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In game battle video number: 80-72623-84911

PokeCheck Vs. Recorder link: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=807262384911

On turn three in-game, and turn two on Vs. Recorder, the Vs. Recorder says my own Dragonite attacked my own Durant with Hurricane, which did not happen if you compair to the battle video. It skewed the stats and attacks for the remainder of the battle on the Vs. Recorder.

*(Please note this was a GBU Rules, Random, Free Mode, Triples Battle)*

Shame, too. It was an AMAZING battle to see.

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  voodoo pimp said:

Scizor's Bug Bite on turn 1 should've been a crit.

Edit: Don't know how I missed it before, but Espeon's attack on turn 1 (Psyshock on Tornadus) seems to have disappeared, presumably because of Magic Bounce, which explains the missing RNG call.

Another issue with that match: Earthquake is listed as super-effective against Scizor, turn 4. The damage done reflects this.

  • 2 weeks later...


Turn 11: Garchomp is behind a Substitute, tries to attack while confused, but instead hits herself. The VS. Player believes this causes the Substitute to fade when in fact it doesn't. This ends up thinking that turn 13 ended with Latios hitting Garchomp herself when in fact it hits the Sub. In other words, Garchomp wins, not Latios.

Edit: oh, Hozu reported already. So I guess this can be disregarded.


VID: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=36-03893-19910

Turn 7: With speed boost from sand storm, my Excadrill 1HKOed by Earthquake.

VID: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=21-91798-06489

Turn 1: Tyranitar used Pursuit, it was a critical hit, Politoed lost almost 2/3 of it HP.

Turn 4: After Conkeldurr's Mach Punch, Togekiss got 5HP left and used Extrasensory. End of the turn, Conkeldurr have about 1/10 HP left, Togekiss fainted.

Turn 5: Politoed made it rain then fainted by Excadrill's Earthquake.

Turn 7: Tyranitar avoided Kingdra's Hydro pump and hit him by earthquake.

Turn 8-9: Tyranitar used Protect.

Turn 10: Kingdra KOed Tyranitar.

Turn 11: Excadrill KOed Kingdra by Earthquake.

Turn 12: Conkeldurr hit Excadrill once by mach punch, Excadrill used Earthquake, Conkeldurr fainted.

  OmegaDonut said:
Captivate is seen lowering opponents' Special Attack regardless of gender.


  Hozu said:
I had Metagross use Protect a second time in a row because I thought that due to it not being targetted it would have got the guaranteed Protect but that didn't happen (it failed)... that causes a desync.
  OmegaDonut said:
Yeah, Protect's counter will go down if it succeeds, regardless of whether the Pokemon is targetted (I have tested this in-game). Protect will fail and reset, however, if every other Pokémon this turn has already made their move. That's actually what happened in this post.

Spot on.

  Hozu said:
Edit: I'm not sure what happened here...

Edit 2: Moonlight recovery reduction from certain weather isn't taken into account.



  Hozu said:
Edit: I'm not sure what exactly happened but Cursed Body activated turns 5, 10, and 11.



  voodoo pimp said:
Espeon's attack on turn 1 (Psyshock on Tornadus) seems to have disappeared, presumably because of Magic Bounce, which explains the missing RNG call.


  OmegaDonut said:
Another issue with that match: Earthquake is listed as super-effective against Scizor, turn 4. The damage done reflects this.


  Hozu said:
http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=60-53940-23622 Role Play isn't implemented it seems.

Edit: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=85-99788-74797 Neither is Mold Breaker.

Edit2: Self-inflicted damage from confusion doesn't hit subs. http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=131966391454




  ProjectTitan313 said:
http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=69-36126-42170 Entrainment isn't supported; same thing happens with Role Play. Ninetales having Chlorophyll since Turn 1 let it outspeed the Durant at Turn 4.


  Kuroemon485 said:
VID: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=36-03893-19910 Turn 7: With speed boost from sand storm, my Excadrill 1HKOed by Earthquake.
  religiousjedi said:
Turn 3: Trick Room is up. Cresselia and Garchomp vs. Tyranitar and +2 Atk Excadrill. Since Excadrill is the fastest due to Sand Rush, it is slowest during Trick Room. T-tar does Protect, but Garchomp does Earthquake, KOing Excadrill, not the other way around. This causes the rest of the match to go wrong.


  Kuroemon485 said:
VID: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=21-91798-06489 Turn 1: Tyranitar used Pursuit

Ok (accuracy check bypassed in this situation).

  Hozu said:


  Hozu said:
Not sure what caused the desync issue in the first couple of turns but something went amiss before Gastrodon got frozen (didn't happen). http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=26-72323-47978

Ok (sun).


Two sides of the same coin: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=19-79576-83739 http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=58-25015-30520 Random match-up rotation. My White squad vs. my Black. What the Vs Player recorded:

"Simipour used Earthquake." Should be Archeops, Simipour rotated to the right.

Later on, "Breloom used Substitute." "Samurott was trying to use Spore." "Samurott was trying to use Quiver Dance." The first of those should have been Samurott's move. Spore was Breloom's, Quiver Dance was Volcarona's. Two of those three were slower than Archeops, and Volcarona broke a speed tie with him (as the stats show).

Apparently the Vs Player was trying to treat this Rotation like a Triples, when Earthquake hit multiple targets.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I ended up winning this battle, with about two HP left on my Togekiss only.

Weird stuff happens in the Vs. Player log.

"Starmie is no longer fainted".

Failed to record a double crit. hit when my Togekiss used Heat Wave which crit. hit two Pokes, not just one.

And stopped keeping record of the battle, where there is one full turn missing at the end, which is where I won the battle using Togekiss' ExtremeSpeed on the opponents Gardivoir.


Nvm. Just noticed that Triple Battles aren't supported yet.

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