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About cantthink278

  • Birthday 10/18/1988
  1. Whoa, first of all thanks to both of u. This is wayyy more information than I expected and I am very grateful! But yeah i was a HUGE pokemon fan back when it first came out (red blue yellow), i beat each game like 29034820 times and had so many damn cards... 1st edition dark charizard holo was my pride and joy =). But yeah im currently playing pokemon black on an R4, but u cannot play online with it so I am planning on buying black whenever my lazy ass gets up and goes to gamestop. I have pokesav/pokegen so i can make my own competative pokemon( i just have no clue how to, see http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15265-My-1-and-only-request-ever...&p=125699#post125699 . But yeah ive gotten into a ton of competative gaming from xbox to pc, and the fact that pokemon has competative gaming is awesome, so expect to see me on these forums alot more =)
  2. 36 views...please post here if any of you are helping me! I dont want to go asking other people if someone already started ya know?
  3. Yeah so i never played any pokemon really besides red blue and yellow which were amazing. Now i got black and i love it =) I got this team together , i looked around online and basically this team has a little bit of everything in it..im not sure how good it is..maybe you can all help me with some suggestions? Im a pokenoob so dont hate me if my team is garbage! Chandelure ghost/fire Seismitoad water/ground Ferrothorn leaf/steel Reuniclus psychic Hydreigon dark/dragon Thundurus electric/flying
  4. Hi all. **Reason i am calling it my only request, is because I have pokesav/pokegen and I will learn how to do this shortly** So I havent played pokemon since pokemon yellow, recently I got into pokemon black and im immediantly addicted again. I discovered r4 to make myself pokemon, but I dont know enough to make my own legit pokemon. So here I come, asking for people to make me these pokemon, legit with whatever the best possible stats can be on wifi. I can edit the moves myself, I pretty much just need you to do everything because im still learning. It would be greatly appreciated, and if u want a few bucks over paypal or something i have no problem doing it lol thanks! Here is my list of pokemon i want, please make them all legit and ready to be used for wifi immediantly. Chandelure Seismitoad Ferrothorn Reuniclus Hydreigon Thundurus
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