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Hi there, i'm here again. This time i'd like building up a eeveelutions baton-pass team, as Wright89 suggests in another thread. Since it has been said that toxic spikes is a big problem for this kind of team, i thaught using only 5 eeveelutions and one baton pass/defog gliscor.

Anyway i've not much ideas about which eeveelution and which move use. Any idea? :smile:


I think your 6th should be smeargle

Toxic Spikes yes can ruin your day, but the biggest harm is a phaze. Moves like whirlwind and Roar will ruin the point of your team. Smeargle, the only pokemon that can baton pass ingrain, a move which works as another leftover... and fully protects you from these moves. But it can learn rapid spin and defog for toxic spikes anyways.

Great people are posting here more

The Eevee Evolution Pokemon

Jolteon - A great pokemon, it is extremely fast, and hits hard as well, relatively fragile though. it passes speed with agility. And the beauty about this is the three main phazers Skarmory, Suicune and Vapoureon, take deadly damage from this pokemon. So in the hands of the right trainer, it can be a offensively threatening ninjask. Of course it has electric absorb

Vapoureon - Simply one of the best wishpasses,and one of the best eevee evolutions. this special tank is the answer to bulky waters with hidden power electric. Sporting water absorb, it's very sturdy. And can baton pass Acid Armour, highly raising defence.

Espeon - At first looks like a weak alakazam, but it runs baton pass. The only eevee of it's kind to raise stuff in the other spectrum with calm mind

Umbreon - Great pokemon, though limited on what it can pass, Curse? Lowers speed, and substitute which is never bad. It can work as a mean look trapper, so another eevee can set up

Glaceon - It's only moves to baton pass are curse and substitute and Umbreon does both better, it does however have immense special attack that is just frightening to think of.

Leafeon - Ok, this isn't the best one of there, but it does have synergy with them, it's flareon bait, and resist electric attacks (Jolteon is better for that though..) Plus it's the only one that can pass sword dance

Flareon - Ahh curse again, suggest you don't use this

Possible Movesets

Jolteon @ Petaya Berry




Baton Pass

Vapoureon - Leftovers

Acid Armour

Baton Pass



Espeon - Berry to raise special def?/Leftovers

Calm Mind



Baton Pass

Umbreon - Leftovers




Baton Pass

Glaceon - Leftovers



Baton Pass


Leafeon - Leftovers

Leaf Blade

Sword Dance


Baton Pass

Flareon - Leftovers

Fire Fang/Lava Plume



Baton Pass


Eeveelution teams are basically Heracross weak, which makes it very wise that Gliscor is in there, since it's the best Heracross counter.

Look, I'll show you how horrible Eeveelution teams are:

Jolteon: Weak to ground, doesn't resist anything Heracross carries except the rarely seen Aerial Ace.

Umbreon: Weak to Bug and Fight.

Flareon: Weak to Ground, Rock.

Leafeon: Weak to bug.

Glaceon: Weak to fight

Espeon: Weak to bug, dark, resists fighting

Vaporeon: No weaknesses to Heracross, but doesn't resist either STABS either.

Now some might say "but randomspot555, Heracross can't take out [whatever]". Yeah, but when there's so many shared weaknesses, that means at leat two of your Pokemon can be manhandled by Choice Scarf Heracross. Meaning now your opponent has 5 others to take care of the 4 you have left.

Also, Baton Passing gimmicks suck and are easy to counter. The only way to work Baton Pass (and it still requires a lot of luck) is Mr. Mime, or Ingrain.

Posted (edited)

I agree with randomspot, maybe i can use 4 eeveelutions and 2 other pokemon considering the team weaknesses. I'm not used making baton-pass teams (i've never even considered making one, before this time), but i think that the stat increase should follow some sort of logic sense, which (imho) lacks in the moveset listed by memjee, since it highly increase Atk but there are only 2 physical moves (even not particulary strong, with the exception of leaf blade).

Anyway, i'm not going to make a baton pass team at any cost; if someone has any better idea for an eeveelution team, i'll be happy to consider that :)

[EDIT]: Here's a possible team

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Edited by Ithiliond

Is there anybody going to help me? :(

This is my eeveelution team now:

  Reveal hidden contents

what do you think about?


Muscle Band really isn't that helpful. Use Life Orb if you want some real power.

Jolteon should run Choice Specs.

Who are you going to pass all these boosts too? Glaceon can Barrier an opposing lead for some reason, then pass that to someone else. Most leads carry Explosion, so... thats going to be messy. The leads that don't will either screw you over with Taunt or start pounding on your other team members. Espeon can pass Calm Mind too... Vaporeon? I guess... Leafeon and Gliscor are throwing boosts at each other.

Defog doesn't remove all entry hazards. It removes all entry hazards on your opponent's side of the field, aka the ones YOU have set up.

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