ratNcage Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Hello all, I am in the process of adding all of the above, please add me: Raja F/C: 5343-8721-6996 I have no idea what my type or pokemon are, please let me know. Thank you, Raja
Junk_X Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 ratNcage said: Hello all,I am in the process of adding all of the above, please add me: Raja F/C: 5343-8721-6996 I have no idea what my type or pokemon are, please let me know. Thank you, Raja OK just did your safari You have Krabby, Poliwhirl, and Wartortle
Chekz0414 Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Hi there!! I am looking for ALL types of Safari's and my friend code is this 4613-6622-8511 PLEASE ADD ME I WILL ADD EVERYONE! I am unsure of my type BUT please let me know if you add me so I can add you too! I am especially looking for Fairy, Psychic, Normal,Water,Fire and Dragon safaris... Please? THANK YOU
WiteMic Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Added everybody new on my 1st FC. Gotta do the second when I get home from work. And Thanks HenryKnowles.
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Friend Code : 0061-0993-3607 ~ , Looking to add all kinds of safaris. Idk whats my safari
Sunnyshine Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 My friend code is 2251-5224-6386 I don't know what kinda safari I have yet but I'm hoping too add a lot of people since I just got my 3ds last week.
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Sunnyshine said: My friend code is 2251-5224-6386 I don't know what kinda safari I have yet but I'm hoping too add a lot of people since I just got my 3ds last week. Add me ! I'll add you Mine's 0061-0993-3607
DoubleKiller Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Hey add me.. my friend code is 2079-7339-6722 I have added you Sunnyshine.
wraith89 Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Okay, so I have added everybody so far. I will put this up again so we know what we all have so far (if there are any mistakes, additions, etc, please let me know). When I get this all organised, it will look more beautiful and be placed in first post, I promise. Mine is 4613-7526-1652 I am Steel type and I have Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki. Reveal hidden contents Added buddies so far: Kaarosu 0619-3719-6949 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Ditto Hans 0104-0225-4763 Pokemon: Wooper, Dugtrio, Gastrodon RoC 3394-4397-6287 (says Friends List is full) Pokemon: Meditite, Pancham, Hariyama Tom 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat Mewtwo Ex 5472-7394-5088 Pokemon: Seviper, Venomoth, Muk Wraith 4613-7526-1652 Pokemon: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki Caruma 0834-1774-5277 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Minccino, Eevee andrerdxd 1950-8499-2940 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak araluen7 2707-2095-9905 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Kecleon, Ditto Midna 0061 -0367 -0197 Pokemon: Combee, Volbeat, Heracross Mikhail 0430-9646-9440 Pokemon: Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir Mudkip 4441-8737-1970 Pokemon: Shuppet, Phantump, Golett PortalDark 2793-0632-0669 Pokemon: Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien Ripley 0946-2348-1714 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Drapion Aaerin 1461-6702-5458 Pokemon: Munna, Espurr, Gothita Z 2680-9435-4484 Pokemon: Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Lucho 1779-0064-3492 Pokemon: Grumpig, Espurr, Gothita kevin 2981-5998-2753 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Smeargle WiteMic 5386-8181-4568 3926-5650-8477 Pokemon: Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl Pokemon: Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb Evo25 2251-4701-6890 Pokemon: Mawile, Klang, Excadrill Killer 2750-2520-0439 Pokemon: Wooper, Camerupt, Palpitoad kha0s 1693-1753-8444 Pokemon: Meditite, Sawk, Riolu LEGOanimal22 1203-9614-6146 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon Artlan 1435 4751 5271 Pokemon: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Florette James (PKMN_trainer) 3093-8378-4372 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, ??? James (Aeternus) 0430-9367-3976 Pokemon: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Florette jak2027 2895-7479-1766 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder MisterT 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder Gene 3497-0700-8927 Pokemon: Bibarel, Gyarados, Frogadier Charly 2251-5319-1112 Pokemon: Octillery ,Wartortle, Frogadier Henry 3196-3772-0028 Pokemon: Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier Alexandre 3308-4652-7881 Pokemon: Swadloon, Pansage, ??? Tyler 2251-4916-9588 Pokemon: Delibird, Sneasel, ??? Raja 5343-8721-6996 Pokemon: Krabby, Poliwhirl, Wartortle Sinfulken 0061-0993-3607 Pokemon: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ??? Doublekiller 2079-7339-6722 Pokemon: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, ??? Unknown or unadded (to me at least): Zeheart 1864-9639-1699 Chazybaz13 2852-7320-6332 Kim 3952-7173-3265 Mtbelley 2277-7138-4976 Akiratron 2638-0577-9486 fallenlord 0516-7292-2855 Bobby 4141-2645-8121 jaws 4210-3993-8141 Sunnyshine 2251-5224-6386
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Kaarosu said: Seems like a good idea seeing as how most are getting their games tomorrow this is my info:Kaarosu 0619-3719-6949 Added you please add me back mine's 0071 0993 3607
wraith89 Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Sorry I was in the process of editing that post. I should actually read through my posts before I post them... I get in the habit of doing this a lot. Mine is 4613-7526-1652 I am Steel type and I have Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki.
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 wraith89 said: Sorry I was in the process of editing that post. I should actually read through my posts before I post them... I get in the habit of doing this a lot.Mine is 4613-7526-1652 I am Steel type and I have Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki. I've added you back , Nice guides in your signature
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Sheepskin said: Will be adding you all when I get home!2707-2095-9905 Mii name I believe is araluen7 My Friend Safari is Normal type with Teddiursa, Kecleon, and Ditto I've added you please add me back !
wraith89 Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Try not to doublepost here that frequently: there is the Edit Button. Doublekiller: you have a Lampent and a Pumpkaboo so far: we will both have to be online to see the third (have you beat the league yet?) Sinfulken: I will get to yours in a moment. EDIT: Sinfulken, you have a Shuppet and a Pumpkaboo so far. I wonder if I get online I'd discover your third (we need to be on simultaneously.)
Sinfulken Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 wraith89 said: Try not to doublepost here that frequently: there is the Edit Button.Doublekiller: you have a Lampent and a Pumpkaboo so far: we will both have to be online to see the third (have you beat the league yet?) Sinfulken: I will get to yours in a moment. EDIT: Sinfulken, you have a Shuppet and a Pumpkaboo so far. I wonder if I get online I'd discover your third (we need to be on simultaneously.) Sorry kinda new to the forum system . I'll be on in around 15 minutes.
DoubleKiller Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 wraith89 said: Try not to doublepost here that frequently: there is the Edit Button.Doublekiller: you have a Lampent and a Pumpkaboo so far: we will both have to be online to see the third (have you beat the league yet?) Sinfulken: I will get to yours in a moment. EDIT: Sinfulken, you have a Shuppet and a Pumpkaboo so far. I wonder if I get online I'd discover your third (we need to be on simultaneously.) Nope I haven't beat league yet (sadly)
Aeternus Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 For the sudden influx of people: None of you have added me (or I'm guessing a majority of the folks here) yet. If you're a newcomer, please take the time to find the FCs of the other people on this forum, as most of us are keeping up with you all as you show up, and it's a little unfair if you only pay attention to those who post after you. If we were to just get a forum with people posting their FCs every page, this would get cluttered really fast. With that in mind, my FC is in my sig below, but please do your own work and find the other members' FCs. Thanks!
wraith89 Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Once again, I am going to post the list of all the ones in this thread so far. Mine is 4613-7526-1652 I am Steel type and I have Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki. Reveal hidden contents Added buddies so far: Kaarosu 0619-3719-6949 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Ditto Hans 0104-0225-4763 Pokemon: Wooper, Dugtrio, Gastrodon RoC 3394-4397-6287 (says Friends List is full) Pokemon: Meditite, Pancham, Hariyama Tom 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat Mewtwo Ex 5472-7394-5088 Pokemon: Seviper, Venomoth, Muk Wraith 4613-7526-1652 Pokemon: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki Caruma 0834-1774-5277 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Minccino, Eevee andrerdxd 1950-8499-2940 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak araluen7 2707-2095-9905 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Kecleon, Ditto Midna 0061 -0367 -0197 Pokemon: Combee, Volbeat, Heracross Mikhail 0430-9646-9440 Pokemon: Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir Mudkip 4441-8737-1970 Pokemon: Shuppet, Phantump, Golett PortalDark 2793-0632-0669 Pokemon: Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien Ripley 0946-2348-1714 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Drapion Aaerin 1461-6702-5458 Pokemon: Munna, Espurr, Gothita Z 2680-9435-4484 Pokemon: Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Lucho 1779-0064-3492 Pokemon: Grumpig, Espurr, Gothita kevin 2981-5998-2753 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Smeargle WiteMic 5386-8181-4568 3926-5650-8477 Pokemon: Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl Pokemon: Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb Evo25 2251-4701-6890 Pokemon: Mawile, Klang, Excadrill Killer 2750-2520-0439 Pokemon: Wooper, Camerupt, Palpitoad kha0s 1693-1753-8444 Pokemon: Meditite, Sawk, Riolu LEGOanimal22 1203-9614-6146 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon Artlan 1435 4751 5271 Pokemon: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Florette James (PKMN_trainer) 3093-8378-4372 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, ??? James (Aeternus) 0430-9367-3976 Pokemon: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Florette jak2027 2895-7479-1766 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder MisterT 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder Gene 3497-0700-8927 Pokemon: Bibarel, Gyarados, Frogadier Charly 2251-5319-1112 Pokemon: Octillery ,Wartortle, Frogadier Henry 3196-3772-0028 Pokemon: Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier Alexandre 3308-4652-7881 Pokemon: Swadloon, Pansage, ??? Tyler 2251-4916-9588 Pokemon: Delibird, Sneasel, ??? Raja 5343-8721-6996 Pokemon: Krabby, Poliwhirl, Wartortle Sinfulken 0061-0993-3607 Pokemon: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ??? Doublekiller 2079-7339-6722 Pokemon: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, ??? Unknown or unadded (to me at least): Zeheart 1864-9639-1699 Chazybaz13 2852-7320-6332 Kim 3952-7173-3265 Mtbelley 2277-7138-4976 Akiratron 2638-0577-9486 fallenlord 0516-7292-2855 Bobby 4141-2645-8121 jaws 4210-3993-8141 Sunnyshine 2251-5224-6386 Bor 5112-3746-7103
WiteMic Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 I agree with Aeternus. I followed everybody that has posted there FC on here on both of my Friend Codes. I'll repost my codes here. Water Safari w/ Panpour, Quagsire & Poliwhirl: 5386-8181-4568 Ghost Safari w/ Spirit Tomb (who cares about the other two. LOL) 3926-5650-8477. I would post a list of who I've friended and who hasn't friended me but, that takes way too much effort that I don't have.
pao13 Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 hi guys i have added almost everyone above.PLZ add me too My FC:1118-0494-4911 Trainer name:Mitsos
PortalDark Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 Aeternus said: For the sudden influx of people: None of you have added me (or I'm guessing a majority of the folks here) yet. If you're a newcomer, please take the time to find the FCs of the other people on this forum, as most of us are keeping up with you all as you show up, and it's a little unfair if you only pay attention to those who post after you. If we were to just get a forum with people posting their FCs every page, this would get cluttered really fast.With that in mind, my FC is in my sig below, but please do your own work and find the other members' FCs. Thanks! wraith89 said: Once again, I am going to post the list of all the ones in this thread so far.Mine is 4613-7526-1652 I am Steel type and I have Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki. Reveal hidden contents Added buddies so far: Kaarosu 0619-3719-6949 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Ditto Hans 0104-0225-4763 Pokemon: Wooper, Dugtrio, Gastrodon RoC 3394-4397-6287 (says Friends List is full) Pokemon: Meditite, Pancham, Hariyama Tom 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat Mewtwo Ex 5472-7394-5088 Pokemon: Seviper, Venomoth, Muk Wraith 4613-7526-1652 Pokemon: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki Caruma 0834-1774-5277 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Minccino, Eevee andrerdxd 1950-8499-2940 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Toxicroak araluen7 2707-2095-9905 Pokemon: Teddiursa, Kecleon, Ditto Midna 0061 -0367 -0197 Pokemon: Combee, Volbeat, Heracross Mikhail 0430-9646-9440 Pokemon: Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir Mudkip 4441-8737-1970 Pokemon: Shuppet, Phantump, Golett PortalDark 2793-0632-0669 Pokemon: Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien Ripley 0946-2348-1714 Pokemon: Gloom, Ariados, Drapion Aaerin 1461-6702-5458 Pokemon: Munna, Espurr, Gothita Z 2680-9435-4484 Pokemon: Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Lucho 1779-0064-3492 Pokemon: Grumpig, Espurr, Gothita kevin 2981-5998-2753 Pokemon: Aipom, Audino, Smeargle WiteMic 5386-8181-4568 3926-5650-8477 Pokemon: Panpour, Quagsire, Poliwhirl Pokemon: Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb Evo25 2251-4701-6890 Pokemon: Mawile, Klang, Excadrill Killer 2750-2520-0439 Pokemon: Wooper, Camerupt, Palpitoad kha0s 1693-1753-8444 Pokemon: Meditite, Sawk, Riolu LEGOanimal22 1203-9614-6146 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon Artlan 1435 4751 5271 Pokemon: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Florette James (PKMN_trainer) 3093-8378-4372 Pokemon: Sandshrew, Nincada, ??? James (Aeternus) 0430-9367-3976 Pokemon: Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Florette jak2027 2895-7479-1766 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder MisterT 3539-8855-6457 Pokemon: Spearow, Woobat, Fletchinder Gene 3497-0700-8927 Pokemon: Bibarel, Gyarados, Frogadier Charly 2251-5319-1112 Pokemon: Octillery ,Wartortle, Frogadier Henry 3196-3772-0028 Pokemon: Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier Alexandre 3308-4652-7881 Pokemon: Swadloon, Pansage, ??? Tyler 2251-4916-9588 Pokemon: Delibird, Sneasel, ??? Raja 5343-8721-6996 Pokemon: Krabby, Poliwhirl, Wartortle Sinfulken 0061-0993-3607 Pokemon: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ??? Doublekiller 2079-7339-6722 Pokemon: Lampent, Pumpkaboo, ??? Unknown or unadded (to me at least): Zeheart 1864-9639-1699 Chazybaz13 2852-7320-6332 Kim 3952-7173-3265 Mtbelley 2277-7138-4976 Akiratron 2638-0577-9486 fallenlord 0516-7292-2855 Bobby 4141-2645-8121 jaws 4210-3993-8141 Sunnyshine 2251-5224-6386 Bor 5112-3746-7103 pao13 said: hi guys i have added almost everyone above.PLZ add me tooMy FC:1118-0494-4911 Trainer name:Mitsos Megnes said: ID: NezzyFriend Code: 2723 - 9781 - 5066 Sunnyshine said: My friend code is 2251-5224-6386 I don't know what kinda safari I have yet but I'm hoping too add a lot of people since I just got my 3ds last week. Sinfulken said: Add me ! I'll add you Mine's 0061-0993-3607 DoubleKiller said: Hey add me..my friend code is 2079-7339-6722 I have added you Sunnyshine. Bor said: Bor5112-3746-7103 League : ok added all my FC is at the siggy
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