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Reading a 3rd Gen Pokemon PID


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Well, as the title says I would really like to understand how do you read a 3rd Gen PID, what I mean by read is what means each part of a PID on that generation, which part determines the gender, ability, nature, shininess, etc, and everything that can be seen of a pokemon by its PID. Since this is my first post I'm not really sure this is the proper section of the forums to post at, if not please tell me so I can move this to the respective one. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this, its been a long time that I've been looking forward to finding some info about this.

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Kaphotics posted ways to read various values in C based programming languages.

% gets the remainder of the PID after dividing by the next number.

<< and >> are bit shifts (look it up, I'm posting on a phone and can't really explain).

If you want to do it the way shown in the article, that's ok, you'll just have to think through it a little.

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