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Card Title: ミロスとうのボルトロス プレゼント | ミロスとうのトルネロス プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて


おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる

はいたついんから うけとってね!

Icon: Pokémon #642 & #641

Date Card Received: 2011.12.16

Guested edit: Adding to updates.

Posted (edited)


Card Title: 비크티니 선물

Card Comment:

포켓몬영화를 보러 와 주셔서


소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는

배달원에게 받으십시오!

Card Received: 2011.12.15

Card ID: 32

Distribution Text:

올해 영화에서 활약하는

V제너레이트를 배운 비크티니를 선물!

배를 애서 승리를 잡자!

Pokémon info:


Nature: Random

Location Met: 포켓몬영화11 (Pokémon Movie 11)

OT: 아인트

ID: 12221

Level: 50

Held Item: Fire Gem

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon

Edited by Nintendo1252
Posted (edited)
  Guested said:
Can you get any confirmation on the card comment?

I'm assuming you mean the wonder card comment here. The official Korean site has a picture of it and it matches.


Source: http://movie.pokemonkorea.co.kr/movie14/gift/victini_img/special_02_1.jpg

  Guested said:
And has anyone been able to read how and where this is being distributed? (Reshiram and Zekrom, too)

From what I can tell, Victini is a pre-order ticket distribution like it was in Japan from December 15th, 2011 until December 31st, 2011. Reshiram and Zekrom being distributed December 22nd, 2011 (opening release date for movie in theater) till January 8th, 2012.

Edited by Sunain
made pics smaller

Thanks for that info. You sure about local wifi, though? From what I understand, there hasn't been a local wireless Korean event in a loooooong time. They're much more anal about game "collectibles."

And are you saying Victini is for pre-order, but then also distributed to anyone/everyone after the movie opens? Are the dragons limited by game version like the Japan event?

  Guested said:
You sure about local wifi, though? From what I understand, there hasn't been a local wireless Korean event in a loooooong time.

Unfortunately no I'm not certain. I've looked on a few Korean blogs that had *some* information about the events but from what I can tell Victini is limited only to those that pre-order a ticket. Hopefully Nintendo1252 or someone else can confirm this.

A couple links on the events:




Posted (edited)
  Guested said:
And has anyone been able to read how and where this is being distributed? (Reshiram and Zekrom, too)

CGV theaters(Just like the Crown Pokemon were), also it was distributed by IR connection, the Japanese one was also distributed like that iirc. I updated the info threads about it.

  Sunain said:
From what I can tell, Victini is a pre-order ticket distribution like it was in Japan from December 15th, 2011 until December 31st, 2011. Reshiram and Zekrom being distributed December 22nd, 2011 (opening release date for movie in theater) till January 8th, 2012.

The Resh/Zek ending date is February 29th. And that part is for the Korean event calendar.

  Guested said:
Thanks for that info. You sure about local wifi, though? From what I understand, there hasn't been a local wireless Korean event in a loooooong time. They're much more anal about game "collectibles."

Official site posted how to receive the 2 Tao Pokemon and on Step 4 it says to choose "Receive via Wireless".


Edited by Nintendo1252
Posted (edited)


Card Title: かんしゃのきもち!シェイミ プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #492

Edited by Guested

Hey, you're right. The ID number was announced to be 13038 by Famitsu less than a day ago.


Glad to see this was sorted out.

Maybe it has a different ID number at other distribution locations? (Either that, or Famitsu was wrong.)

Nice to see it doesn't have a set nature either.


Well, numerous sources have corroborated the 12191 ID, so it's clear that that one is the real one.

Famitsu isn't really "official" to begin with, but it's unclear why they used a fake ID in their report.

Due to the timing of this event, I'm unfortunately unable to pick it up myself to confirm it, but there have been enough confirmations of 12191.

Posted (edited)

The 2 versions of the 14th Pokemon movie titled: 비크티니와 흑의 영웅 제크로무 & 비크티니와 백의 영웅 레시라무 have started playing in various movie theaters such as CGV in South Korea today. To commemorate it, participating CGV theaters are offering a Zekrom(B) and Reshiram(W) character that Ash befriends for download.



Card Title: 제크로무 선물

Card Comment:

포켓몬영화를 보러 와 주셔서


소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는

배달원에게 받으십시오!

Card Received: 2011.12.22

Card ID: 33

Distribution Text:

이번 영화에서 활약하는

제크로무를 선물!

뇌격의 위력을

배틀을 통해 확인해보자!

Pokémon info:


Nature: Random

Location Met: 포켓몬영화11 (Pokémon Movie 11)

OT: 지우

ID: 12221

Level: 100

Held Item: Dragon Gem fbw50i.png

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon 24goux0.png



Card Title: 레시라무 선물

Card Comment:

포켓몬영화를 보러 와 주셔서


소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는

배달원에게 받으십시오!

Card Received: 2011.12.22

Card ID: 33

Distribution Text:

이번 영화에서 활약하는

레시라무를 선물!

푸른불꽃의 위력을

배틀을 통해 확인해보자!

Pokémon info:


Nature: Random

Location Met: 포켓몬영화11 (Pokémon Movie 11)

OT: 지우

ID: 12221

Level: 100

Held Item: Dragon Gem fbw50i.png

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon 24goux0.png

I was given an Italian Darkrai card file last night, and have decided to include it in this post.

And lastly have yourselves a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year! :D

Edited by Nintendo1252
Added distro texts
  • 2 weeks later...


Card Title: ことしはたつどし!タマゴ プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Egg

Date Card Received: 2012.1.16

Posted (edited)

Thanks to all recent contributors! Sorry for the delay in the update, but the holidays were a busy time.

All of the recent contributions have been added to the Collection, and Gallery updates have done as well.

We'll have more info on the later distributions of the Year of the Dragon eggs when the next rounds begin (they'll most likely be identical, but with a different WC ID number).

Also, thanks for the update on the Greek Darkrai, but usually new info about new events should go in the Event forums, not this contribution thread. I've added that date to the Gallery page.


Collection archive updated


As usual, if you notice any errors or mistakes, let me know.

Edited by Guested
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Card Title: ことしはたつどし!タマゴ プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Egg

Date Card Received: 2012.1.16

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)



Card Title: おたんじょうび おめでとう!!

Card Comment: ポケモンセンター に

来てくれて ありがとう!

おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #531

Date Card Received: 2011.12.4

Edited by Guested

Thanks to Nigoli's diligence, we've got some additions to a few of the ongoing events.

The Tohoku Pokemon Center started their own distribution of the Birthday Audino Present upon its opening on December 4th.

The second week of the Year of the Dragon eggs has started, and they are (as previously thought), identical except for WC ID number.

Get them in the Event Collection download or on the Event Gallery page.


Collection archive updated


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