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well im searching for some events

mew nok

electrivire nok

tangegrowt nok

if someone has them please contact me

and if you have events that i dont have , tell me too

my events are here

classic ribbon

:492: shaimin / ot: tru / ID: 02089 / Lax Nature / Febrero 8 2009

:491: Darkray / ot: alamos (UK) / ID: 05318 / Brave Nature / mayo 31 2008

:491: Darkray / ot: alamos (USA) / ID: 07038 / Relaxed Nature / agosto 22 2008

:491: darkray / ot: alamos (moviplaya) / ID: 07038 / Timid Nature / agosto 15 2008

:386: deoxis / ot: NOK / ID: 08308 / Lax Nature / agosto 30 2008

:384: Rayquaza / ot: NOK / ID: 05318 / Lonely Nature / mayo 31 2008

:491: Darkray / ot: eigikan / ID: 07147 / Quirky Nature / julio 14 2007

:490: manaphy / ot: NOK / ID: 03298 / hardy nature / marzo 29 2008

:493: arceus / ot: PKRGN / ID: 01018 / modest nature / enero 1 2008

:350: milotic / ot: WCS / ID: 10128 / Timid nature / octubre 12 2008 "- shiny -"

:491: darkray / ot: alamos (toys "R" us) / ID: 05318 / quirky nature / junio 21 2008

:386: deoxis / ot: gamestop / ID: 06218 / brave nature / junio 24 2008

:491: darkray / ot: nok / ID: 11088 / Modest nature / noviembre 8 2008

:448: lucario / ot: palcity / ID: 07157/ modest nature / julio 27 2007

:491: darkray / ot: almia / ID: 03208 / bashful nature / diciembre 24 2008

:025: pikachu / ot: Npower / ID: 09138 / lonely nature / septiembre 13 2008

:025: pikachu / ot: onemury / ID: 02079 / relaxed nature / febrero 21 2009

:386: deoxis / ot: 10Th / ID: 07147 / jolly nature / junio 26 2007

:490: manaphy / ot: Tru / ID:09297 / timid nature / septiembre 29 2007

:490: manaphy / ot: EA4ALL / ID: 10187 / lonely nature octubre 19 2007

:448: lucario / ot: WORLD08 / ID: 08178 / adamant nature / agosto 17 2008

:385: jirachi / ot: tanabata (daisuki club) / ID: 07077 / impish nature / julio 1 2007

:492: shaimin / ot: eigikan / ID: 07198 / quirky nature / julio 19 2008

:492: shaimin / ot: eigikan / ID: 07198 / gentle nature / julio 6 2008

:492: shaimin / ot: eigikan / ID: 07198 / hasty nature / julio 19 2008 -pokerus-

:004: charmander / ot: pc tokio 07 / ID: 07207 / mild nature / septiembre 8 2007

:447: riolu / ot: kiko / ID: 03208 / serious nature / diciembre 2 2008

:447: riolu / ot: kile / ID: 03208 / serious nature / febrero 28 2009

:487: giratina / ot: pokeorigen / ID: 12012 / brave nature / diciembre 12 2008 "-shiny-"-premier ribbon-"

:025: pikachu / ot: TCGWC / ID: 03107 / hardy nature / febrero 16 2009

:143: snorlax / ot: orestes / ID: 01995 / naughty nature / septiembre 1 2008 "-shiny-

:490: manaphy / ot: JBHF / ID: 11077 / gentle nature / noviembre 7 2007

:490: manaphy / ot: NWS / ID: 10017 / mild nature / febrero 15 2009

:025: pikachu / ot: pc yokohama / ID: 10108 / modest nature / octubre 10 2008

:490: manaphy / ot: palcity / ID: 07157 / hardy nature / mayo 2 2008

:002: ivisaur / ot: SSBB / ID: 03098 / modest nature / marzo 9 2008

:006: charizard / ot: SSBB / ID: 03098 / mild nature / marzo 9 2008

:448: lucario / ot: SSBB / ID: 55435 / rash nature / marzo 5 2008

:004: charmander / ot: pc tokio 08 / ID: 07208 / naive nature / julio 20 2008

:025: pikachu / ot: onemuri / ID: 02079 / relaxed nature / febrero 7 2009

:493: arceus / ot pbfev / ID: 21078 / modest nature / agosto 8 2008 -premier y classic ribbon-

:395: empoleon / ot: birth 09 / ID: 02009 / modest nature / enero 1 2009

:059: arcanine / ot: flare / ID: 08238 / lonely nature / agosto 23 2008

:324: torkoal / ot: flare / ID: 08168 / mild nature agosto 16 2008

:010: caterpie / ot: pokevent / ID: 06089 / quirky nature / septiembre 6 2008

normal events

:146: moltres / ot:ash / ID: 06065 / calm nature / noviembre 18 2007 / DISTAND LAND / NATIONAL RIBBON

:145: zaptos / ot: ash / ID: 06065 / naughty nature / noviembre 18 2007 / DISTAND LAND / NATIONAL RIBON

:144: articuno / ot: ash / ID: 06065 / modest nature / noviembre 18 2007 / DISTAND LAND / NATIONAL RIBON

:250: HO-OH / ot: mattle / ID: 10048 / bold nature / julio 16 08

:197: umbreon / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / sassy nature / julio 19 2007

:151: mew / ot: aura / ID: 20078 / quirky nature / agosto 5 2007 -used-

:025: pikachu / ot: poketopia / ID: 06257 / junio 30 2007

:378: regice / ot: hadou / ID: 50901 / sassy nature / junio 6 2007

:379: registeel / ot: hadou / ID: 50901 / mild nature / junio 6 2007

:377: regirock / ot: hadou / ID: 50901 / naive nature / junio 6 2007

:054: psiduck / ot: ken / ID: 38793 / careful nature / agosto 13 2007

:350: milotic / ot: saikou / ID: 12157 / bold nature / enero 9 2008 -used-

:149: dragonite / ot: saikou / ID: 01158 / mild nature / enero 15 2008 -used-

:466: electrivire / ot: saikou / ID: 11157 / serious nature / noviembre 20 2007

:330: flygon / ot: baba / ID: 07018 / naive nature / julio 1 2008

:490: manaphy EGG

:025: pikachu / ot: MAK / ID: 05308 / bashful nature / mayo 30 2008

:025: pikachu / ot: Nzone / ID: 10278 / bashful nature / noviembre 21 2008 -used-

:263: zigzagoon / ot: ruby / ID: 30317 / careful nature / julio 18 2007 "-shiny_"

:467: magmortar / ot: poketopia / ID: 06257 / modest nature / febrero 2 2009 -used-

:486: regigigas / ot: tru / ID:03089 / mild nature / marzo 9 2009

:486: regigigas / ot: tenimura / ID: 07198 / modest nature / junio 28 2008

:196: espeon / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / adamant nature / junio 9 2007 "-shiny-"

:149: dragonite / ot: tru / ID: 11088 / mild nature / noviembre 8 2008

:249: lugia / ot: jack / ID: 38824 / rash nature / julio 24 2008 / DISTAND LAND / national ribbon

:489: phione / ot: eualia / ID: 01000 / adamant nature / julio 11 2008

:151: mew / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / hardy nature / octubre 30 2008

:490: manaphy HUEVO

:386: deoxis / ot: space center / ID:00010 / mild nature / noviembre 21 2006

:054: psiduck / ot: jun / ID: 05458 / bashful nature / agosto 17 2007

:263: zigzagon / ot: saphire / ID: 30317 / calm nature / octubre 10 2007

:386: deoxis / ot: giff / ID: 02007 / quiet nature / abril 11 2008

:385: jirachi / ot: channel / ID: 40122 / lonely nature / febrero 7 2008

:251: celebi / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / impish nature / junio 15 2008

:151: mew / ot: mistry / ID: 06930 / lax nature / agosto 26 2007

:248: tiranitar / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 06808 / impish nature / octubre 4 2007

:441: chatot / ot: consato / ID: 10286 / timid nature / octubre 28 2006

:357: tropious / siokoton / ID: 02027 / jolly nature / febrero 4 2007

:151: mew / ot: hadou / ID: 50716 / modest nature / junio 20 2007

:385: jirachi / ot: tanabata / ID: 30719 / docile nature / agosto 20 2008

:142: aerodactil / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / jolly nature / febrero 28 2009

:427: buneary / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / mild nature / marzo 10 2009

:415: combee / ot: halyley / ID: 01000 / lax nature / marzo 5 2009

:453: croagrunk / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naughty nature / marzo 12 2009

:133: eevee / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / hardy nature / febrero 27 2009

:456: finneon / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / mild nature / marzo 13 2009

:241: milktank / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / calm nature / marzo 2 2009

:025: pikachu / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / jolly nature / octubre 5 2008

:422: shellos (azul) / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / relaxed nature / marzo 8 2009

:108: lickytung / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naive nature / febrero 25 2009

:417: pachirisu / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naive nature / marzo 6 2009

:077: ponyta / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naughty nature / octubre 13 2008

:459: snover / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / relaxed nature / marzo 19 2009

:114: hayley / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naughty nature / febrero 26 2009

:320: wailmer / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / lax nature / marzo 3 2009

:397: staravia / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / jolly nature / octubre 5 2008

:037: vulpix / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naive nature / febrero 20 2009

:285: shroomish / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / jolly nature / octubre 11 2008

:193: yanma / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / naughty nature / marzo 1 2009

:360: winaut / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / relaxed nature / marzo 4 2009

:489: phione / ot: hayley / ID: 01000 / calm nature / junio 22 2008

:257: blaziquen / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / modest nature / junio 27 2007

:001: bulbasaur / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / serious nature / septiembre 9 2007

:467: magmortar / ot: saikou / ID: 12017 / hardy nature / diciembre 1 2007

:359: absol / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / docile nature / septiembre 14 2007

:381: latios / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / hasty nature / octubre 12 2007 "-shiny-"

:126: magmar / ot: pokefesta / ID: 11256 / quiet nature / noviembre 25 2006

:375: metang / ot: pokefesta / ID: 02005 / relaxed nature / enero 13 2007

:244: entei / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / bold nature / noviembre 28 2007

:244: entei / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 06227 / mild nature / agosto 15 2007

:144: articuno / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / lonely nature / julio 9 2007

:149: dragonite / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 00010 / careful nature / julio 24 2007

:263: zigzagoon / zagzachs / ot: saphire / ID: 30317 / hardy nature / octubre 8 2008

:151: mew / ot: giff / ID: 02007: / brave nature / marzo 10 2008 -used-

:214: heracross / ot: tom / ID: 24974 / quirky nature / agosto 20 2007

:214: heracross / ot: christy / ID: 50039 / bold nature / agosto 25 2007

:214: heracross / ot: seth / ID: 08604 / lax nature / julio 17 2007

:251: celebi / ot: pokepaku / ID: 60623 / modest nature / mayo 21 2007

:248: tyranitar / bryant park new york / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 06808 / adamant nature / octubre 4 2007

:224: octilery / ot: golgo / ID:10147 / serious nature / octubre 27 2007

:025: pikachu / bryant park new york / ot: 10 aniv / ID: 06808 / bold nature / agosto 14 2007


do you have a game shaymin??? if not I have one I also have a woolworths darkrai PT me if your interested

  monkey_x said:
its nintendo of korea

You do know that NOK Pokemon aren't compatible with any other versions of D/P, since the Korean language isn't programmed into them, hence making any NOK Pokemon you have on your non-korean cart/save illegal.

I'm betting many of the fan mades were just swiped from the old database. Why do a trade for something anyone can get for free?

  monkey_x said:


Caps lock isn't cruise control to cool, no matter what people tell you.

  notthegoatseguy said:
You do know that NOK Pokemon aren't compatible with any other versions of D/P, since the Korean language isn't programmed into them, hence making any NOK Pokemon you have on your non-korean cart/save illegal.

I'm betting many of the fan mades were just swiped from the old database. Why do a trade for something anyone can get for free?

Agreed. 100% :)

Posted (edited)
  Lugiamaster said:
Isn't the NOK Mew the mew from pokemon ranch?

NOK=Nintendo of Korea. Korea just recently got Diamond and Pearl released (and by recently, I mean in the last year, maybe a bit less, don't remember the exact date). They've had a number of events. But because Korean wasn't a language that was programmed into Diamond/Pearl, it makes Korean carts incompatible with other languages. They can't trade between other languages at all. There also might be limits on the GTS or Wi-Fi battling, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

Pokemon Ranch varies depending on the country it's from. In Japanese it's Yukari (obviously with Japanese symbols). In the US, it's Hayley. I think France, Spain, and Germany also have unique names for their ranch owners.

EDIT: NRD, thanks for backing me up.

Edited by randomspot555

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