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So I got kicked the other day for saying pokémon Black or White.

Today I went to see wtf happened as just one line refering to the games makes no offence, this is what happened:




Yeah IRC bot is like that. If you write ...................... or ?????????????????? or stuff like that (well those do get annoying but sometimes people do it) it auto kicks you. It had nothing to do with the B/White thingy. I feel there needs to be a specification on that or whatnot otherwise it promotes unnecessary ire. I remember I can sometimes ".............." and it kicks me for some dumb reason. Whatever -_-

tl;dr: Bot's a noob

Closing this since question answered :|


PPGuardian is programmed to autokick based on several specific words, phrases, or uses of punctuation. While I won't go into specifics, if you always try to use proper grammar and correct spelling, you'll never get kicked. You can probably figure out what some of the autokick phrases are as they're common Internet shorthand.

And it's worth remembering a kick is essentially a warning. You're able to come back into the channel right away.

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