Mewtwo Ex Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 That would make us Pokemon fans happy. That is why Nintendo will not do it. It is a good guess, however Ash is not a nostalgic person so i doubt that he will return. But then again the Battle frontier was in the anime while the FR/LG games were out so there is a possibility.
Ryo Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 I sort of wish Ash's story could take a hiatus for a year or two, and we could have a large amount of Special episodes, or better yet- I want to see Gold's story from Pokemon Special! animated... I doubt we'd ever get more than a month or so of no Ash. But considering they've got nothing left but the Johto Battle Frontier. Or, if the Johto battle Frontier doesn't feel up to snuff, why not showcase the Pokemon Triathlon games? I'd even go for seeing Ash re-battling the Johto gym leaders with their updated rosters. I mean, it's about time we could see more battle-centric episodes, right? (Sorry for bumping a month and a half old topic, but I do feel my post is relevant.)
Mewtwo Ex Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 If Ash were to return to rebattle the Gym leaders he defeated i would be 100% hooked on Pokemon again! However knowing that the Pokemon company does not like nostalgia i do not see that happening. But still imagine Sabrina using Bronzongn for instance.
chrisrlink Posted February 13, 2010 Posted February 13, 2010 If you recall Vincent/Jackson mentioned Jimmy and Marina at the silver conferance to Ash if he goes back to Johto should he run into Jimmy Possibly a battle between them (always wondered what Jimmy's other four Pokemon were and Kotone/Lyra should accompany him (seeing todays episode and knowing she's liking him or maybe a PAS anime starting from RBY Arc (Pokemon adventures)
Lucario Posted February 14, 2010 Posted February 14, 2010 Let us remember to have enough of all those typos. You know what he/she meant. Anyways, maybe the animators of pokemon should give a little more story to each episode. Though some may react like "it's just for kids and things that entertain an adult and a kid aren't the same." Well, it may be true but for the sake of people who watch it not to get bored. I mean most of us knows what happens in the anime; -Ash and Co. walking or eating -meets a new pokemon -a girl shows up -Brock flirts -team rocket tailing them and steals pikachu with their new mecha -new pokemon gets caught with pikachu -pikachu's attacks doesn't have an effect -after a while, team rocket blasts off Those were the commons at least. But i still appreciate other episodes when hunter j appears or team galactic which adds some thrill to the show. And maybe the anime isn't really that boring anymore especially now that Ash uses his brain(via means of not possessing a lot of baby pokemon). Maybe they should do some episodes to get rid of lots of plot holes. And let ash see raikou.
Swampert91 Posted March 27, 2010 Posted March 27, 2010 what im tired about ash is that he usually never catch's his pokemon they mostly just come to him like WTF!? and on top of that hes the biggest loser of all times like he and pikachu where 2gether since the very first episode and your telling me that paul's Ersering who he caught not that long ago trashed pikachu when they ash and paul went at it now that is very pathetic and i have no respect for ash anymore. and what i dont understand is that why the hell does he release some of his pokemon to other people to train for him!? now that is stupid of i can understand his butterfree, Lapras, Balbasaur, and Squirtle but come on now that idiot should have his Charizard, primape, and a few others i cant remember but he isnt a true trainer if hes having other people train his pokemon for him. Another thing I cant stand about him is that he doesnt even teach his pikachu new moves!!! like we all know pikachu can learn a crap load of new moves but is ash doing that? hellz to the no and all pikachu got is that stupid thunderbolt, volt tackle, and iron freaking suprised he got to where he is at now. He should of accepted to become a frontier brain like him beating brandon was all a fluke...since brandon just recently caught regice and didnt have enough time to train it to be super husky steriod like regirock and registeel heeheehee...but anyway he could of accepted the offer and still travel around but nnnoooo he wanted to be a loser and not become one...but theres alot more that i wonna say about ash but its to much writing >.<
randomspot555 Posted March 28, 2010 Posted March 28, 2010 Swampert91 said: what im tired about ash is that he usually never catch's his pokemon they mostly just come to him like WTF!? and on top of that hes the biggest loser of all times like he and pikachu where 2gether since the very first episode and your telling me that paul's Ersering who he caught not that long ago trashed pikachu when they ash and paul went at it now that is very pathetic and i have no respect for ash anymore. and what i dont understand is that why the hell does he release some of his pokemon to other people to train for him!? now that is stupid of i can understand his butterfree, Lapras, Balbasaur, and Squirtle but come on now that idiot should have his Charizard, primape, and a few others i cant remember but he isnt a true trainer if hes having other people train his pokemon for him. Ursaring's ability activated boosting his attack to great heights. Even without Ursaring decisive victory over various Pokemon, Paul still would've won the battle. Yes, sometimes Pokemon choose to join Ash's team. But he does capture the majority of them, and for you to say otherwise shows you aren't paying attention. Just in the current lot: Pikachu- Started with in Sinnoh Staraptor: Captured Torterra: Captured Infernape: Joined after being released by Paul Gliscor: Captured Buizel: Traded from Dawn Gible: Started as a following Pokemon, voluntarily joined. This is the anime, not the games. Pokemon are shown to have feelings and a sort of free will. They don't always have to be captured, and sometimes after they're captured, they might disobey (which will never happen in the games as of the 4th gen, as long as you are the original trainer). Quote Another thing I cant stand about him is that he doesnt even teach his pikachu new moves!!! It's been going for 4 generations and the 4th didn't really introduce any new good electric moves. It learned Volt Tackle and Iron Tail in Hoenn. Why does it need more?
RenegadeShroom Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 My main problem with Ash is that he doesn't seem to learn that Pikachu needs a varied moveset to be better than he is. He can't just have 90% electric attacks and still win all the time. I watched most of the first D/P season, and, unless he already has, I think that Ash needs to put some more thought and effort into training his Pokemon, and perhaps take a hint from Paul - If you want to be better, you can't always be the nice guy, you have to be harsh sometimes. I mean, aside from just making money, the creators of the show could actually try to teach the main audience (little kids) something, instead of a dumb, predictable plot which has almost no meaning, except to tell little kids that, "as long as your'e nice and put some effort into what you're doing, you'll succeed at everything." The fact is that you can't. Oops, heh heh, I went a bit off topic there. Sorry. I might be coerced into watching the anime if a Johto series was made without Ash and with a person who's generally nice, but not so 'kiddish' in character as Ash. The middle ground between Ash and Paul, you could say.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 Well for one thing Paul doesn't train his Pokemon with love and care. Also he really doesn't train his pokemon to be strong at all. He rather catch strong pokemon than train them himself. On the other hand Ash trains his pokemon with love and care which makes his pokemon grow stronger on their own. Ash didn't want to join the Battle Frontier because that isn't his dream. If any of you were actually watching the show, Ash real dream is to become a pokemon master and to see new types of pokemon. Ash didn't release his pokemon so other trainers can train them. He did it because his pokemon wanted to go with the other trainer so they can become stronger when they return back to Ash. Ash Charizard want to become bigger and stronger like the other Charizard were. Ash Lapres wanted to go back with his other Lapres friends. Ash Primape wanter to become stronger and enter the Pokemon Wrestling Tournament. Ash Butterfree wanted to go raise a family with the Pink Butterfree. Ash Bulbasaur wanted to help out with all the pokemon at Prof. Oak Lab. Ash Squirtle wanted to help out his old Squirtle Gang putting out fires and help saving other pokemon. Ash traded his Aipom with Dawn Buizel because Aipom wanted to enter the Pokemon Contest and Buizel wanted to battle in the Pokemon Legue. And the rest of Ash pokemon stayed back at Prof. Oak Lab so Ash can catch and meet new pokemon. Ash thinks that if you train your pokemon with love and care, they will become much more stronger and their bond will grow stronger too. Ash knows that Paul cares about his pokemon, but Ash doesn't like how Paul treats his pokemon. Ash is far more the best trainer possible and Ash is my favorite character of all time.
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 What is pathetic is that you think that kindness has any value in these games. The ,,love'' factor has no effort in games [neither in the anime]. When you have no bonds/nothing to worry you to keep you back, you fight at your fullest without regrets what might happen. The only thing the ,,love'' factor does is help evolve certain pokemon.
RenegadeShroom Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 The thing is, if you're gonna train an animal to fight, you need to be harsh to an extent. You can't always be the goody two shoes, it's the same as most things in life. And, I don't know about you, but something tells me that I can't love a monkey that is on fire, or a crocodile/alligator that is rather humanoid in appearance. It's more likely to scare me to death, than make me love it. Or feel very sorry for the monkey. If we assume that the anime needs to have a certain extent of realism to it, we need less love towards the Pokemon and a bit more harshness - from Ash anyway.
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 On the other hand... Make the Burning monkey mad and you will get FirePunched and killed...
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