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Newbie Question


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I'm new to this whole thing and I have some questions about Pokesav and a few other things. I read in that 'Pokémon Legality Guide' but it didn't say if it worked for Pokémon Platinum. Also how using Pokesav works. Mainly I just want to make a legit Gallade and I only have two of four things that thread says to have to make a legal pokémon. Where would I be able to find SCV's PID/IV Program & Trash Byte Normalizer and if I'm able to generate a code for AR to put into my Pokémon Platinum DS game.

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SCV's legalizer program:


It makes the proper PID for your Pokemon. Also... if you're having a hard time, you can always request a Pokemon at the request topic, but UnderXRay, the main requests person, isn't going to be back until probably Monday. I could do requests, but I won't be back until Monday as well.

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