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  Branden said:
Me and my friend have agreed to gen in pokes and battle each other using them and trade teams and battle again but i cant manage to trade over this ageislash why is that?


It's best to research Pokemon before genning them, so you wouldn't put illegal moves, like this one. Shadow Ball's not an egg move for Aegislash, and Automize is not a move it can learn at all. Met location can't be Route 117 or Vedanturf? Not sure if Day Care Helpers is acceptable. Relearn moves by the way are egg or event moves, that can be relearned through move reminder.


Even though Autotomise can be set as a relearn move, there's really no point as Aegislash has Autotomise as default. Shadow Ball is a TM move and TM moves do not pass as egg moves anymore. Just place its four egg moves that you see in Bulba if you feel like doing this.

Apparently you are supposed to generate all the necessary information first, then go generate the encryption constant and then finally generate the PID. Other than Shadow Ball being an egg move I don't see what else may be wrong at the moment.


The relearn moves you want are: Tackle, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak.

Relearn moves are not the moves that you have taught it that are relearnable, but rather its egg moves that it would need to actually see to relearn. Level 1 moves (of the base evolution) also happen to show up in this category though.

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