Aarux Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Cool. Here's the code... for Plat. L + R, Box 1, SLot 2. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E000CFCC 00000088 19D97C13 9E570000 6A34BF94 18049783 F4E423A8 FBF85821 AE6CB8AE 6BE92ABE 11F77E81 24A388F9 65B9DAC2 2CBACE65 627E12F9 36A902F0 C094B282 DC2F8983 9CA38369 DA7A385E 43E78FF4 947B4552 EF277AF5 87F2366B 386BE965 01203F28 32B58147 D021FBB0 15A0063F 646EAFB8 B3076A10 4F5C4BD8 302C00B8 D4C951D8 F3850F6C 1577F43B D2000000 00000000 I checked it this time two or three times, so it should work.
hyrulistic Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 If I could even just get the Vaporeon, that would be fantastic, though all three would be great =). FC: 3780 8195 4708 Time Zone: Mountain Standard (GMT -700) Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Charmander Held Item: Macho Brace Level: 1 Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 00017 Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Pokérus Status: Infected Attacks: Rock Slide Flare Blitz Wing Attack Dragon Pulse Location/Date Met: Faraway Place, April 5, 2009 IV Stats: max Pokeball captured in: Luxury Ball Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Vaporeon Held Item: Lucky Egg Level: 1 Gender: Female Ability: Immunity Nickname (If wanted): Vaporizer Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Hyrulic Trainer ID (If specific): 62416 Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Relaxed Attacks: Giga Drain Water Spout Ice Punch Crunch PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: standard EV Stats: 128 Att/128 Def/ 252 Sp Att IV Stats: max Location/Date Met: Daycare Couple, Egg received, Sep 7, 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town, Sep 7, 2009 Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Beldum Held Item: Bright Powder Level: 1 Ability: Levitate Nickname (If wanted): Metagrabber Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 00017 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Jolly Attacks: Spore False Swipe Mean Look Recover PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Dusk Ball Battle Stats: max EV Stats: 252 Speed/252 Att/6 HP IV Stats: max Happiness: Max
Aarux Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 (edited) I'd make Vaporeon for you, but I can't make eggs... I've tried, and it's NOT pretty. EDIT: Also, I'm planning on getting an R4i this weekend, so hopefully all will go well and I'll have one soon. Thus meaning I'll be able to do wifi requests. I can't promise that I'll get it, though, but I'm pretty sure I will. Edited October 14, 2009 by Aarux
hyrulistic Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Oh, my bad...I didn't mean I wanted it in an egg, I thought it meant Egg as in Was it hatched from an egg, kind of thing. No, I just want the Pokemon =).
Aarux Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Oh, got it. I guess I can try getting that. I'll probably get it by tomorrow. Also, great news, everyone that needs trades. I am getting an R4i, I've just ordered it. It should be in within the next week or so. As soon as I get it, I'll figure out how to use AR codes on it to trade Pokemon.
SwitzaHouse Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Request for one PKMN Please use PID/IV generator Pokemon: Heracross Nickname: Hercules Gender: Male Trainer ID: 33073 Secret ID: 53823 OT: Switzer Level: 10 Ability: Guts Held item: Flame Orb Move set: Facade, Horn Attack, Leer and Pursuit PP usage for move set: Normal Nature: Jolly Egg: No/Received from Daycare Couple, May 6, 2007 Pokerus: No Ball caught in: Pokeball Battle stats: Set to Max EV stats: HP – 6/Attack – 252/Speed – 252 IV stats: HP – 30/Attack – 31/Def – 30/Sp. Attack – 15/Sp. Def – 29/Speed – 31 Ribbons: None Contest stats: None Location met: Egg Hatched in Floaroma Town, May 6, 2007 Game: Pokemon Diamond Thanks in advance Edited October 27, 2009 by SwitzaHouse
dragoon034 Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 is ray still around??jus wondering if he'd still be around when HGSS releases in english version.cos then i would be requesting again.hahas =))
Aarux Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 @ SwitzaHouse: I'll get started on that now. EDIT: Here you go, L + R, Diamond, and the Pokemon will go in Box 1, Slot 1. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000C370 00000088 E28848F4 88440000 FFA6D281 0CD4C126 3810D79B 7F54000A 78EEEE98 29F8DCDB 0DC3B67A 0BCC2110 CAF4FD6D 0E5A05DE 75C329D3 81A091BD 5FD6D846 F6CBD27A A090B601 904B13E6 F3041FDA 397C2047 148DEA89 239F718C 0C91F76E 44BF8A8C 36A167A3 43AFED7D A9BDBB91 C7C66125 F5EF4A7D 6F635091 0DE9E598 16E81633 7CBDE5B3 4A69C96A D2000000 00000000 @ dragoon034: He got a broken arm some time ago, and he never really came back. I have NO clue where he is, but I'm guessing he won't be around. I should have my R4i by then, though, so I'll probably be able to help there...
ProjectDestiny Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Would it be possible for me to request the following three Pokemon, and if so in the same AR code? Thank you for your time, ProjectDestiny Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Riolu (Female) Ability: Inner Focus The Other stats do not matter to me as long as the Pokemon is legal. Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party slot 2 - Diamond Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Eevee (Female) Ability: Adaptability The Other stats do not matter to me as long as the Pokemon is legal. Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party slot 3 - Diamond Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Ditto Nature: One suitable for battle The Other stats do not matter to me as long as the Pokemon is legal. Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party slot 4 - Diamond
Aarux Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Sure, I can make those. So it doesn't matter what OT/ID/etc. these have as long as they're legal? EDIT: Here's the code... L + R, Diamond, and they'll go in Party Slots 2-4. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E00003F0 000000EC 981A7E05 D7EE0000 6D0BB37B F1386182 E788EE21 FE85C411 07FFD358 E005D9CC 7FC25BF7 635C2772 7621EF06 CD1B9B58 8A96A462 64B22690 11A85D69 FC7CD6D8 8DC81EDA 3539AB2C 025DE5B0 8F772620 507E63A9 7CA4119C BFFC6A01 DC6FE5F8 F2CDE4BE 082EF2CA 3F009CD1 58B25659 EC1C42EF 6D146C32 9B428E0C 22F87FF4 09C25DBB C718DEB8 C555928B 0A145A29 40B01829 EC5D5D2E 832C9ED0 E2775E66 8F4E09B3 D3A3CC3E EA4A668D 8F09C8B2 3D4CAFBF 7F327216 B8148CBC 20B9F413 08C8B4A6 3041A4EE FD04D738 C3A9B310 20362FE5 C27E26C1 EB292741 71B03C37 58DEA6A0 068959CF F4A201FC 00000000 E00004DC 000000EC 5D85380B 828F0000 34BC71B5 73D8F281 1F8E1408 301A76B7 CBC41A74 9DD66A2D 3ACADF09 47EED402 5C10C177 548FC27A E97DEB14 DF26D87E 339E4811 62816661 1AFBF78C 425092B4 2247B886 DA6619A6 A06C8FCA F0D8934E D7CC20D9 0F8B638E 7D82893F 6BCCE68F C77F7469 28C47785 4DDF77BF 564DC798 6E56321B AF50DB18 C496B5E3 DA12E1F4 35CF8C4E 08982429 59DFA6AF C858F7D2 4C3FE9FD 6DF82672 71BC0DED AAEB5940 80C26DC2 F775FFC1 1C104D5C 4E7F066E 64AD6A74 D2AA5393 B71D5E25 B0A52E7A 07D092AE D2C2F4C7 92DAD175 39C7C225 D2E9AD4F 0F02EE22 F3734CFE C39F8457 322E59FA 00000000 E00005C8 000000EC 192522FC F6710000 13A59775 80A9DD47 23988BDD 5D347015 8E3597FA 59ADA41B 612201CE E308A937 A333E6D3 9E10690B 6E36D1D3 F50AC54F B782AE63 0C2186F6 28212828 D434E4D2 9537ADB9 60330242 A02A18B1 4391DDBA 1C31C8D3 D87266D9 C82257BA F9A6E81D 53966DEE 72DC2DA0 365A1A81 E12F5D2F EC2F146E 26559F1A CC63C20A 359A75C3 AC3D1061 636A7471 BB5F526F F6AA0A02 1E755E3A 69A4280D A25E14FA 6808CF8E 7C3458D2 B31804F6 34894AAE 888CB41F 02F39151 93B4DF7D 5DCBFDAE CCE38E93 C2302076 EB0B2FA9 F852A4F1 4BA460BB 57EC8511 74D353B4 D1126AC4 95C741DB BD2CD289 00000000 D2000000 00000000 If you'd like anything changed, tell me. Enjoy.
Aarux Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 No problem, if you need any other codes you know where to look.
dragoon034 Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 (edited) icic.sad.oh well. i do have a request. here's my request Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Flygon(Male) Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Levitate Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Adamant Attacks: Sacred Fire,Dragon Rush,Earthquake,Crunch PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Route 201/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Max Contest Stats: Max Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Snorlax(Male) Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Modest Attacks: Psychic,Flamethrower,Thunderbolt,Ice Beam PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Twinleaf/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Maxed Contest Stats: All Maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Celebi Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Modest Attacks: Seed Flare,Power Whip,Psychic,Giga Drain PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Twinleaf/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Maxed Contest Stats: All Maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Manaphy Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Modest Attacks: Water Spout,Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Surf PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Twinleaf/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Maxed Contest Stats: All Maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Mew Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Modest Attacks: Spacial Rend,Shadow Ball,Psychic,Gunk Shot PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Twinleaf/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Maxed Contest Stats: All Maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Metagross Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash Trainer ID (If specific): 14069 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Adamant Attacks: Meteor Mash,Psychic,Earthquake,Shadow Ball PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Ball Battle Stats: EV Stats: All 255 IV Stats: All 31 Ribbons (If any): All completed Location/Date Met: Twinleaf/15 October Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Maxed Contest Stats: All Maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Ash 4597 5614 6403 i do have another major request but i'll post it later. =)) *the major consists of...18 pokemons.they are the 3 regions' starters' final forms.jus that i am requesting for 1 set of shiny and 1 set of non shiny.will post the detail after i get the this request done. oh and send me a pm when u're done. hahas =)) and Singapore's time zone is GMT+0800 i think so i'll need to figure what times i can be online to meet for the trades. Edited October 15, 2009 by dragoon034
miniboosh Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 (edited) Reveal hidden contents pokemon: ambipom Held Item: silk scarf Level: 100 Ability: technician Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Harry Trainer ID (If specific): 04364 Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: double hit, fake out, u-turn, paybak PP (max or normal): Max. Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra Ball Battle Stats: hp 345, attack 328, defence 254, special attack 200, special defence 254, speed 361 EV Stats: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe IV Stats: 31 all Ribbons (If any): all Location/Date Met: Level Met At: 23 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 100 Friend Code (required for Trading): 3781-5127-0279 pokemon: magnezone Held Item: Level: 100 Ability: magnet pull Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Harry Trainer ID (If specific): 04364 Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: modest Attacks: light screen, magnet rise, thunderbolt, reflect PP (max or normal): Max. Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra Ball Battle Stats: hp 344, attack 184, defence 361, special attack 394, special defence 306 speed 240 EV Stats: 252 HP / 96 Def / 162 SpA IV Stats: 31 all Ribbons (If any): all Location/Date Met: Level Met At: 30 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 100 Friend Code (required for Trading): 3781-5127-0279 pokemon: Milotic (event) Held Item: Flame orb Level: 100 Ability: marvel scale Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Harry Trainer ID (If specific): 04364 Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: bold Attacks: hydro pump, ice beam, recover, tickle PP (max or normal): Max. Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: cherish ball Battle Stats: hp 394, attack 156, defence 282, special attack 328, special defence 383, speed 287 EV Stats: 148 HP / 252 Def / 108 SpA IV Stats: 31 all Ribbons (If any): classic Location/Date Met: Level Met At: 50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 100 Friend Code (required for Trading): 3781-5127-0279 Edited October 16, 2009 by miniboosh
Dzyple Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Not so much a a request but a question concerning pokesav so hope it's in the right section. I found some 10 ANIV pkm files and they all have secret id of 0 so just wondering if thats correct or if anyone can help me with the real SID of 10ANIV pokemon thanks
Aarux Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 That question should go in the event Pokemon section, but that's correct. Their SID should be 0.
hotpinkmunchlax Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Reveal hidden contents pokemon:Vaporeon Held Item:Choice Specs Level:100 Ability:Water Absorb Nickname (If wanted):ImOnAbOaT Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):BRAXTON Trainer ID (If specific):15297 Secret ID (If specific):31340 Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:modest Attacks: ~surf ~ice Beam ~hidden power{electric} ~hydro pump PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball Battle Stats:All max EV Stats:188 Def / 252 SpA / 68 Spe IV Stats:all 31 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met:Pokemon Mansion/10-16-09 Level Met At:16 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):1462-4838-7881 Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Dusknoir Held Item:Leftovers Level:100 Ability:Pressure Nickname (If wanted): DusktoDawn Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): BRAXTON Trainer ID (If specific):15297 Secret ID (If specific):31340 Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No): Nature:impish Attacks: ~Will-O-Wisp ~Pain Split ~Fire Punch ~Thunder Punch PP (max or normal):Max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In:Ultra ball Battle Stats:max EV Stats:252 HP / 28 Atk / 228 Def IV Stats:31 all Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Pal Park/10-16-09 Level Met At:14 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):1462-4838-7881 Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Salamence Held Item:Life Orb Level:100 Ability:Intimidate Nickname (If wanted):LiKeAbOsS Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):BRAXTON Trainer ID (If specific):15297 Secret ID (If specific):31340 Shiny (Yes or No):NO Egg (Yes or No): Nature:Mild Attacks: ~ Draco Meteor ~ Earthquake ~ Fire Blast ~ Outrage PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Ultraball Battle Stats:Max EV Stats:84 Atk / 216 SpA / 208 Spe IV Stats:31 all Ribbons (If any): Level Met At:23 Location/Date Met: Pal Park/10-16-09 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):1462-4838-7881 Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Suicune Held Item:Life Orb Level:100 Ability: Pressure Nickname (If wanted): pWnThIs Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):BRAXTON Trainer ID (If specific):15297 Secret ID (If specific):31340 Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No): Nature:Modest Attacks: ~ Calm Mind ~ Hydro Pump ~ Ice Beam ~ Hidden Power Electric PP (max or normal):Max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In:Greatball Battle Stats:Max EV Stats:4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe IV Stats:31 all Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Pal Park/10-16-2009 Level Met At:50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):1462-4838-7881 Reveal hidden contents pokemon:Machamp Held Item:Leftovers Level:100 Ability:guts Nickname (If wanted):Machoman Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):BRAXTON Trainer ID (If specific):15297 Secret ID (If specific):31340 Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No): Nature:Adamant Attacks: ~ Close Combat ~ Payback ~ Ice Punch ~ ThunderPunch PP (max or normal):Max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats:Max EV Stats:128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe IV Stats:31 all Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Route 206/10-16-09 Level Met At:8 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):1462-4838-7881 pm me when you get it ready thank you.
hyrulistic Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 Just so you guys know, I have my own AR now, and I can use Pokesav, so I'll be willing to help out with some of the requests here =). Starting a new job on Monday, so not sure when I'll have time to do them, so probably not many at this point. And besides, I just got Pokemon Platinum, so I will be spending some good time enjoying that =D. See ya 'round! =)
dragoon034 Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 (edited) hyrulistic said: Just so you guys know, I have my own AR now, and I can use Pokesav, so I'll be willing to help out with some of the requests here =). Starting a new job on Monday, so not sure when I'll have time to do them, so probably not many at this point. And besides, I just got Pokemon Platinum, so I will be spending some good time enjoying that =D.See ya 'round! =) heys~here's the full list of the pokemon(24 in exact) i wanna request(i noe its alot but i hope u can help me make them). thanks =)) All pokemon caught in Luxury Ball.=)) i forgot to add that in.hahas =)) Reveal hidden contents 1st request : Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Name: Flygon Ability: Levitate ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Sacred Fire,Dragon Rush,Earthquake,Crunch PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Snorlax Ability: Wonder Guard ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Meteor Mash,Earthquake,Sacred Fire,Power Whip PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Metagross Ability: Wonder Guard ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Meteor Mash,Psychic,Earthquake,Shadow Ball PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Mew Ability: Wonder Guard ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Psychic,Spacial Rend,Gunk Shot,Shadow Ball PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Celebi Ability: Wonder Guard ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Seed Flare,Power Whip,Psychic,Giga Drain PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Manaphy Ability: Wonder Guard ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Water Spout,Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Surf PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed 2nd request : Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Name: Venusaur Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Gunk Shot,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Venusaur Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Adamant Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Gunk Shot,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Charizard Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Magma Storm,Thunder,Spacial Rend PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Charizard Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Magma Storm,Thunder,Spacial Rend PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Blastoise Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Surf,Blizzard PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Blastoise Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Surf,Blizzard PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed 3rd request : Reveal hidden contents Name: Meganium Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Earthquake,Giga Drain PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed 3rd request : Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Name: Meganium Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Earthquake,Giga Drain PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Typhlosion Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Fire Blast,Thunder,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Typhlosion Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Fire Blast,Thunder,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Feraligatr Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Earthquake,Spacial Rend PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Feraligatr Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Earthquake,Spacial Rend PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed 4th request : Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Name: Sceptile Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Spacial Rend,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Sceptile Ability: Overgrow ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Frenzy Plant,Seed Flare,Spacial Rend,Earthquake PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Blaziken Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Fire Blast,Focus Blast,Aura Sphere PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Blaziken Ability: Blaze ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Blast Burn,Fire Blast,Focus Blast,Aura Sphere PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Swampert Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: No IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Earthquake,Blizzard PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Reveal hidden contents Name: Swampert Ability: Torrent ID: 14069 SID: Lv: 100 Gender: Male Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs: All 31 EVs: All 255 Contest Stats: All Maxed Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Ash(Male) Moves: Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Earthquake,Blizzard PP Maxed: Maxed Met at Level: Lv5 Met at Location: Twinleaf Town Date Met: 16th October Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: USA Language: English Fateful Encounter: No Ribbons: All Completed Edited October 17, 2009 by dragoon034
fay5494 Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 hey its been awhile I was wondering if i could get an Ar code to get a notched ear pichu, shiny evee, and shiny pichu for my platinum or is that just for heartgold etc? If it is for platinum could they have max IVs and set natures? Like a Timid evee and Jolly pichus? If not thats okay. P.s. are there any re battle codes for platinum yet or is pokesav not giving that function?
YELLZO Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Electivire Held Item: expertbelt Level: 50 Ability:motor drive Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): K20A Trainer ID (If specific) 43216: Secret ID (If specific): 33108 Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: Mild Attacks: ~ Thunderbolt ~ Hidden Power Grass ~ Cross Chop ~ Flamethrower PP (max or normal): max legit Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball EV Stats:36 Atk / 252 SpA / 220 Spe IV Stats: 31/31/30/31/30/31* (HP/Atk/Def/Spd/SAtk/SDef) Ribbons (If any): all legit Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): solaceon town hatched Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): box 1 For what game (required for AR code): Platinum Reveal hidden contents pokemon: Scizor Held Item: Choice band Level: 50 Ability: Technician Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): K20A Trainer ID (If specific) 43216: Secret ID (If specific): 33108 Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: Adamant Attacks: ~ U-turn ~ Bullet Punch ~ Superpower ~ Pursuit PP (max or normal): max legit Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball EV Stats:248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe IV Stats: all 31 Ribbons (If any): all legit Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): solaceon town hatched Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): box 1 For what game (required for AR code): Platinum
dragoon034 Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 pokemonrulz said: When is Ray comming back? he said he broke his arm in around september so i rekon it he should be back in december.but i wish he'd be back earlier.
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