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Landorus memory flagged as Illegal?


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I have this Landorus whose latest memory was from catching a Xatu in Omega Ruby's Safari Zone. For some reason said memory is flagged as illegal in PKHex (18.04.18), but changing his memory for another one turns him back to legal. Can this be fixed in the next release? Thanks. Here's what the program gives me:

Invalid: HT Memory: Can't capture species in game.

Valid Move 1: Learned by Level-up.
Valid Move 2: Learned by TM/HM.
Valid Move 3: Learned by TM/HM.
Valid Move 4: Learned by Move Tutor.
Valid Relearn Move 1: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 2: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 3: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 4: Valid.

Valid: Valid gift/static encounter.
Valid: Nickname matches species name.
Valid: Current level is not below met level.
Valid: All ribbons accounted for.
Valid: Ability matches ability number.
Valid: Correct ball for encounter type.
Valid: Form is Valid.
Valid: Gender matches PID.
Valid: Encounter Type matches encounter.
Valid: History block is valid.
Valid: Geolocation: Country is in 3DS region.

Encounter Type: Static Encounter (B2W2) (Landorus)
Location: Pokémon Dream Radar
PID Type: None

P.S.: Xatu is actually catchable in ORAS, but PKHex does not recognize it.

645-01 - Landorus - 57BA472C4EB8.pk6

Edited by MushGuy
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14 minutes ago, MushGuy said:

I have this Landorus whose latest memory was from catching a Xatu in Omega Ruby's Safari Zone. For some reason said memory is flagged as illegal in PKHex (18.04.18), but changing his memory for another one turns him back to legal. Can this be fixed in the next release? Thanks. Here's what the program gives me:

Invalid: HT Memory: Can't capture species in game.

Hm, can you upload the Illegal Landorus?
The one you uploaded is legal on my end, and I can't see the memory you're referring to.

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