Asia81 Posted June 13, 2015 Posted June 13, 2015 (edited) [video=youtube;OSOjLo2uqd8] Hello.Here is a another little 6G Hack.The most important change is the music.Half (~ 100) are from the GBA version (for a bit of nostalgia).Only half because otherwise they cause some bugs, or else simply do not exist in GBA (like the trainer music in diving).This game is also a full random world, and an hard mode!~ ScrenShot ~ Reveal hidden contents ~ Level Up ~ Levels doesn't change.Only Learnable Moves are randomized.Pokemon can learn HM Moves by LevelUP.Pokemon stop learning Moves at level 80.~ Personal Stats ~ Hatching become very fast.The following data are Randomized :Tm & Hm learnableORAS Move TutorsCatch RatePossible held Items~ Trainers ~ ALL Trainers' Pokémon are randomized (Random Trainer, Rival, Elite Four...).Moves / Hold Items / Abilities of these Pokémon are randomized.ALL Trainers' Pokémon have a level boosted by 50% and max IV.They can hold a Mega Stone and Mega Evolve.~ Évolutions ~ Pokemon evolved (only target) are randomized.However, the evolution methods remain the same.For example, Magikarp evolve into Gyarados at level 20.He always evolve at level 20, but the target will be a surprise :3I changed the evolution methods for those who have the happiness or trade (for example).The following list under spoiler applies only to special Pokémon evolutions (Happiness, Trade, etc ...)Pokémon with * in front are just totally for fun. Reveal hidden contents Golbat evolve at level 36 Meowth evolve using a Nugget Poliwhirl evolve using King's Rock And/Or Water Stone Kadabra evolve at level 36 Machoke evolve at level 36 Graveler evolve at level 36 Slowpoke using a King's Rock Magneton evolve at level 45 Haunter evolve at level 36 Onix evolve at level 30 Rhydon evolve at level 60 Chansey evolve at level 40 Seadra evolve at level 50 Scyther evolve at level 25 Electabuzz evolve at level 30 Magmar evolve at level 30 *Tauros evolve into Bouffalant at level 36 Magikarp evolve into Arceus using a Water Stone Magikarp evolve into Arceus using a Fire Stone Magikarp evolve into Arceus using a Thunderstone Eevee evolve at level 25 Porygon evolve at level 18 Pichu evolve at level 16 Cleffa evolve at level 16 Jigglypuff evolve at level 16 Togepi evolve at level 16 Porygon2 evolve at level 36 Smoochum evolve at level 25 Elekid evolve at level 25 Magby evolve at level 25 Azurill evolve at level 9 Nosepass evolve at level 25 *Plusle evolve into Minun at level 30 *Minun evolve into Plusle at level 30 *Lunatone evolve into Solrock at level 60 *Solrock evolve into Lunatone at level 60 Feebas evolve using a Water Stone Dusclops evolve using a Dusk Stone Clamperl evolve using a Water Stone Clamperl evolve using a Shiny Stone Budew evolve at level 18 Buneary evolve at level 18 Chingling evolve at level 18 Happiny evolve at level 20 Munchlax evolve at level 30 Riolu evolve at level 36 Boldore evolve at level 40 Woobat evolve at level 25 Gurdurr evolve at level 40 Swadloon evolve at level 36 Karrablast evolve at level 36 Shelmet evolve at level 36 Spritzee evolve at level 25 Swirlix evolve at level 25 Sliggoo evolve at level 55 WITHOUT RAIN Phantump evolve at level 25 Pumpkaboo evolve at level 25 ~ Mega Evolutions ~ I added Mega Evolutions for Pokémon which doesn't have one, but having a second form.For example, Giratina Mega Evolve in its Origin form by holding a Griseous Orb. Reveal hidden contents Castform mega evolve in its Sunny form by holding Life Orb Castform mega evolve in its Rainy form by holding Choice Specs Castform mega evolve in its Snowye form by holding Never-Melt Ice Deoxys mega evolve in its Attack form by holding Life Orb Deoxys mega evolve in its Defense form by holding Leftovers Deoxys mega evolve in its Speed form by holding Choice Specs Cherrim mega evolve in its Sunshine form by holding Life Orb Rotom mega evolve in its Heat form by holding Life Orb Rotom mega evolve in its Wash form by holding Choice Specs Rotom mega evolve in its Fan form by holding Leftovers Giratina mega evolve in its Origin form by holding Griseous Orb Shaymin mega evolve in its Sky form by holding Life Orb Arceus mega evolve in its Fire form by holding Flame Plate Arceus mega evolve in its Dragon form by holding Draco Plate Arceus mega evolve in its Fairy form by holding Pixie Plate Sawsbuck mega evolve in its Spring form by holding Life Orb Sawsbuck mega evolve in its Summer form by holding Leftovers Sawsbuck mega evolve in its Winter form by holding Choice Band Tornadus mega evolve in its Therian form by holding Life Orb Thundurus mega evolve in its Therian form by holding Life Orb Landorus mega evolve in its Therian form by holding Life Orb Kyurem mega evolve in its White form by holding Choice Specs Kyurem mega evolve in its Black form by holding Life Orb Keldeo mega evolve in its Resolute form by holding Life Orb Meloetta mega evolve in its Aria form by holding Life Orb Genesect mega evolve in its Water form by holding Douse Drive Genesect mega evolve in its Electric form by holding Shock Drive Genesect mega evolve in its Fire form by holding Burn Drive Vivillon mega evolve in its PokeBall form by holding Poké Ball Vivillon mega evolve in its PokeBall form by holding Life Orb Vivillon mega evolve in its Fancy form by holding Choice Specs Floette mega evolve in its Eternal form by holding Life Orb Hoopa mega evolve in its Unbound form by holding Life Orb ~ Items ~ I edited the prices of some common objects, and edited 2 objects. Reveal hidden contents New Prices : Sun Stone : 1000 Moon Stone : 1000 Fire Stone : 1000 Thunder Stone : 1000 Water Stone : 1000 Leaf Stone : 1000 Shiny Stone : 1000 Dusk Stone : 1000 Protein : 5000 Iron : 5000 Calcium : 5000 Zinc : 5000 Carbos : 5000 HP Up : 5000 PP Up : 5000 PP Max : 5000 Master Ball : 20000 Ultra Ball : 1000 Love Ball : 1000 Rare Candy : 2500 Items edited : Nugget is used as an object of evolution [Meowth]. King's Rock is used as an object of evolving [Poliwhirl and Slowpoke]. ~ Wild Encounters ~ Wild Pokémon are randomized.All 721 Pokemon can be caught, exept Mega or any Forms.See the following list to find a Legendary Pokémon.Note that I written only one place. But they all 3 places.Besides those using Hoopa's rings. Reveal hidden contents Articuno : Sea Route 109 Zapdos : Sea Route 106 Moltres : Route 101 Mewtwo : Route 118 Mew : Sea Route 125 Raikou : Route 120 Entei : Route 111 Suicune : Sea Route 127 Lugia : Route 103 Ho-Oh : à Sea Route 131 Celebi : Route 104 Regirock : Route 101 Regice : Route 117 Registeel : Route 117 Latias : Route 112 Latios : Route 113 Kyogre : Sea Route 107 Groudon : Route 113 Rayquaza : Sea Route 107 Jirachi : Pacifildog Town Deoxys : Route 102 Rotom : Route 118 Uxie : Route 121 Mesprit : Sea Route 107 Azelf : Route 114 Dialga : Sea Route 107 Palkia : Route 120 Heatran : Route 118 Regigigas : Route 112 Giratina : Sea Route 105 Cresselia : Sea Route 106 Phione : Sea Route 131 Manaphy : Route 119 Darkrai : Sea Route 127 Shaymin : Sea Route 109 Arceus : Route 120 Victini : Route 111 Cobalion : Route 116 Terrakion : Sea Route 131 Virizion : Route 103 Tornadus : Route 111 Thundurus : Route 119 Reshiram : Sea Route 134 Zekrom : Sea Route 106 Landorus : Route 112 Kyurem : Sea Route 124 Keldeo : Sea Route 134 Meloetta : Route 115 Genesect : Route 111 Xerneas : Route 119 Yveltal : Route 119 Zygarde : Sea Route 109 Diancie : Route 119 Hoopa : Route 119 Volcanion : Sea Route 132 ~ Textures ~ I changed some textures of Pokémon.Take it as a preview of my next Hack.Pikachu Libre (Normal and Shiny) will have a texture inspired on Captain AmericaDialga (Normal and Shiny) will have a texture inspired on Primal Dialga from Pokémon Shadow/Time/SkyGreninja (Normal and Shiny) will have a texture inspired on Ash-Greninja from the animeHo-Oh (Normal and Shiny) will have a texture inspired on Shadow Lugia from Pokémon Lugia (Normal and Shiny) will have a texture inspired on Shadow Lugia from Pokémon Reveal hidden contents Credits for textures, when it's not from me, are in the ReadMe file.~ Bugs ~ For the moment no. If you find bugs, tell them to me.Maybe some musics can cause bugs, tell me, I will try to correct it.If you see a wrong english translation, let me know <3~ Links ~ Please remove any updates on Alpha Sapphire Or a lot of changes won't appear. TitleID is cleaned, be sure to backup your save before update the game!How to play it using the 3DS file?Just put the 3DS file on your Gateway's MicroSD Card.Can't be used on Sky3DS+How to play it using the CIA file?Install the CIA with any CFW, and any CIA installer.How to play it using the HANS pack?Move my HANS folder and 3ds folder to the root of your 3DS' SD Card.Allow to merge if asked.Launch the Game Shortcut in your HBL.How to play it using the Patch (Light) file?Install the CIA with any CFW, and any CIA installer.Light mean it's the same content of the full hack, except music changesand textures wich are the same as the original.It's an update format! It's the original update of the game (1.4) edited.It mean you can go online with my Hack, but you need to install this CIA also.If you install it, be sure to remove the original update of the game before.How to play it using the Patch (Full) file?Install the CIA with any CFW, and any CIA installer.Full mean it's the same content of the full hack,as if you play with the 3DS or CIA.It's an update format! It's the original update of the game (1.4) edited.It mean you can go online with my Hack, but you need to install this CIA also.If you install it, be sure to remove the original update of the game before.How to play it using the LayeredFS file?SOON ~ Credits ~ pk3DS : Kaphotics 3DS Builder : SciresM RomFS Builder : SciresM Ohana3DS : Reisyukaku NTR CFW & LayeredFS : cell9 HackingToolkit3DS : Asia81 / Mizoré ~ Thanks to ~ Dio_Vento : For teaching me where the title logo files are Apache Thunder : For his help on my 3D Banner Timeboy : "Captain'America Pikachu" texture Xeogran : "Ash-Greninja" texture Asia81 : "Shadow Lugia", "Shadow Ho-OH", and "Primal Dialga" textures ScarletKohaku : Screen (Video + Photos) ~ Have a nice day ~ Edited March 29, 2016 by Asia81 Updated
pakrett Posted June 21, 2015 Posted June 21, 2015 Can you reupload the files ? This is the third day I see : new links tommorow...
Asia81 Posted June 22, 2015 Author Posted June 22, 2015 sorry, but i deleted the files because i failed something in the GARC. I fixed it, i just need to upload the files again.
pakrett Posted June 28, 2015 Posted June 28, 2015 Asia81 said: Updated with new stuff and new links Thank you very much !!! Could you provide your extracted DecryptedExeFS.bin with the code.bin, icon.bin and banner.bin. I want to make a cia version and I fail to extract it myself... (or a solution to extract it ?)
awesometeemo Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 Thank you for the hack. I have couple of questions. How can I get that Trainer Battle Randomizer? Does changing trainer AI make any differences?
bailie1912 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Hi I have a request. I have tried for days to get this to work but it just hangs on a black screen until I noticed the full rom download copied it over and bang no issues. Gameplay is great but I do have 1 request. Can u upload a full rom with no Pokemon type randomized. If u could does this it would be great Many thanks
jmapjp Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Where are the links for the actual hack rom with the sound folder and romfs? Im not seeing the link here.
shadowmum2 Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 Will there be new Links on your Pastebin soon? Because it says "SOON" It looks awesome i wanna play this ^^
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