs if it makes the pokemon count as more legit. Thanks again

Here u go. Press Start & Select and it will appear in the desired box. I had to change some of the Iv's, but it still has 31 Att and Sp and since Weavile is specialized in those stats, they will be at their highest when it levels up. It's Hp is 30 Iv and the rest are at 4, it was the only way to get one that was shiny. Anyways, hope it's okay.

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  PokemonPerson said:
Okay, this is for the Action Replay:
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I want this little guy to be as legit as possible and will be raising him on my own to a strong and main-party Raichu. I'm just really tired and frustrated after months of trial and error trying to hatch a Shiny Male Pichu with a Bashful nature. (I've hatched maybe hundreds of eggs)

The main reason for these specifics is to be able to have a Raichu in my game that matches a character just-for-fun Raichu of mine.

Here u go. Press L+R and it will appear in the assigned box. I had to change some of the Iv's to make it legit, but they are still high. It doesn't have any Ev's yet since it is at level 1. Enjoy.

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