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Is a Wi-Fi WC distributor possible?

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I have an idea for Wi-fi Mystery gift distribution.

but it there a way to Make a DS app that Sends Wondercards(official and unofficial) to Select People(by Using their FC's)


A .Nds File Loaded with The Wonder Card Files.

PC app would inject/take out WC from DS app.

From DS

Boot up app.

Select WC to distribute

Then on the top screen it will show how many people downloaded it.(FC's Needed)


Add WC

(3 at a time)

Remove WC

Add Friend-codes

(dont know Limit)

Remove Friend Codes


Wifi WC distributor like nintendo's but can select who gets it.

if you can undersstand that can you tell me if its possible/who can help make it.(i dont know any coding)

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When you say wifi do you mean the long or short-range variety?

Long range is a no simply because the pokemon games aren't designed that way. They connect to a server, not a DS. If you can crack SSL you could set up your own server but your time would be much better spent hacking online banking systems.

Short range you still cannot selectively distribute, it just isn't designed that way. Your closest bet is to use the official "share with friend" feature.

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It's possible to load up any created wondercard into one of the leaked Event Distribution roms, and essentially turn your DS into something like a Toys R Us/Gamestop Event Hotspot. But this is still only local range WiFi - sending them via the Nintendo WFC is and always will be impossible, unless they specifically make it so, for the reasons already given by Poryhack.

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It's possible to load up any created wondercard into one of the leaked Event Distribution roms, and essentially turn your DS into something like a Toys R Us/Gamestop Event Hotspot. But this is still only local range WiFi - sending them via the Nintendo WFC is and always will be impossible, unless they specifically make it so, for the reasons already given by Poryhack.

I guess the answer is yes ; How else do you think people were able to unpurposely download the racist Gengar?

If the person simply edited a Wondercard with Pokésav and sent it with the Mystery Gift "Send to a friend" option, people would have had to purposely select "Get from a friend" on the Mystery Gift.

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