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Using PKHeX on RomHack Gaia?


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Hey everyone,

I know not a lot of people do this from what I can find, but something I've done over the past year or so is using PKHeX on various romhacks, and its actually gone pretty well so far. What I can and can't edit varies from game to game, but so far I've been able to use it quite a bit on 4 romhacks without any real issues.

However, I recently have started pokemon Gaia, which uses FireRed as its base. PKHeX can open the .sav just fine, the problem is that, even when I don't change anything at all, and simply export the save, when I load back in the game will say "the save file has been corrupted, the previous save file will be loaded." and then kicks me back to previous battery save. I've now tried to edit the .sav from multiple devices, and saved using multiple emulators, and continue to get the same error. I just can't quite figure out why this is happening with Gaia, when it doesn't for others. Anyone have any tips? thanks!

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