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Posted (edited)

There seems to be a problem when inserting shareable Wonder Cards into Pokémon Platinum... i tried inserting a modified, shareable Wonder Card into a Platinum save file in order to share it to an original cart, but when inserted using PokéGen 3.1.7, i get an error as soon as i click the Share option in the Mystery Gift menu (a blue screen which just says that an communication error has occurred, no code or anything. The blue screen appears on DesmuMe 0.9.7, using a Flashcard and even when inserting the save file into an original cart)... I have another program that can insert Wonder Cards into Gen 4 games called PMGE 1.4.2 Portable... since i've read before that using Pokégen can cause communication problems, i took my original, unaltered save and inserted the same Wonder Card using PMGE, surprisingly, it worked, which leads me to believe that Pokégen does really mess up wireless communication badly...

i'm sending all 4 files for testing purpose:

1. The original, unaltered save file

2. The save file that has the Wonder Card inserted using Pokégen

3. The save file that has the Wonder Card inserted using PMGE

4. The Wonder Card itself (PCD file)

i hope this info is enough to clarify this odd behavior...


NDS_Saves.rarFetching info...

Edited by rush2802
Didn't add the attachment

Have you modified the original save file with anything other than PokeGen and Grovyle's editor?

Edit: This just led me to a bug with the generation 4 Pokedex data. But it's not the cause of this supposed problem.


None other than those 2, but if you need it, i can start a new file and get to the point where Mystery Gift is available to do a "clean" test using the PCD file


That might be helpful if you have the time to possibly waste. "Possibly" because I don't know if it'll be necessary.

I'm seeing in the Pokedex data that there's no language indicated by most of the language bytes. If this is normal game behavior, it's unknown to me. I guess it's something that needs to be looked into, given you said it hasn't been modified by anything else. (This is likely not the cause of the problem either.)

Edit: Oh, fun! I don't know if you recall, but there was a significant problem found where data was being written erroneously to Platinum/HG/SS. It was fixed, but apparently not fully. I left some code in that's still writing to locations that're only meant for Diamond/Pearl. This could definitely be the cause.

Edit 2: That was the problem. I'll put out a release after I research the Pokedex language thing mentioned above a little more.


That's good to know. About the Pokédex language bytes, do those bytes have anything to do with which language the Pokédex displays for a particular species?


They control which languages it's CAPABLE of displaying. If there's a flag which controls the last viewed, I have no data on it. I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist.

Edit: Btw, thanks for the detail in this report.


For people who're affected by this "communication error", or have done modification of their Platinum/HG/SS save files with Wonder Cards, manual modification of the save file will be necessary to remove the data improperly set by PokeGen. (This should not be done to Diamond/Pearl save files, and this problem does not affect Black/White or Black 2/White 2.)

Bytes from 0xA7D0 through 0xA810 and 0x4A7D0 through 0x4A810 (NOT including the byte at 0xA810 and 0x4A810.) should be set to 0. (Well, I can't say with certainty that they should be 0, but every file I've seen so far has zeroes. Zeroing it out does fix the problem, however.) You can do this directly to your save file, load it with PokeGen (Which will tell you it can't identify the save game, at which point you force it to load as the appropriate game.), then save. That will recalculate the checksums to make the file work again.


Well, i hex-edited the PokéGen-injected save (used HxD Hex Editor but for some reason, the program recognized it properly (it didn't force me to select the save type) but i saved again my save file using PokéGen 3.1.8 just to be on the safe side and it worked! i can now share normally! (i hope this also fixes the Union Room "Communication Error" from an earlier thread)

I take the time for thanking you for all your hard work putting together a great tool! Thank you so much!

PS: May i suggest you grey out the C-Gear option when loading Gen 4 save files?

  rush2802 said:
Well, i hex-edited the PokéGen-injected save (used HxD Hex Editor but for some reason, the program recognized it properly (it didn't force me to select the save type)

Did you modify all the addresses in the post? It was edited from the original post.

May i suggest you grey out the C-Gear option when loading Gen 4 save files?

I guess this was forgotten. Thanks for mentioning it.

Posted (edited)

I only modified those in the first range (0xA7D0 through 0xA810), since the ones in the second range (0x4A7D0 through 0x4A810) were already at 0, although i found out about the edit halfway through the process... nevertheless, it worked, and i hope no further problems related to communication arise... Thank you for taking your time to solve each and every problem with PokéGen

That change is necessary for HG/SS files too?

Edited by rush2802
Asking a question to avoid double posting
  rush2802 said:
That change is necessary for HG/SS files too?

The location in HG/SS looks like it's actively being used by something, and overwrites the data itself. Any group of 4 bytes in HG/SS in those locations that has the value 0xEDB88320 should be zeroed. (If looking at the data byte for byte instead of in 4-byte groups, you'll see 20 83 B8 ED, which is the same thing.)


Personally I don't have this problem, and I feel that the method of fixing it is pretty clear,

But I believe that there will be people out there who don't know how to hex edit and will mess their own saves up without backup.

Perhaps in the next release you can add in a "detect and correct" option?

Just trying to contribute :)

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