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Some ground rules:

Your post should either be a request (in spoilers) or a response about a specific request. All other communication should be taken to PM. Anything other than a request, or a response specifically related to a request, will be deleted and infracted.

This is the proper format, use this at all times:

Request Form:


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  • This thread is generally for individual Pokemon/team requests. You can request either the PKM files, an AR code to be made for you, or for someone to Wi-Fi trade them to you.
  • If you need an AR code for some cheat in the game or a Wondercard event and so on, SEARCH FIRST. Then if you still need it, post in the RAM Editing forum.
  • Stay on topic.
  • After you make your request and the request maker confirms it ready, please take any further communication to PMs or any method other than posting "hey im on wifi" "i dont see you" "oh wrong friend code lolzers" etc... IRC, PMs, off-site, etc... are all fine for this, and it's better because it's real-time communication (well, except PMs).
  • Finally, be patient. There are only so many people fulfilling requests.
  • If in doubt, PM me or any of the forum specific mods before posting.
  • Finally, do not make your own personal thread.

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Edited by randomspot555
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This was on the closed thread. This is for my magikarp sweeping team. Thnks!!!!

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Posted (edited)
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I forgot to add, thank you to anyone who can help :)

Edited by Martyrdom219
  Virv3n said:
4th Generation Only? Or can you do Black and White Game Requests Too ?

Specifcy just 4th or 5th gen. It's only important to specify the specific game if the location or what have you is exclusive to that game, such as Black City/White Forest in B/W or Distortion World in Plat.

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Remember this is 5th generation request, I need them for my pokemon White Team.

Thx in advance.

Please respond or PM me (:

Also, i got no pokemon up for trade, so if you could do it for free, thatd be great.


All of these were also on the Closed Thread as well. I have tried to make all of them, but I have been unable to make any of them.

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These other requests are of pokemon from the Pokemon Series. The person who makes the pokemon will be able to determine which pokemon as long as the character actually captured the pokemon in question.

This next group deals with pokemon from the series of the twirp trio or in the Hoenn Region the Twirp Quartet. You can choose which pokemon to make a code for for each of the children, and these other characters, but I would like them to appear like these characters traded these pokemon to me.

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This is a new addition to my requests. I missed the Liberty Pass Deadline.

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Thank you for anyone who is willing to make them for me.

I really appreciate it in advance.

I have been trying to make all but 1 of these codes for about half a year, but unable to succeed.

  AEROJAY said:
This was on the closed thread. This is for my magikarp sweeping team. Thnks!!!!

AEROJAY / Magikarp

AEROJAY / Bronzong

AEROJAY / Smeargle

Unfortunately I don't have the time to trade it to you, I suggest downloading them and finding a friend who can. Will be doing more requests here in a minute, likewise I cannot and will not provide a source for transferring the Pokemon to your games I will just be producing them. If any come back as faulty, please post and I will look into it (the only case this will happen should be the lack of a secret ID, event Poke, discrepancies with abilities the Poke cannot learn).

  Martyrdom219 said:
I forgot to add, thank you to anyone who can help :)

Here is the Gallade code, hold L+R to activate it.

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Here's the Breloom code, L+R to activate.

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Post back with results, first time generating AR codes so it's possible something went wrong in the process. I have the files backed up on my HDD so no need to worry if it does happen!

  Virv3n said:
Remember this is 5th generation request, I need them for my pokemon White Team.

Thx in advance.

Please respond or PM me (:

Also, i got no pokemon up for trade, so if you could do it for free, thatd be great.

Virv3n / Milotic

Virv3n / Cradily

Virv3n / Altaria

Virv3n / Hydreigon

As I stated already above I don't have the time to hand out every single Poke I generate, I suggest getting a friend to help you out or maybe I'll put out a guide on how to run a local GTS network so you can give them to yourselves. We'll see!

Tracy, here is the shiny event Eevee: Tracy / Shiny Event Eevee. Please let me know if it works and if it does I will attempt to start cranking out the evolved versions (it's a heavy order so I can't promise anything, we'll be lucky if that Eevee even works, it does pass the legality check but that's a farcry). PS: It's not completely done but it's a start.

If you have any problems, please feel free to post them here and I'll attempt to figure out the issue. I keep all Poke on backup with the requester's name so if you ever need another upload to download feel free to PM me.

  Ampitere said:
Tracy, here is the shiny event Eevee: Tracy / Shiny Event Eevee. Please let me know if it works and if it does I will attempt to start cranking out the evolved versions (it's a heavy order so I can't promise anything, we'll be lucky if that Eevee even works, it does pass the legality check but that's a farcry). PS: It's not completely done but it's a start.

If you have any problems, please feel free to post them here and I'll attempt to figure out the issue. I keep all Poke on backup with the requester's name so if you ever need another upload to download feel free to PM me.

I have the old legality checker, and it has not been updated yet. Yesterday, I found this Event Shiny Eevee PKM on the net. I have heard it came out as hacked, because the legality checker needs to be updated.

It does come out as hacked or unknown pokemon. The rest of the information does refer to event.

The one you sent had the code for common PKM. I appreciate all of your help. I already revised the PKM File for the maybe hacked event some.

I will try to attach both PKM Files to make helping easier for you.

Thank you again.

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  lwmmm said:
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Here's your Ditto. I gave him 252 HP and Speed EVs as well as 255 happiness, the OT is me and the IDs are legit so it should pass any event legality check. I assume you're just using it to breed so it really doesn't matter. If you have any problems please report back!

  Tracy1969able said:
I have the old legality checker, and it has not been updated yet. Yesterday, I found this Event Shiny Eevee PKM on the net. I have heard it came out as hacked, because the legality checker needs to be updated.

It does come out as hacked or unknown pokemon. The rest of the information does refer to event.

The one you sent had the code for common PKM. I appreciate all of your help. I already revised the PKM File for the maybe hacked event some.

I will try to attach both PKM Files to make helping easier for you.

Thank you again.

Alright so I dug around and found an old discussion on here where they constructed a Shiny Female Event Eevee. See if this works, I advise you to just evolve it yourself (so just keep giving it to yourself until you have all of it evolutions). Post back with test results, I can modify it if it does have any issues.

  Ampitere said:
Alright so I dug around and found an old discussion on here where they constructed a Shiny Female Event Eevee. See if this works, I advise you to just evolve it yourself (so just keep giving it to yourself until you have all of it evolutions). Post back with test results, I can modify it if it does have any issues.

I have not put it in my game yet, but when I check it out with the leglity checker, it comes out as a common female eevee from fire red version. It also does not say anything when I upload it in pokegen, it does say game, but it hs no location mentioned.

It also has the date of this year.

Presently, I think that the most correct shiny event eevee might be the Revised one in the post 10 attachment.

Could you make an AR code for the 8 shiny event eevees in box 2 slot 1-8 with the 4 of those suggested moves that they can legitly learn as eevees, and hold items to boost on of their attacks that they will have, after evolution?

I will understand if not possible.

I appreciate all of your help.

Thank you, again.

  Tracy1969able said:
I have not put it in my game yet, but when I check it out with the leglity checker, it comes out as a common female eevee from fire red version. It also does not say anything when I upload it in pokegen, it does say game, but it hs no location mentioned.

It also has the date of this year.

Presently, I think that the most correct shiny event eevee might be the Revised one in the post 10 attachment.

Could you make an AR code for the 8 shiny event eevees in box 2 slot 1-8 with the 4 of those suggested moves that they can legitly learn as eevees, and hold items to boost on of their attacks that they will have, after evolution?

I will understand if not possible.

I appreciate all of your help.

Thank you, again.

So basically just take the same Eevee 8 times and put it into Box 2 slots 1 through 8 with the moves the event version comes with holding a plate that boosts each evolution? (Flareon gets Flame Plate, Leafon gets Meadon Plate, etc. etc.)

  Ampitere said:
So basically just take the same Eevee 8 times and put it into Box 2 slots 1 through 8 with the moves the event version comes with holding a plate that boosts each evolution? (Flareon gets Flame Plate, Leafon gets Meadon Plate, etc. etc.)

maybe not the same moves, if at all possible. The event came with these moves: Iron tail, Trump Card, Flail, and Quick Attack.

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Several of them, I want to have a different kind of Hidden Power.

Correct, I am wanting them to be holding items for their various evolutions.

Thank you for all of your help. I appreciate it.

  Tracy1969able said:
maybe not the same moves, if at all possible. The event came with these moves: Iron tail, Trump Card, Flail, and Quick Attack.
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Several of them, I want to have a different kind of Hidden Power.

Correct, I am wanting them to be holding items for their various evolutions.

Thank you for all of your help. I appreciate it.

I will do this either tomorrow or some time this weekend when I have time.


Can someone trade me this? I want it to look like it was from the dreamworld and caught on May 19, 2011. Thanks to whoever can help.

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I was hoping someone could hook me up with a durant code. I have the equipment/programs to make them, however every time I have made a durant with hustle as the ability, in game it ends up being truant.. don't know what I am doing wrong.

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Hello, just seeing if anyone that fills out requests can get to this one whenever they aren't busy with other stuff. If it's not too much to ask for, the person who fufills this request, can they send me a PM stating when to trade with me, as I don't have Pokesav myself or an Action Replay to upload the codes into. Thank you in advance:


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Thanks Ampitere :)

Is there anyway you could do me the same thing except from ditto caught from black and white?


I'm not too sure if I'm doing any of this right, I just want a shiny vulpix that is completely normal except for the fact that it's shiny xD I don't have AR or anything, so just PM me if you want to help me out. Thanks.

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I want a new team. Make these Legit and Legal. Can you please just post the pkm file. NOTE: Some moves are gen IV moves only, such as roost, therefore it cant be my OT Info and has to be a D/P/PT/HG/SS OT and ID. well, here it goes:

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There will be more as i add on to my team.


Continuing from my other request. Add the Effort ribbon to the Gliscor and all the other Gen IV or below pokemon:

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Posted (edited)
  riotranger said:
I was hoping someone could hook me up with a durant code. I have the equipment/programs to make them, however every time I have made a durant with hustle as the ability, in game it ends up being truant.. don't know what I am doing wrong.
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Here you go. Have only 1 pokemon that you don't need or want in your party before pressing L+R. It should take its place. Just so you know, this Durant isn't legal since it can't learn thunder fang unless hatched from an egg. Not tested. Don't save unless happy with it

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Edited by codem8kr
swapped the codes around

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