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Yeah so i never played any pokemon really besides red blue and yellow which were amazing. Now i got black and i love it =)

I got this team together , i looked around online and basically this team has a little bit of everything in it..im not sure how good it is..maybe you can all help me with some suggestions? Im a pokenoob so dont hate me if my team is garbage!

Chandelure ghost/fire

Seismitoad water/ground

Ferrothorn leaf/steel

Reuniclus psychic

Hydreigon dark/dragon

Thundurus electric/flying


You're going to have to give more details than that to even get a consideration from others. Tell us their moves, their nature, held item, their EV settings (if you don't know what that is there are plenty of guides here to show you what they are), and what ROLE they play in your team, and how your team is supposed to play. Until you do that, this won't get any rate from most people. No Pokemon are just rated "good" or "bad" and we can't even know if your team even functions properly without telling us.

This is an example of a RMT with everything covered:


If that's too elaborate, even something like this could do.


^Wraith Beat me :')

Hello and welcome to project pokemon :D

Hope you enjoy your stay :P

Well since yellow you have missed out on alot, hell of alot.

A website that will help you with everything about pokemon is; http://www.serebii.net

Another website that will help is; http://www.smogon.com/dp/pokemon/ (This orovides pre made set's for a pokemon however 5th gen isn't done yet)

1st you need to get yourself aquainted with natures; http://www.serebii.net/games/natures.shtml

These are what makes a pokemon stand out in a particular stat e.g. speed.

Then you NEED to know about EV's (Effort Values; http://www.serebii.net/games/evs.shtml

These are CRUTIAL! These can be make or break for a pokemon.

Also get familiar with other peoples teams and see how they constructed them and look at how each pokemon plays a role in the team;

One of TBirds (Hope he doesn't mind and if you wish to pm him with help im sure he will be a great tutor like he was with me :D): http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14799-Gen-V-OU-Sazzy-says

Wraith94's he is another amazing player and you can definatly learn a thing or two from his teams: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13680-Divine-Rights

Mine; Im not brilliant but you might learn a thing or two (I like defensive stall approach :)http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15215-Generation-Five-OU-RMT-Hatez-Gona-Hate.

(Don't replicate peoples teams without permission!)

Chandelure can be good revenge killer with choice scarf but is also a very good fire absorber (Granted you have flash fire) for ferrothorn, those two have great synergy.

Seismitoad, im afraid i know nothing so i can't say much on that behalf.

Ferrothorn is an amazing wall i have one and usually use him in all of my teams BUT he is very weak to fire (x4 weakness) so you must have something within the team that can take a fire hit for him, like your chandelure.

Again Reuniclus i know nothing of but i know it is briliant in Trick room teams and can be devastaing to some teams.

Hydreigon (One of my fav's ^^) is an amazing special sweeper or mixed sweeper, he is best with life orb and can aslo be a decent scouter.

Thunderus, not a clue all i know is that it's prankster ability means it can shut down walls and set-ups will relative ease.

There are many guides on the forum to explain thing so please have a look around, it may take some time to grasp it all but if you really want to do competative battling then it's all worth it. :)

  Immerse said:
^Wraith Beat me :')

Hello and welcome to project pokemon :D

Hope you enjoy your stay :P

Well since yellow you have missed out on alot, hell of alot.

A website that will help you with everything about pokemon is; http://www.serebii.net

Another website that will help is; http://www.smogon.com/dp/pokemon/ (This orovides pre made set's for a pokemon however 5th gen isn't done yet)

1st you need to get yourself aquainted with natures; http://www.serebii.net/games/natures.shtml

These are what makes a pokemon stand out in a particular stat e.g. speed.

Then you NEED to know about EV's (Effort Values; http://www.serebii.net/games/evs.shtml

These are CRUTIAL! These can be make or break for a pokemon.

Also get familiar with other peoples teams and see how they constructed them and look at how each pokemon plays a role in the team;

One of TBirds (Hope he doesn't mind and if you wish to pm him with help im sure he will be a great tutor like he was with me :D): http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14799-Gen-V-OU-Sazzy-says

Wraith94's he is another amazing player and you can definatly learn a thing or two from his teams: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13680-Divine-Rights

Mine; Im not brilliant but you might learn a thing or two (I like defensive stall approach :)http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15215-Generation-Five-OU-RMT-Hatez-Gona-Hate.

(Don't replicate peoples teams without permission!)

Chandelure can be good revenge killer with choice scarf but is also a very good fire absorber (Granted you have flash fire) for ferrothorn, those two have great synergy.

Seismitoad, im afraid i know nothing so i can't say much on that behalf.

Ferrothorn is an amazing wall i have one and usually use him in all of my teams BUT he is very weak to fire (x4 weakness) so you must have something within the team that can take a fire hit for him, like your chandelure.

Again Reuniclus i know nothing of but i know it is briliant in Trick room teams and can be devastaing to some teams.

Hydreigon (One of my fav's ^^) is an amazing special sweeper or mixed sweeper, he is best with life orb and can aslo be a decent scouter.

Thunderus, not a clue all i know is that it's prankster ability means it can shut down walls and set-ups will relative ease.

There are many guides on the forum to explain thing so please have a look around, it may take some time to grasp it all but if you really want to do competative battling then it's all worth it. :)

Whoa, first of all thanks to both of u. This is wayyy more information than I expected and I am very grateful! But yeah i was a HUGE pokemon fan back when it first came out (red blue yellow), i beat each game like 29034820 times and had so many damn cards... 1st edition dark charizard holo was my pride and joy =).

But yeah im currently playing pokemon black on an R4, but u cannot play online with it so I am planning on buying black whenever my lazy ass gets up and goes to gamestop. I have pokesav/pokegen so i can make my own competative pokemon( i just have no clue how to, see http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15265-My-1-and-only-request-ever...&p=125699#post125699 .

But yeah ive gotten into a ton of competative gaming from xbox to pc, and the fact that pokemon has competative gaming is awesome, so expect to see me on these forums alot more =)


It's no problem at all! :D

Hmm, my advice for Pokegen is to edit and already captured pokemon and change it's stats, it's the most legit way.

However look on youtube there are many PokeGen vid tutorials :D

Back on topic, the game has changed in many ways in the competitive battling though you won't notice these :3

I play mine on the R$ and i can go online O.o And im not going to buy them because to me they are not worth the money the last one i thought that was is Platinum :D

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