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Sig size?

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I could have sworn I saw this somewhere in here before, but couldn't just now.

Is there any policy on this site regarding the size of one's signature? I swear there are soo many people here with giant signatures. They generally only post one line responses, but with their sig it takes up the more than half of my browser window. And MY screen res is at 1280x800.

Even without clicking on all of their survey result "spoilers" the thing is still huge.

So my question... is there a policy?

If not, there should be.

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Yeah, there's a character limit, but that's not connected to the size of everything else people throw in their signiature.

You're a perfect example here, by the way. If your sig was just your Drifloon banner, it would be just fine because it would come down just about as far as your information under your avatar. BUT, if you add in your two spoilers afterwards, your post becomes TWICE the size.

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You're not technically breaking the rules, but your sig certainly isn't reasonable. Your posts almost take up my whole screen, even when they are only one line.

I'm saying there SHOULD be a rule against giant sigs like that.

Greencat, when you post short posts, your post size is the same with or without your sig.

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I did a little testing an determined that aprox. 670x250 is the max size a signature can be and not stretch posts either vertically or horizontally (assuming a lowest common denominator screen res of 1024x768). Compared to many forums I've been on, that's pretty gracious. I'll try to implement a system to automatically restrict signatures to those dimensions as soon as I can.

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I'm in 1280x800

And a one line post by pokemonfan (before he adjusted his sig into a spoiler) took up all but a sliver of my browser's height.

pokemonfan, I wasn't trying to attack you, you just happened to be a perfect example to what I was talking about.

Your sig would have been perfectly fine if it was just your drifloon banner (seriously, it fits pretty damn well), it was just after putting TWO spoilers after it that it lengthened it so much (even without opening the spoilers).

I wasn't attacking you, I was just trying to get a discussion going about the run-away sig size around here.

And Poryhack, that sounds like a good idea.

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i'm not really sure if my siggy breaks the dimension limit for siggies of this forum. i have two images, each one does not exceed 200px max. height as required by some non-pokemon forums, and they are horizontally aligned. as much as possible, i do not like it to be placed inside a spoiler, but if it appears to be "huge" please tell me, i will put it in a spoiler... :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's the consensus among the Admins and Mods regarding this?

There are still a ton of people who continually post one-line posts but then have a banner, a line of text and one or two spoiler tags after that, essentially doubling the physical size of what their post would have been, but leaving about half of it as empty space (due to spoiler spacing).

Should we implement rules to limit sigs to something like a banner and a spoiler for extraneous stuff like trainer cards, personality results and other random stuff? As an example.

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