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A variant of auto loading save from SD card


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Auto loading from SD card.. Now there was surprising and very nice feature to suddenly notice haha!

Anyway. As for the request, I personally have a New3DS and use FTP to view my SD card's content. The FTP connection can be established natively through windows's file explorer, so I figured perhaps the auto loading for save file could also detect such connections. The file explorer address bar upon having the connection is: (with a varying IP based on who uses it ofc, port is always 5000) and the explorer looks generally like so. Still has the saveDataBackup folder and all that.

I anxiously await to hear if this would be possible :smile: !

p.s.: If any further information if required I'd be glad to give it.


Edited by Favna
forgot to mention something
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>(with a varying IP based on who uses it ofc, port is always 5000)

That's the problem. Doing a "ping sweep" (to find the device's local IP address) is blocked by most computers that are running a firewall. Since the local IP address can vary, there's no use storing it as a configuration file or registry key.

Not really feasible, best to keep it manual. (Press ÿ+E to quickly bring up a new instance of Windows Explorer)

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