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PKHex.exe - .NET Framework Initialization error

To run this application, you must first install one of the .NET Framework: v4.30319 contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.

I keep getting this error when I try to open PHHex meone help me resolve my issue

  YungRK9 said:
Tried redownloading it, still the same issue. Keep getting a failed to initialize properly due to 0xc0000135 message
  Hex9876 said:
PKHex.exe - .NET Framework Initialization error

To run this application, you must first install one of the .NET Framework: v4.30319 contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.

I keep getting this error when I try to open PHHex meone help me resolve my issue

Have either of you tried running the program as Administrator?

  Apache Thunder said:
The 1.2 (or 1.1 patch. Not sure which) removed that event from what I heard. If you still don't get the event for the item to activate (I'm guessing GameFreak plans to distribute this via wondercard/Mystery Gift instead) then you can boot the game with a blank SD card (or just uninstall the game patches via Data Management).

Then boot the game without the game patches installed and put the Hoopa in your party and activate the event. Once you have the bottle, you can reinstall the game patches as I know myself that they do not remove the bottle after it's already in your item list. ;)

Are you sure it isn't an issue with the Hoopa not being flagged as a "Fateful Encounter?"

  Leanny said:
After testing around a bit I managed to inject about 640 Pokémon (batch injection ftw). I'm really looking forward to a randomizer :) Good job so far guys.

I think I just got /very/ close to figuring out how to do this, but I think the code.bin is set up to only allow one at a time. Still trying to figure it out.


Just made an account to thank you for this awesome thing!

Btw, does any of you guys know where I can get .pkx (or .ekx) files for unreleased event pokes or hard-to-get stuff like Cosplay Pikachu? I want to make competitive sets and could share with you all later ^^

  Hex9876 said:
PKHex.exe - .NET Framework Initialization error

To run this application, you must first install one of the .NET Framework: v4.30319 contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.

I keep getting this error when I try to open PHHex meone help me resolve my issue

I believe I just figured it out, at least on my end. I had to download the Net file from Microsoft and install it, Application is running fine now

  starwhal said:
I think I just got /very/ close to figuring out how to do this, but I think the code.bin is set up to only allow one at a time. Still trying to figure it out.

Nope. The direction I was going was completely wrong. No idea how to do this.


For those asking about batch injection: I put some ekx files together in one (open one in hexeditor and copy all bytes to another file) and my code.bin is doing the magic (I just modified 3 lines from SciresM code). Here is an example for you to try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4crafmojfr30n3z/ex.zip?dl=0 I took 10 files from the "smogon br pkmn files" thread and put them together. In the zip you have a "p.ekx" and a new "code.bin". With this you can inject 10 pokemons at once (I really don't know the limit. After testing I found out you can inject between 320 and 400 pkmn, but I don't know the exact number).

  YungRK9 said:
I believe I just figured it out, at least on my end. I had to download the Net file from Microsoft and install it, Application is running fine now
How do you get it can you link me the download

When I attempt to open injectiondebug.bin in PKHeX, it will display the following message:


If anyone could help me, that would be great. I'll upload my injectiondebug.bin just in case anybody wants it:


If you could find my SID, that would be even greater! :biggrin: Thanks.

Edit: One more thing. The SID I need is the one on the Swampert.

  SM979 said:
When I attempt to open injectiondebug.bin in PKHeX, it will display the following message:


If anyone could help me, that would be great. I'll upload my injectiondebug.bin just in case anybody wants it:


If you could find my SID, that would be even greater! :biggrin: Thanks.

Edit: One more thing. The SID I need is the one on the Swampert.

OT: Rhys

TID: 4162

SID: 47289

  Leanny said:
For those asking about batch injection: I put some ekx files together in one (open one in hexeditor and copy all bytes to another file) and my code.bin is doing the magic (I just modified 3 lines from SciresM code). Here is an example for you to try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4crafmojfr30n3z/ex.zip?dl=0 I took 10 files from the "smogon br pkmn files" thread and put them together. In the zip you have a "p.ekx" and a new "code.bin". With this you can inject 10 pokemons at once (I really don't know the limit. After testing I found out you can inject between 320 and 400 pkmn, but I don't know the exact number).

How do you change the the 10 pokemon? Sorry I know next to nothing about code.

  Leanny said:
For those asking about batch injection: I put some ekx files together in one (open one in hexeditor and copy all bytes to another file) and my code.bin is doing the magic (I just modified 3 lines from SciresM code). Here is an example for you to try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4crafmojfr30n3z/ex.zip?dl=0 I took 10 files from the "smogon br pkmn files" thread and put them together. In the zip you have a "p.ekx" and a new "code.bin". With this you can inject 10 pokemons at once (I really don't know the limit. After testing I found out you can inject between 320 and 400 pkmn, but I don't know the exact number).

Thank you! Test file worked (if anyone else tries, don't rename p.ekx to pokemon.ekx). I'll try making my own now.



Can someone please help me figure out how he got the right side of that all lit up? When I drag injectionbug into PkHex my entire right side is grayed out so I can't use any of those buttons.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do I edit already existing Pokemon in my game? I got the injection method to work, but I want to know how to edit 'Mons now.

I'd really appreciate any help, I've been trying to figure this out for a while.

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