TriggerHappy Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 __________________________________________________________ Current Version: v0.4.7.6 (Download) Last updated on 4/14/2019 Screenshot Album Information This is a ROM hack of Pokemon Heart Gold which aims to remake the classic game Pokémon Red. Dialogue is taken from the Gameboy Advance versions (Fire Red & Leaf Green) however there are no plans to include the Sevii Islands like there are in those games. I will be trying to make this similar to the original, but with the DS's features. This way the ROM can be used as a base for others to start their own hack. There will be a Soul Blue version released once this is close enough to completion and I also plan on making a Yellow version once Heart Red & Soul Blue have been finished. Features: Updated type chart (Fairy type) 493 Pokemon Pokemon follow you Classic GameBoy game in DS style graphics, with touchscreen Day & Night Cycle ORAS mini-icons Progress: Download The archive below contains the patch and the patching program (xdelta). This must be applied to a Pokemon Heart Gold (U) ROM (md5: A62E7ABBC7B6A352793EC8F75E6ACE55). (External links dead. here's our page instead) Recommended Emulators: DeSmuME, DraStic (Android/phone) Also works on Flash carts. FAQ What are you going to do about Mt Moon and Cinnabar Island since they look different in HG compared to Red/Blue? For now, I'm going to leave as is. When the hack progresses further I plan on using a map editor to make them look like the originals. Will you be expanding the pokedex? I hope so. Can we go to Johto? I will probably make a separate version once the ROM is complete which opens up the area (maybe with a story). I also want to look into the possibility of adding Sinnoh as a 3rd region. Known Issues / To Do Reveal hidden contents - Trainers have the wrong dialogue & ask for phone number. - Pre-menu cinematic still shows johto in some parts. - Prof. Oak's coat should be white on the intro. - Red's PC should not have a mail from Lyra, but have a potion. - Mom References Elm when blacking out to Pallet Town. - Pokeball tutorial should show the Old Man. - Can't search Fairy type in the Pokedex. - Mt. Moon & Fossil Event need overhaul. - When try to learn mega kick and cancel, he references mega punch. Credits Reveal hidden contents Chaos Rush for creating the starter selection and first rival battle brtatu for creating various sprites for the protagonist Tebited15 for Leaf's overworld. INNERMOBIUS for Leaf's backsprite. Romruto for the ROM icon. BT for the logo. Hiro_TDK for the intro graphics. Devs of PPRE and SDSME Nintendo
Khari Posted June 20, 2014 Posted June 20, 2014 Great Job. Always wished for this project to be completed. If you would like a hand at anything, I'm willing to help.
Oiawesome Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 (edited) This is simply amazing! I will be sure to keep my eye on this. If you need minor help like area encounters I am able to help and nitpick, other than that, you have great things ahead of you :grog: EDITL apparantly this hack isn't working on my R4 which is sad, but I hope you can fix it in the future :bidoof: Edited July 8, 2014 by Oiawesome
wnico33 Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 TriggerHappy said: Pokémon Heart Red Current Version: v0.3a Screenshot Album Information This is a ROM hack based off of Heart Gold which aims to remake the classic game Pokémon Fire Red. This project was started by Chaos Rush however he abandoned it around 2011. A couple years ago I found the project and decided to continue development. I released a previous version which people accused me of stealing because I used the original developers screenshots. Later, it got stolen and I was given no credit. However no progress was made to the stolen version and I've since done much more to game. You can progress until you reach Vermilion City. Please report bugs here and contact me if you'd like to help. Screenshots Chaneglog ---v0.3a - Intro graphics changed to Red. - Rivals mugshot corrected. ---v0.3 - Saffron City blocked until tea is given. - Route 5 blocked off until Cut. - TM45 on Route 25. - Added items to Viridian City & Forest. - Third rival battle added (bridge). - Cascade badge available after beating misty. - Can now pick rivals name. - Rival has correct battle sprite. - Brock gives TM39 instead of TM80 - Heart Gold logo removed. - Updated many NPCs to their correct sprites and dialog. - New NPCs added. - Daisy gives town map (johto for now). - Pokemon league blocked off. - Fixed glitches that would occur after losing a rival battle. - Fixed crash where the second rival battle would crash if Bulbasaur was your starter. ---v0.2 - Mom now heals your Pokemon. - Parcel must now be delivered to Oak. - NPCs and trainers added to Viridian Forest. - Running shoes available. - Added NPC on Route 1 that gives a Potion. - When entering Mt. Moon it no longer says Union Cave. - Second rival battle added (Route 22) - Explanation battle implemented. - All trainers on the cerulean city bridge (R24) to Mr. Pokemons house (R25) have been added, with the correct pokemon. - Trainers all now have the correct Pokemon. - Fixed much of the dialog. - Fixed bug where oak wouldn't take you to get your first pokemon. ---v0.1 - Initial version by Chaos Rush Download The archive below contains the patch and the patching program (xdelta). This must be applied to a Heart Gold rom. (link dead) If any proof of development is needed I can give it. Expand how is this coming ive been wanting a hack like this
Oiawesome Posted July 16, 2014 Posted July 16, 2014 Um, none of the stores have pokeballs yet so you're limited to expensive ass dusk balls and the first 5 pokeballs you get iirc
Roromiya Posted March 14, 2015 Posted March 14, 2015 I can't get a starter Animations are working and everything but "So, you want to go with the ****** pokemon?" and whatever i press won't do ;/ I am trying different methods like changing characters, using different settings and names for characters to see if it works but no. Also right after you finish the little "chat" with prof. Oak at the beggining and go to your house you move one step and a menu for chosing your rivals name pops out right? Right after that my room changes (or the house i don't know). I am not sure if that should be happening:
tuongnv3 Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 This game does not play bad one at all? or rather the date when the main character role in the game.
Serrous Posted July 8, 2015 Posted July 8, 2015 might I suggest that you decapitalize all the pokemon names. it gets a bit annoying. just a pet peeve, but I though it might help improve the overall quality. also the starting screen with prof. oak has a bit of a problem with the sprites where they seem faded and don't have any edges. im excited for this hack and ill keep playing v0.3a for bugs.
Serrous Posted July 8, 2015 Posted July 8, 2015 Also Im going to add that you and mikelan98 SEEM to be the only ones doing map hacks, such as when you changed the spawn. mikelan98 is a bit different in that he's remaking a gba hack for nds that's based off of heartgold. idk but im excited and cant wait to see what you do.
TriggerHappy Posted July 23, 2015 Author Posted July 23, 2015 New update! ---v0.3b - Prof. Oak now gives National Dex. - You now spawn directly in your room in Pallet Town. No more warping from New Bark Town. - You now respawn in your Pallet Town house upon losing a battle before reaching the first Pokemon Center. - Mom recognizes gender. - NPC in Viridian no longer gives Mystic Water and has correct dialogue. - Trainer Tower removed. - Pokeballs now available from Marts. - PokeGear given at start. (Link dead)
TriggerHappy Posted July 27, 2015 Author Posted July 27, 2015 Small update. ---v0.3c - Many sprites implemented for the main protagonist, including back sprite. - Minor dialogue fixes. Reveal hidden contents I could use someone with some sprite editing experience. For the trainer card, gender select, ect..
TriggerHappy Posted July 29, 2015 Author Posted July 29, 2015 New Update! ---v0.4 - Can now see Kanto in Town Map. - Misty's Gym is complete. - Many NPC, sprite, and dialogue fixes. - Pokemon follows you correctly in the scene on Route 2. - Updated some Wild Encounters. - Added NPC to Route 3. - Removed extra trainer from Pewter City's Gym. - Removed hidden items from Viridian Forest. - Removed double battle trainers on Route 3. - Removed Big Root from Route 3. (link dead) Anyone care to test this version on a Flash Cart?
penanc3 Posted July 30, 2015 Posted July 30, 2015 TriggerHappy said: New Update! ---v0.4 - Can now see Kanto in Town Map. - Misty's Gym is complete. - Many NPC, sprite, and dialogue fixes. - Pokemon follows you correctly in the scene on Route 2. - Updated some Wild Encounters. - Added NPC to Route 3. - Removed extra trainer from Pewter City's Gym. - Removed hidden items from Viridian Forest. - Removed double battle trainers on Route 3. - Removed Big Root from Route 3. (link dead) Anyone care to test this version on a Flash Cart? Expand Doesn't work on my r4 flash cart. It says "loading" that's it...
TriggerHappy Posted August 1, 2015 Author Posted August 1, 2015 ---v0.4.1 - Day Care added on Route 5 (allows two pokemon). - Event with Bill & the Teleporter scripted (WIP). - Team Rocket event above bridge (R25) scripted. - All Gym Statues now display your name when you beat them. - Corrected Misty's Gym trainers location and pokemon. - Trade with NPC in Cerulean implemented (Poliwhirl > Jynx). - TM43 Added to Route 25. - Hidden Rare Candy added to Cerulean City. - More NPC and dialogue updates/fixes. - Bike Shop dialogue implemented in Cerulean. - Fixed a bug where your Rival wouldn't battle you in Cerulean if Bulbasaur was your starter. - Fixed a bug that wouldn't send you to pokemon center if you lost the rival battle in cerulean. (original link dead. here's our reuploads:émon-heart-red/)
HorusX Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I like the work done so for great job creating that already!
Blob55 Posted October 2, 2015 Posted October 2, 2015 Will this come with Johto or/and the Sevii islands?
Soulariax Posted October 19, 2015 Posted October 19, 2015 TriggerHappy said: I could use someone with some sprite editing experience.For the trainer card, gender select, ect.. I spent 4 years of nearly nonstop sprite editing just for fun, started with GBA and then got really good at DS sprites. Haven't even touched Microsoft Paint in a few years but if you're still looking for a sprite editor, I'd love to get back into it. I've been wanting a completed project like this ever since Diamon/Pearl came out.
TriggerHappy Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 Update. ---v0.4.2 - ROM now runs on flash carts. - Snorlax removed in Vermillion. - Music in Pallet Town house corrected. - Can now trigger Oak Parcel script from all directions. - Script, sprite, and dialogue fixes. - Fixed map when entering a house in pewter city.
TriggerHappy Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 Update. ---v0.4.3 - Route 11 now has the correct trainers. - Added Guard NPC to Route 11. - Snorlax now blocking Route 12. - Blocked Saffron City from Vermillion entrance. - Script and dialogue fixes.
TriggerHappy Posted January 20, 2016 Author Posted January 20, 2016 Update. You can now get the third badge. ---v0.4.4 - Third badge now available from Vermillion Gym. - Rival Battle on S.S Anne. - Receive HM01 from Captain on S.S Anne. - Added trainers with correct Pokemon on S.S Anne. - Trade Abra for a Jynx on Route 2. - Trade Nidoran(M) for a Nidoran(F) on Route 5. - Added many NPCs with their dialogue. - Removed item on Route 2. - Blocked various entrances on Route 2. - Removed the second shop keeper from marts. - Script and dialogue fixes.
Tommi Posted January 26, 2016 Posted January 26, 2016 Thanks for this amazing hack, I've been hoping for something like this for years! I do hope you get to finish it, you seem really committed to the project!
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