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Desmume poke soulsilver editing help


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I previously posted this q on the 'saves' forum. Removed it cause i thought it fitted better here.

I the following q. Im currently using Desmume 0.9.7 (wifi enabled) and i just started using pokesave 0.40c. Pokesav can load my char and pokemon perfectlly. Problems arise when i try to save the 'edited' file. Even if i don't do anything except load it into pokesav and save it again, my emulator doesnt seem to recognise the save file anymore. The result the ROM starts the game as though there was no save.

Im probably doing something nab so if you would have the patience to help me, i would be very gratefull :).

P.S. The problem also exist when i 'properly' import export via desmume (not using *.* to open the file in pokesav but export .sav and import the .sav created by pokesav to get a .dsv)

P.P.S. I've included the files to illustrate the problem. Please fint hem in the attached rar.



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