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This post is a compilation of some info found, including some stuff I found.
Most of them will be anecdotal evidence, since it's not from digging through the game's code.
The information here will be changed as there's any new discoveries.

This is the TL;DR version, more details below the page break:
- Curry encounters can go into Poké Ball, Great Ball or Ultra Ball.
- Curry encounters draw from the "Wild Encounters Grass" (not overworld) pool.
- It only works in caves along routes, or routes. (Not towns, not Wild Area, not IoA/CT)
- It appears that encounter rates for curry encounters are reversed. (10% Grass Spawn becomes 90% in Curry Spawn)
- It is believed that you need a full party of max friendship to yield the highest encounter chance.
- It is believed that Shiny charm doesn’t affect odds of getting a Shiny Curry encounter
- Curry encounters may potentially be able to be shiny
- The berries you use may matter (not just curry rank)
- Level of your team matters

? -> It is believed Milcery rank curry gives the best odds of an encounter

So general curry steps/instructions:
- Use one of the image.png.7950f8fb26f4ea94aace8d07a382847d.png2,200 ingredients:
Smoke-Poke Tail, Large Leek, Fancy Apple, Boiled Egg, Fruit Bunch, Moomoo Cheese

  Reveal hidden contents

- Use 10x berries (try to use the best berries you have; they may matter.)

  Reveal hidden contents

- Use a full team of tiny Pokémon (I recommend Joltik), at max friendship, and at max level.
(This is just so that your vision is not hindered)
- You can use whatever website to check for that route, what mon exists in the Grass pool (not overworld pool). Do note the encounter rate seems reversed.
- Only make curries on mainland Galar, anywhere along routes (inc. caves). No wild areas.
- Do not do co-op camping.
- Don't press "no" nor the B button when a mon asks to join. There is no confirmation screen for rejecting them; it'll leave then and there and never come back.|


More specific info:

 - Curry encounters can go into Poké Ball, Great Ball or Ultra Ball. (source) (will attach image soon)
If your bag does not have Poké, it'll default to Great.
If your bag does not have Poké & Great, it'll default to Ultra.
If your bag does not have Poké & Great and Ultra, it'll default back to Poké.

- Curry encounters draw from the "Wild Encounters Grass" (not overworld) pool. (source)
Most clear example would be Galar Mine No.1
The encounters there draw from the overworld pool, making me question why is there a grass pool listed on Serebii (which if I'm not mistaken, the data comes being mined from the final games), and then I tested which pool curry encounters are pulling from.

- It only works in caves along routes, or routes.
So doesn't work in cities or wild areas (including Isle of Armor).

- It appears that encounter rates for curry encounters are reversed.
For example, 1% encounters become 99%, etc.
For example, I got a lot more Ferroseed, and a lot more Antique Sinistea, than everything else.

- No spawns from co-op camping
I've never gotten a spawn during co-op camping, be it NPCs or real players.

- It is believed that you need a full party of max friendship to yield the highest encounter chance. (source)
My tests below, while mini, does seem to align with this.

? -> It is believed Milcery rank curry gives the best odds of an encounter (source)
Based on the test below, I doubt this is true.
While Dama has a larger sample size, which I would in general think that is a better result, we do not know whether the party members were consistent in all tests. Dama may have used different berries throughout too.

- It is believed that Shiny charm doesn’t affect odds of getting a Shiny Curry encounter (source)
While this probably can only be properly verified by digging into the game code, it seems plausible;
Shiny charm only works for wild encounters and eggs, not raids and gifts (looking for the old source).
With that, curry encounters could swing either way..

- Curry encounters may potentially be able to be shiny (source)
While some may argue the video is clear cut evidence of it (being able to be shiny), I'll like to point out that the code to make all mons shiny (commonly used on Edizon) can make Curry encounters shiny. Not saying the video is faked, but I'm saying it's inconclusive evidence, that can be argued either way by bull-headed individuals.
What I'll say, is there is a chance of the devs intending this encounter to be shiny, given that it plays a shiny animation when you talk to it. No other interaction with shiny mons you own in the camp brings forth that animation. Why program in the animation, if it's unintended?
(of course, they could disable it at the end of the day, but it is something regardless ;x)

- The berries you use may matter (not just curry rank)
It's the reason why I used Starf Berries for my test.
Using other berries seem to not give me as many encounters.
Probably based on rarity as seen here:

- Level of your team matters
Check post below.

? -> Higher rank curry increases chance of encounter
Check post below. Keep in mind of Dama's results too.

  • Like 2

This post is for my mini-test results. Upfront, I'll say that 50 encounters on each rank isn't a statistically large enough sample size, but each test took around 2 1/2 hours (and that was on 2 Switches mind you), and I don't wanna sink anymore time into this.
So if anyone want to try, be my guest. :3

For these tests, I'm testing purely Milcery and Copperajah ranks.
For Milcery Rank, 10x Starf berries and leaving the Switch alone is enough. (1st Switch)
For Copperajah rank, performing the curry making actions were enough. (2nd Switch)

While the values do not seem statistically significant from each other...


If we assume that the values were not statistical blips, then looking at the trends, it appears that max friendship and level of party members both have an effect on the chance of curry encounters.

Adding on to that, it also appears Copperajah rank has a higher chance of encountering compared to Milcery Rank.

Once again, this is just anecdotal, and shall be taken with a pinch of salt. Sample size of 50 isn't big enough to draw real solid conclusions.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

it's hard to test with the Charizard quality haha. The best one I could do alone is Copperajah mark. Though even with Milcery mark, I could still get encounters but very rarely.

Edited by Prejie
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the great summary and testing. I have been making a lot of Milcery rank curry, but am not that organized in recording my numbers. :( I'll try to get better about that with my next round. 

I didn't realize that Pokemon's levels might have an effect ... that's an interesting initial result. I'll be using a team of level 100 max friendship Pokemon from now on.

I pulled the numbers out of the initial YouTube video by だま / Dama that I found. Dama’s results below are [the number of Pokemon attracted] / [the total number of curries made at that rank]. Of course, we don’t have all the details (i.e., the level of his Pokemon, their friendship level), so take this with a grain of salt. But it looks like he did a lot of tests.
  • Koffing: 2/170
  • Wobuffet: 8/170
  • Milcery: 1056/7063 (14%)
  • Copperajah: 23/300 (8%)
  • Charizard: didn’t test (the video notes it’s too difficult :))
If you are interested in Curry Mark Shiny hunt testing, here are some tips that might help:
  • Obtainable Pokemon by route/area:  Dama shared this list on on his Twitter, which is the only list like this that I've seen so far (https://twitter.com/monst_dama/status/1236942855538487296?s=21). I have not verified the accuracy of this list, however, from my tests on Route 1, Route 4, Route 10 (Near station), and Glimwood Tangle, it seems accurate so far. Pick a Pokemon you'd like to hunt for but keep in mind theSLAYER's theory about Curry Mark encounter rates being the reverse of that route's normal encounter rates. 
  • Easy Milcery curry: (note that theSLAYER's initial tests indicate higher ranks of curry bring better encounters)
    • You don’t even need to touch the controller to get Milcery rank:image.png.7950f8fb26f4ea94aace8d07a382847d.png2,200 ingredient (Smoke-Poke Tail, Large Leek, Fancy Apple, Boiled Egg, Fruit Bunch, Moomoo Cheese) + 10 berries from Wedgehust Berry Grocer.
    • If you’re willing to button-mash (or use a Pro controller): image.png.16d2f91afbab3d5fdfb41d14399d5a51.png400 ingredient + 10 berries
  • Stating the obvious:
    • This is sort of stating the obvious, but it’s something I didn’t consider at first. For the Pokemon in your camp, pick small Pokemon that are easy to see around. For example, I had a Coalossal on my team during my initial testing and while Coalossal is a favorite of mine, he kept obscuring the screen and telling him to go play and move took extra time for checking if there was a Curry Mark Pokemon behind him. Pokemon with low profiles (Eevee, Yamper, Pikachu, etc.) or that are easy to see around are your best bet for quick check.
    • If a Curry Mark Pokemon appears, you shouldn't have to adjust your game's camera to see it. You don't have to look alllll the way to the left of your camp and all the way to the right of your camp or up or down to see the Pokemon. Keep in mind if you have large Pokemon in your camp, they might be obscuring the Curry Mark Pokemon. 
    • If you attract a Pokemon to your camp, be very careful about avoiding the B button. When a Pokemon comes to your camp, the dialogue “Oh…? <This Pokemon> has come to your camp.  <Pokemon> seems to want to be with you. Do you want to add it to your team?” If you hit B, that will select “No” and the Pokemon will go back into the wild. There’s no confirmation screen or “are you sure” sort of dialogue if you say no. Once the Curry Mark Pokemon is gone, it’s gone.

For the point "It appears that encounter rates for curry encounters are reversed.": Including my Curry Mark encounters and the encounter rate from Bulbapedia below. 

From my Route 4 testing (shared this in Discord yesterday -- nothing new): 

  • 8 Ferroseed (1%)
  • 3 Joltik (10%)
  • 3 Milcery (20%)
  • 2 Budew (4%)
  • 1 Wooloo (25%)

From my Route 10 (near station) testing:

  • 12 Darumaka (5%)
  • 10 Snom (10%) 
  • 8 Klang (30%)
  • 5 Rhydon (25%)
  • 5 Vanillish (30%)

Crazy question: Could having Curry Mark Pokemon hanging out in your camp maybe increase the odds? I don't think so because I haven't heard anything about the other Marks having other effects outside of adding a title to the Pokemon's name, but if I have the time (haha) to max out the friendship on a team of Curry Mark mons, I might try this too. 

Other Shiny “proof” clips: I can’t vouch if these were hacked or using CFW, but they show what a shiny Pokemon looks like in Camp. Similar to the Dama video that's already linked to.
Edited by Emdash2
  • Like 3

I think the post is generally well done, but there's a few points I want to specifically reply to:
(note: more of a personal and less technical reply)

  On 9/27/2020 at 4:45 PM, Emdash2 said:
Stating the obvious:

<big portion snipped>


I love how you stated the obvious, and don't get me wrong, while it is the obvious, it'll somehow skip peoples' mind and should be stated. I regret not thinking of listing that, when I actually think about it for my own tests XD

Speaking about the use small Pokémon point, I had a team of 6 Celebi (cause they're small) but they're not small enough apparently.
If a Sinistea is behind and a Celebi is in front, it's actually pretty hard to see.

Maybe a team of lv 100 max friendship Joltik would help XD

  On 9/27/2020 at 4:45 PM, Emdash2 said:

Crazy question: Could having Curry Mark Pokemon hanging out in your camp maybe increase the odds?


Oh that's insane, I've never thought of it. Given that level and friendship seems to matter, who knows ><

  On 9/27/2020 at 4:45 PM, Emdash2 said:

Other Shiny “proof” clips: I can’t vouch if these were hacked or using CFW, but they show what a shiny Pokemon looks like in Camp. Similar to the Dama video that's already linked to.


Pretty cool that there's other clips.

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