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Shiny Jolly Mew and Shiny Jolly Deoxys


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Hi I have tried it but I don't really exactly know how to let it work. For example when Im changing Mew's nature to Jolly. It didn't generate any ID out. For Deoxys it manages to generate out but still, the PID is mismatch. Can you help me with it?

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28 minutes ago, Ruiyaang said:

Yup I uses Method 1. I input in my trainer id and secret Id as well as the nature. For Jolly Mew, nothing pops out when I pressed generate where else deoxys one is invalid. Is there somewhere I did wrongly? 

Hey, try what's mentioned in the comment. (using the Time Finder function instead)

Also, consider not having all IVs 31. There's a small amount of PIDs that allow all 31 IVs.

Find the PID you want, then match the TID/SID to make it shiny.


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51 minutes ago, Ruiyaang said:

Hmm Time Finder seems to be for Wild Pokemon or Egg Pokemon. Sorry as I am not very good in this software. But really appreciate alot for helping me out with this

Deoxys and mew are wild pokemon, so use it.

for the files you sent me, both says PID-Nature mismatch.
Meaning for that PID, the nature is invalid.

When doing the Time Finder, you need to select the nature you want too.


So you're on the right track, you just missed out selecting the correct nature on time finder.

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