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I'm new to the competitive battling area and was hoping the community could help me on my very first team. I have the knowledge but I have no experience and was hoping you'd be able to aid me :)

I'm open to any and every suggestions.

The main purpose of my team is to stall an make them take as much residual damage as possible till they are all worn into the ground :D The core is Ttar, Tenta and Ferro.

Lead: (Thank you TBird for this)


TicTacTar (Tyranitar) @ Leftovers - Done

Sand Stream


EV: 240 HP / 16 Sp.Attack / 252 Sp. Def


Stealth Rock


Ice Beam - Done

Fire Blast - Done

This Ttar is build for longevity more than anything so he can survive to whip up a sandstorm in case of DrizzleToad / DroughtTails switch ins. He also counters dragons well with ice beam or can destroy Scizor/Ferro switch ins with Fire Blast. The lum berry is to prevent the likes of Toxic so he lasts longer. Iv managed to use him in the random battles and he makes a brilliant surprise to those water switch ins, with sassy nature and EV's in sp def a vapoureon hit 9 damage on me with Ice beam a Hydreigon did 94 crit damage with surf and with 202 hp my Ttar was still standing D: With ice beam id did roughly 50% to Hydriegon so to the likes of the other dragons that have x4 weakness to ice it could be 100%? O.o

Fighting weakness: Spiritomb, Gliscor - Done

Water Weakness : Ferrothron, Rotom - W, Tentacruel

Ground Weakness: Rotom - W, Gliscor

Bug Weakness: Spiritomb, Gliscor - Done

Steel Weakness: Ferrothorn

Grass Weakness: Ferrothorn



U Mad? (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers

Iron Barbs


EV: 252 Hp / 88 Def / 168 Sp. Def




Leech Seed

Power Whip

What can i say? This guy is a beast! It takes hit's till kingdom come many resistances and immunity to Toxic, toxic spikes and sandstorm. Passes Twave around making some of my team faster than them but also the occasional para to stop them in their tracks :D Spikes is more residual damage on top of SR and Sandstorm plus if you hit this guy more often then not your going to take more damage than you dish :) Iron barbs add even more to the passing damage you hardly notice :P Also makes short work of waters :D

Fire Weakness: Ttar, Rotom - W, Tentacruel

Fighting Weakness: Spiritomb, Gliscor - Done



Tentas (Tentacruel) @ Black Sludge

Liquid Ooze - Done


EV: 252 Hp / 120 Def / 136 Sp. Def


Toxic Spikes

Rapid Spin


Sludge Bomb

The aim of this guy is so simple rapid spin those pesky spikes and rocks away and lay down some toxic spikes. Not only that this guy acts as a brilliant Sp. Def wall taking Ice, water and fire shots with ease while been able to counter the rock, fire and grass pokemon. Also liquid ooze helps against drain punching Conkuldurrs (Thanks TBird) This guy so far has been the best Volcarona counter EVER! ^^

Psychic Weakness: Ttar, Ferrothorn

Electric Weakness: Ttar, Ferrothorn, Gliscor

Ground Weakness: Rotom - W, Gliscor

Bulky Bulkiness:


Motor (Ingenious... :L) (Rotom - W) @ Leftovers



Ev: 252 Hp / 168 Def / 88 Sp. Def



Painsplit (Spiritomb Covers the WOW corner allowing Rotom to last longer) - Done

Hydro Pump

Hidden Power Fire (70) - Done

This guy was mainly a filler to add some immunities but also some coverage.

His bulkiness means he can set up on dragons (Mostly switch in on EQ) He has W-o-W to disable sweeps and HP ice to demolish them. He really speaks for himself i suppose.

Grass Weakness: Ferrothorn

Bulky Offence:


Vampz (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb

Poison Heal


Ev: 252 Hp / 44 Def / 212 Speed - Done






I love this guy! He is an amazing Conkuldurr and Heatran check and grants many resistances and immunities that my team mates LOVE! Poison heal doesn't just heal but also prevent any other status like burn which mean he can be doing constant damage no matter what! I usually Fling the toxic orb ( After it has taken effect) intoxicating anything that it has touched then i use protect to scout my opponents next move but to also stall. Once im ridden of the Toxic orb aerobatics BP jumps up to 165! Meaning Conkuldurr are easy pickings and by this time their team has taken enough residual damage to be sweeped by this monsta :D Not to mention he is one of my favourites!

Ice Weakness: Ttar, Tentacruel, Rotom - W

Water Weakness: Tentacruel, Rotom - W, Ferrothorn

Spin Blocker: (My Spikezz stay!)


Spookz (Im so original :') (Spritomb) @ Expert Belt



Ev: 248 Hp / 152 Attack / 108 Sp. Attack



HP Fighting / Pain Split


Sucker Punch

Thank you Tbird for this amazing guy!

This guy has already proven his worth 1000x then what Chompy did he plays a much more solid role and can even support better than what Chomp did due to it's immunity to fighting! This guy can cripple any wanna be sweepers but can also check switchers and those pesky rapid spinners (Namely starmie) He can also do some nice damage to Magnezones and Heatrans. All in all he is a much welcomed addition to the team and he will probably be my staple spin blocker from now on.

Opponents Rage weakness: Their Power Button :') (Yes he has been the cause of 4 out of 5 rage quits!)

Oh and he has no weakness :D Unless they carry foresight..... LOLOLOLOLOL

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Members-----------

End Game Shuffler/Phazer: (Another thanks to Tbird for this)



ScarfChomp (Garchomp) @ Leftovers

Sand Veil


Ev: 252 Hp / 4 Attack / 252 Speed



Hone Claws


Dragon Tail

This guy was the idea of a friend to fit into my team but he also wanted to experiment on how well this guy could fair. While SS is in effect so will his ability which should help somewhat. The idea is late game when all major threats are neutralised he will come in use his speed to set up a sub and keep hone cloning at least twice this will give a nice attack boost but also the accuracy boost Dragon Tail needs. His job will be simple keep using dragon tail it will shuffle them while they take damage plus if SR and spikes are in effect they will take more damage making for an easy KO. He also help phase out the set up's during the game.

Ice Weakness: Ttar, Tentacruel, Rotom - W

Dragon Weakness: Ferrothorn, Rotom - W


Thank you for reading and thank you TBird for the help and advice given :)

Edited by Immerse

First nit pick, use liquid ooze on tentacruel, you want to be able to hurt conkeldurr for trying to drain punch on you, that way after spikes/SR drain punch you might be able to OHKO with scald (if you're lucky, anyway). Also I think you mean special Defence evs not special attack.

Ok so for Tyranitar, you might feel that you need Ice beam over Stone edge, and the reason being so that you can take down Gliscors. Gliscors are mean stall breakers, so you'll want to have Ttar ready to take them out.

If you find him up against Ninetales or Politoed, instantly switch to Rotom-W to take out the weather abusers.

Straight to Gliscor as it needs to be addressed quickly, you want to be able to outspeed things with him. If you want to beat things like Heatran you're going to need 212 speed EVs with your current nature. If you see heatran however, assume scarf tran and switch to Rotom-W to take it out with Hydro pump.. this leads me to:

Rotom-W add HP fire over HP ice, then maybe run pain split over will o wisp. The main switch in that you'll find coming into rotom-W will be ferrothorn and such, so HP will take them out. It will also alleviate the pressure that sciozor can put on your team. This would require Ice beam over stone edge on Tyranitar. If Mence switched in on your rotom, burn it with wisp then let Ttar come in and ice beam the cripple dragon.

These changes would also help with the core Kaphotics suggested, as if his heatran is scarfed, your team can dance around it quite easily and kill it with either Rotom or Gliscor. If it's not scarfed you won't even need to be dancing.

Get testing on that Garchomp, it may or may not work, so see what it does and if it isn't doing what you want it to, we can always replace it later.


Most Heatran iv seen are choiced or ballooned :L And so far in 3v3 it's made an excellent counter but i guess Rotom - W would be better? The team needs testing out as of yet. And your post was more of a my team can destroy your team post :L I have no experience so atm i think anything can roll over me....

Changes in bold thankyou TBird, however what am i supposed to do with Gliscor? How would i spread the EV's? Also you stated that i would need to use Pain Split over WOW but you gave me a tactic to beat mence with WOW so which do i choose? O.o


Oh, my Heatran is HP ice, so goodbye garchomp and gliscor in one hit each (Can't dance).

My team is:


Scarftran Ice

Wish Bliss

Wish Vaporeon HPelec

Ferrothorn twave seedrock


Counters sand and water teams very well, it's only misprediction and letting the other team set up that gives me the loss. Reuniclus is the only thing that makes me scurred.


The trans i have always have HP Ice it's the best counter for dragon switch ins, i generally get scarftrans when they switch in with an EQ.

This is my first stall team, I'm a complete noob so constructive criticism would be nice or perhaps pointers on what I should be looking for! The Ttran Ferro and Gliscor combo has worked wonders so far in 3v3 but I have no one that is at my level to battle with 6v6 :L


Scarftran ice will be beaten by Rotom-W every day of the week, same with Thorn. Top is a bitch, I use it a lot also, but his gliscor would shut that down quickly enough,his chomp could use your blissey to set up, and I see vaporeon being thorn bait. But all of this is hypothetical, anyway.

@Immerse, the choice between the two will come down to testing, Pain split means you can put a hurting on blissey then switch out and kill it with Gliscor. But wisp does seem more logical here to help with things like Excadrill. Wisp + split also works well but you really want the coverage here I think. Test test and moar test.

With Gliscor you could run something like 252 HP/ 44 Def / 212 Spe, that way you can get passed balloon tran. And just divert special attacks to either forn or cruel depending on the situation.


I love that spiritomb, it beats all spinners (well should do) and makes for a nice Lati@s revenger. Rememeber the expert belt is the trick here. That extra damage output feigns a CB set, so if you see Excadrill switch in or something, make sure to wisp it as it'll try to SD.

Also, don't use him too early. Just use him when you're sure someone is going to spin. If he can take down someone else on their team then that's a bonus.

Another good idea (seeing as it's a stall team) would be Crotomb:

Spiritomb @ leftovers



252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 SpD

- Rest

- Sleep talk

- Calm mind

- Dark Pulse

It can stall pretty good.


Will do ^^

The 1st battle i played today i messed royally! Im still in the pahze of click that attack it's the most powerfulllzzz!! :D :D :D Then i realise SHIT I'M PLAYING STALL ._. then i loose ugh need to get outa that habit ¬.¬

But yeah she managed to take down a Haxorus all on her own today :') Though he wasn't burnt (Toxic Spikes) she was able to do some nice damage to him and the Haxorus ceased to exist :L

Oh and i had a rate on another forum saying to replace Garchomp with Gengar cus it's a rapid spinner and it covers the ground weakness...... I guess Gliscor and Rotom are too fat to Fly/Levitate? O.o Ate to many Pies? Or maybe they are depressed and don't want to Fly/levitate? Sighhhhhh.... I'll get the gun......

Reply to your edit; Seems feasible! Tbh that = Epic stall O.o Plus when Toxic spikes are in play i generally can't WOW and well the residual damage usually noms on most sweepers BUT exadrill would come in as a problem so i guess WOW back on rotom? :L


That sucker punch is deceptively powerful. It's not a major feat, but it can 2HKO Electivire soundly, so anything with around those defences that aren't invested in should feel some pain. Hopefully with SR and Spikes down you should be able to get a few surprise OHKOs.

It's a hard mindframe to snap out of. You just have to remember the game plan "get the hazards out." Play smartly as you do it and before you know it you should be 6 - 5/4 up on your opponent.


Yeah, i got the hang afterwards. My friend was using metagross lead so i set up SR then sent out Ferro because it is COMPLETE Volcarona bait :D (I use TWave to para it when it came in )oops there goes 50% Hp then in comes Tentacruel sets up one layer of toxic spikes While that Quiver dances then i OHKO it with scald then i set up another player of spikes then go back to ferrothorn. Also love Gliscor's fling poisons those pesky Electross then they can't do fak all to him ^^

Reply to your edit; Seems feasible! Tbh that = Epic stall O.o Plus when Toxic spikes are in play i generally can't WOW and well the residual damage usually noms on most sweepers BUT exadrill would come in as a problem so i guess WOW back on rotom? : I edited this and im not sure if you would have seen it? O.o

Now im torn between 3 set's for Tomb :L


And this is purely where testing comes in :P. You'll find with a lot of teams that there comes a time where improvements can be made, but the only way you'll know which can work is by testing.

However, if the team is currently doing well enough... and decisively so, then there's no need to try and explore other avenues just yet.

  Tbird said:
However, if the team is currently doing well enough... and decisively so, then there's no need to try and explore other avenues just yet.

Amazing advice right there!

Hmm, im going to be sneaky and DL the PO to my SD card then play it off that, then hopefully i may be able to access it at col and be able to go on it at home :)

-Dead forum is deadish- :L

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