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As you all know, there are berries that halve damage from a super effective attack.

What gets me is their designed so a pokemon can survive a hit from a weak point but if thats the case, isn't focus sash a better choice?

Basically I wanna know what makes the berries that halve super effective damage so useful


Wait, can you get multiples of "Focus Sash". I don't remember >.<. Anyway, the whole berry thing is idiotic IMO. Nintendo just needed something new to add so they made up "Berry Farming". BUT, I guess if you can't get multiples of "Focus Sash" then the berries are for the Pokemon that aren't equipped with it.


Focus Sash won't help you if Stealth Rocks cut off your health and constant sandstorm on non Ground/Rock/Steel Pokemon :/

Focus Sash only works when your Pokemon is at full health... and seeing the omnipotence of Stealth Rocks and Sandstorms... those berries can be useful at times. Also, some Pokemon won't be knocked out immediately, so Focus Sash would be kind of a wasted item on it. Take Swampert for example. It is designed to take hits, so Focus Sash won't be of much help there. Now if you equip a Rindo Berry (a Grass reduction berry), Swampert will have taken the grass damage, surviving, and OHKOing, let's say, an Infernape who used that Grass Knot back with Earthquake. Now Swampert has plenty of health to spare (40%ish) and can still take physical hits. These items are dependent on which Pokemon you use. Focus Sash is for those frail Pokemon while those berries can help bulkier Pokemon survive one hit of its weakness (Metagross with Occa Berry is a common example).


Focus Sash is only when it gets down to one hp. If you add one of those berries to a wall then the opponent probably will be no where near 1 hp left.


The only reason i use Focus Sash is with my 2HKO. (F.E.A.R) And on fragile Pokemon that may die before I'm able to set up. Like for example Ninjask, so i can get at least one Sword Dance in before Baton Passing.

  wraith89 said:
Focus Sash won't help you if Stealth Rocks cut off your health and constant sandstorm on non Ground/Rock/Steel Pokemon :/

Focus Sash only works when your Pokemon is at full health... and seeing the omnipotence of Stealth Rocks and Sandstorms... those berries can be useful at times. Also, some Pokemon won't be knocked out immediately, so Focus Sash would be kind of a wasted item on it. Take Swampert for example. It is designed to take hits, so Focus Sash won't be of much help there. Now if you equip a Rindo Berry (a Grass reduction berry), Swampert will have taken the grass damage, surviving, and OHKOing, let's say, an Infernape who used that Grass Knot back with Earthquake. Now Swampert has plenty of health to spare (40%ish) and can still take physical hits. These items are dependent on which Pokemon you use. Focus Sash is for those frail Pokemon while those berries can help bulkier Pokemon survive one hit of its weakness (Metagross with Occa Berry is a common example).

Thanks alot for the useful information

So basically focus sash is used for pkm that can't really take a hit while the berries are better for bulky pokemon to take a hit

For example

Chople berry is a berry that halves Fighting type damage

This berry would be great for probopass for bastiodon but not very good for Weavile as its defenses aern't that great

Is that correct?

  Lugiamaster said:
As you all know, there are berries that halve damage from a super effective attack.

What gets me is their designed so a pokemon can survive a hit from a weak point but if thats the case, isn't focus sash a better choice?

Basically I wanna know what makes the berries that halve super effective damage so useful

In competitive battling Stealth Rock is ALWAYS up, breaking sash's, for the berrys only ones that are necessary for a Sweeper such as Garchomp, with Yache Berry.


The discussion is about berries, not Focus Sash and Stealth Rocks.

Anyways, I found berries to be much more helpful during the adventure since you can use them to heal mobile. They are also hold items, so that can be handy.

  Greencat said:
The discussion is about berries, not Focus Sash and Stealth Rocks.

Anyways, I found berries to be much more helpful during the adventure since you can use them to heal mobile. They are also hold items, so that can be handy.

  Lugiamaster said:
As you all know, there are berries that halve damage from a super effective attack.

What gets me is their designed so a pokemon can survive a hit from a weak point but if thats the case, isn't focus sash a better choice?

O rlly? He wants to know about the weakness weakening berries and why one should use that over Focus Sash.

  Lugiamaster said:
Thanks alot for the useful information

So basically focus sash is used for pkm that can't really take a hit while the berries are better for bulky pokemon to take a hit

For example

Chople berry is a berry that halves Fighting type damage

This berry would be great for probopass for bastiodon but not very good for Weavile as its defenses aern't that great

Is that correct?

Well, Bastiodon and Probopass, while having good defenses, do fall to Fighting and Ground moves. If you plan on using, let's say, Metal Burst, then as long as you can get Stealth Rocks off your area, you can use Focus Sash so that you can survive a fatal Fighting/Ground move and reflect back 1.5x damage. Otherwise, yeah, those berries help bulky Pokemon out.

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