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Yesterday, i have the idea of make a fix for my loved pokesav. And, gathering data by the web, i terminate here. PokeGen surprise me offering "Item's Bag Edition", a feature i not wanted encounter in other that pokesav, how pokegen is advertising as a simple pokemon's editor. However, besides "Pokemon Edition" and " Item's Bag Edition ", i uses extensively a third feature of pokesav: the "Map Coordinates Changer". I would astonish that this feature could be implemented in pokeGen. By this means, it might say that PokeGen is the full sustitute of PokeSav.

In the present time, I have the following data's:

Comparing the only changes by

setting the map coordinates in pokesav to

Map: 65535 (0xFFFE)

X: 56797 (0xDDDC)

Y: 52428 (0xCCCB)

Z: 48059 (0xBBBA)

I obtaining the next data:

In Diamond/Pearl:

00001238: FE -> Map Number Byte 1

00001239: FF -> Map Number Byte 2

000025FA: DC -> X Coordinate Byte 1

000025FB: DD -> X Coordinate Byte 2

000025FE: CB -> Y Coordinate Byte 1

000025FF: CC -> Y Coordinate Byte 2

00002602: BA -> Z Coordinate Byte 1

00002603: BB -> Z Coordinate Byte 2

0000C0FE: 01 -> Check Code Byte 1 ?

0000C0FF: 4D -> Check Code Byte 2 ?

In Platinum:

00001280: FE -> Map Number Byte 1

00001281: FF -> Map Number Byte 2

0000287E: DC -> X Coordinate Byte 1

0000287F: DD -> X Coordinate Byte 2

00002882: CB -> Y Coordinate Byte 1

00002883: CC -> Y Coordinate Byte 2

00002886: BA -> Z Coordinate Byte 1

00002887: BB -> Z Coordinate Byte 2

0000CF2A: B7 -> Check Code Byte 1 ?

0000CF2B: AE -> Check Code Byte 2 ?

In HeartGold/SoulSilver:

00001234: FE -> Map Number Byte 1

00001235: FF -> Map Number Byte 2

0000123C: DC -> X Coordinate Byte 1

0000123D: DD -> X Coordinate Byte 2

00001240: CB -> Y Coordinate Byte 1

00001241: CC -> Y Coordinate Byte 2

0000236E: DC -> X Coordinate Byte 1 (Copy?)

0000236F: DD -> X Coordinate Byte 2 (Copy?)

00002372: CB -> Y Coordinate Byte 1 (Copy?)

00002373: CC -> Y Coordinate Byte 2 (Copy?)

00002376: BA -> Z Coordinate Byte 1

00002377: BB -> Z Coordinate Byte 2

0000F626: 78 -> Check Code Byte 1 ?

0000F627: 21 -> Check Code Byte 2 ?

In Black/White & Black2/White2:

00019580: FE -> Map Number Byte 1

00019581: FF -> Map Number Byte 2

00019586: DC -> X Coordinate Byte 1

00019587: DD -> X Coordinate Byte 2

0001958A: BA -> Z Coordinate Byte 1

0001958B: BB -> Z Coordinate Byte 2

0001958E: CB -> Y Coordinate Byte 1

0001958F: CC -> Y Coordinate Byte 2

0001959E: E1 -> Check Code 1 Byte 1 ?

0001959F: 8B -> Check Code 1 Byte 2 ?

00023F38: 4A -> Check Code 2 Byte 1 ?

00023F39: 29 -> Check Code 2 Byte 2 ?

00023F9A: 34 -> Check Code 3 Byte 1 ?

00023F9B: 50 -> Check Code 3 Byte 2 ?

What range covers the supossed check codes? I not known. But, with good luck, i think that PokeGen already can be re-calculating those bytes.

In advance, thank you for the attention.

PS: Congratulations, the actual PokeGen is a very good job. Thank you very much.:grog:

PS2: Sorry my Tarzan-english, my mother language is spanish.

  • 3 weeks later...

I second that, it would be great. Even better if it had some pre-coded locations (Cities, caves, important places, etc.). I actually made an A4 map of Sinnoh with xyz coordinates all over it to warp if I needed to.


Yep, in DPPt thanks to "Explorer Kit" the process is made more easy, on having allowed to go down to the underground (and return) in case the map prevents from moving with freedom.

Also, I like explorer (yes, I lazy) the entire map (every corner) using this trick, as soon as I have spent the league pokemon.


might as well clarify the BW checksums (and bw2 for that matter) since they aren't the same between 1&2. Pokesav doesn't edit the checksums properly for B2W2 since there isn't a version for it... :)

BW Trainer:

0x19400-0x19467 @ 0x1946A & 0x23F36.

0x23F00-0x23F8B @ 0x23F9A.

BW Position:

0x19500-0x1959B @ 0x1959E & 0x23F38

0x23F00-0x23F8B @ 0x23F9A.

B2W2 Trainer:

0x19400-0x194AF @ 0x194B2 & 0x25F36.

0x25F00-0x25F93 @ 0x25FA2.

B2W2 Position:

0x19500-0x195A7 @ 0x195AA & 0x25F38.

0x25F00-0x25F93 @ 0x25FA2.

edit: here's some (m,x,y,z) coordinates for certain locations in B2W2 (presumably the same for BW). Retrieved from the zonedata, and places that aren't normally flyable to might place you in a weird spot.. Note, Z is the updown axis, X is leftright, y is in-out as illustrated here.

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  Kaphotics said:
might as well clarify the BW checksums (and bw2 for that matter) since they aren't the same between 1&2. Pokesav doesn't edit the checksums properly for B2W2 since there isn't a version for it... :)

This. I could only get Pokésav to successfully edit the the trainer info the first time through each BW2 save file, but that's probably just me.

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