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Posted (edited)


Card Title: 뮤츠 선물

Card Comment: 포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서


소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는

배달원에게 받으십시오!

Card Icon: National Dex #150

Card Received: 2012.3.15

Card ID: 48

Distribution Text:

최강 포켓몬의 귀환 - 뮤츠

빠른 스피드와 높은 특공을 자랑하는

최강 클래스 뮤츠를 선물합니다.

나만의 뮤츠를 키워서 친귀틀과 함께

포켓몬 빼틀을 즐겨봅시다!

Pokémon Info


Nature: Random

Location Met: Pokémon Event

Level: 70

OT: 최강의귀환 (Strongest Return)

IDNo.: 03042

Held Item: King's Rock

Ribbon: Premier Ribbon

Edited by Nintendo1252
Posted (edited)


Card Title: くろいレックウザ プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンの イベントに 来てくれて


おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる

配達員から 受け取ってね!!

Icon: Pokémon #384

Date Card Received: 2012.3.17

Gallery's Japanese Generation 5 for Download

PokeCheck Submission

Edited by Nigoli

French Shiny Larvitar

( Pokegen description)

Title: Préparez-vous à des combats épiques!

ID: 61

Date Receive: 17/03/2012

Used: Non

Type: Pokémon


PID: 0

Espèce: Embrylex

Surnom: Larvitar

Nature: Rigide

Obj. tenu: Baie Pomroz

Capa.: Cran

Origin: Game

Pays: Game

Genre: Mâle

Brillant: Oui

Œuf: Non

Lieu: VGE 2012 (Niv.: 5)

Ball: Mémoire Ball


PV: Random

Attaq.: Random

Défense: Random

Attaq. S.: Random

Défense S.: Random

Vit.: Random


Sg-Fd: 0

Beauté: 0

Grâce: 0

Intel.: 0

Robus.: 0

Lustre: 0

Attack 1: Surpuissance

Attack 2: Morsure

Attack 3: Groz'Yeux

Attack 4: Tempêtesable


Genre: Mâle

ID: 3032 0


Ruban Event

Guested edit: Thanks! I'll be adding this and the German one very shortly.


We've got a rather large update today.

All of the following events have been added to the collection and Gallery, and expect more stations/OTs from the Kyushu event soon!


Collection archive updated


Here are some of gldsun's photos from the French Nationals.

  Reveal hidden contents
Posted (edited)


Card Title: さいきょうクラスのピカチュウ

Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて


おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる

はいたついんから うけとってね!

Icon: Pokémon #25

Date Card Received: 2012.3.23

.pgf"]Strongest Pikachu

Gallery's Japanese Generation 5 Cards

PokeCheck Submission

PokeCheck Shiny Submission

Edited by Nigoli
Posted (edited)

Alright I just checked WFC and the French Mewtwo is up!

Card Title: Mewtwo est de retour!

Card Comment: Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!

Allez récupérer votre cadeau

dans le jeu auprés du livreur

d'un Centre Pokémon.

Card Received: 26 mars 2012

Card ID: 48

Distribution Text:

Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!

Vos amis seront jaloux lorsqu'ils verront

votre puissant Mewtwo en action!

Pokémon Info

Nature: Random

Location Met: Wi-Fi Gift

OT: PRI2012

ID: 02112

Held Item: King's Rock

Ribbon: Premier Ribbon

Edited by Nintendo1252
Correct date one was used
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here's Victini!

Card Title: Das virtuose Victini! / Un Victini di vero talento! / ¡Un Victini muy virtuoso!

Card Comment:

German: Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!

Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem

Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!

Italian: Grazie per aver giocato con questo

gioco dei Pokémon!

Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino

nel Centro Pokémon!

Spanish: ¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!

Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier

Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.

Card Received: 4/10/2012

Card ID: 32

German Distribution Text

Dieses Victini stammt direkt aus dem

Pokémon Film und verhilft dir mit

seiner Attacke V-Generator zum Sieg!

Italian Distribution Text

Direttamente dal Regno della Valle,

questo Victini con la mossa Generatore V

ti regalerà una vittoria dopo l'altra!

Spanish Distribution Text

¡Venido directo desde el Reino del Valle,

con el movimiento V de Fuego, este Victini

te proporcionarà una victoria tras otra!

Pokémon Info


Nature: Random

Location Met: Wi-Fi Gift

Level: 50


IDNo.: 12031

Held Item: Fire Gem

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon

Edited by Nintendo1252
Put in the respective languages for the card comments
  Nintendo1252 said:
Here's Victini!

Card Title: Das virtuose Victini! / Un Victini di vero talento!/ ¡Un Victini muy virtuoso!

Card Comment: Thank you for playing Pokémon!

Please pick up your gift from the

deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Card Received: 4/10/2012

Card ID: 32

Why is the card comment the same thing for each of them and the same as the English Victini just with a different date?

  Nintendo1252 said:
And OT. The French Mewtwo was like that as well.

I meant why is the Card description in English and not in the other three languages (the French Mewtwo was in French not English)?

Posted (edited)

Just to earn my Contributor Badge: here is the German Movie Victini. Better late than never (sorry, I had to work the whole day).

Maybe it is better to have two files.

Have fun with it.

Title: Das virtuose Victini!

ID: 32

Datum: 10.04.2012

Used: Nein

Type: Pokémon


PID: 0

Rasse: Victini

Spitzname: Victini

Wesen: Random

Getragenes Item: Feuerjuwel

Fähigkeit: Triumphstern

Herkunft: Game

Land: Game

Geschlecht: Random

Shiny: Nein

Ei: Nein

Ort: Wi-Fi-Geschenk (Level: 50)

Ball: Jubelball


HP: Random

Angriff: Random

Verteidigung: Random

S. Angriff: Random

S. Verteidigung: Random

Initative: Random


Coolness: 0

Schönheit: 0

Anmut: 0

Klugheit: 0

Stärke: 0

Glanz: 0

Attack 1: V-Generator

Attack 2: Kreuzflamme

Attack 3: Kreuzdonner

Attack 4: Flammenball


Geschlecht: Game

ID: 12031 0

Bänder: Wishing Ribbon

Edited by Guested
details edited
Posted (edited)

I leave wonder card of spanish Larvitar VGC2012. Uploaded to mediafire because when I try upload to my account gives me the file is invalid.

I hope someone can re-upload to spanish recopilation.

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

Here is the Spanish VGC Larvitar re-uploaded from marcos9191!

You need to make a zip-file out of it in order to upload it here.

Where do you have it from, marcos9191?

I really hope it is a real one, but it looks good to me.


Title: ¡Te aguardan grandes combates!

ID: 61

Date: 24.03.2012

Used: No

Type: Pokémon


PID: 0

Species: Larvitar

Nickname: Larvitar

Nature: Adamant

Held item: Chople Berry

Ability: Guts

Origin: Game

Country: Game

Gender: Male

Shiny: Yes

Egg: No

Location: VGE 2012 (Level: 5)

Ball: Cherish Ball


HP: Random

Attack: Random

Defense: Random

S. Attack: Random

S. Defense: Random

Speed: Random

Contest stats

Cool: 0

Beauty: 0

Cute: 0

Smart: 0

Tough: 0

Sheen: 0

Attack 1: Superpower

Attack 2: Bite

Attack 3: Leer

Attack 4: Sandstorm


Gender: Male

ID: 3032 0

Ribbons: Event Ribbon

Edited by Guested
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