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Making a legit DW Espeon with Pokegen


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Okay, so I've grown quite accustomed to creating Pokemon with PokeGen. So far, all of my hacks can get through the Random Battles Wi-fi check. However, THERE IS ALWAYS ONE. No matter what I do with Espeon, it just won't go through. I've made two other event DW Pokemon that have gone through (Chimchar and Torchic), but Espeon just keeps failing me. :(

Anyways, I've attached it exactly how I ran it through the test last time. Can someone please take a look and see what's wrong.

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You have a lot wrong with it. You had no Origin set which should be White/Black also I believe all the eeveloutions are caught in the dream world at leval 10 and you didnt have the extra byte set to 1 which is for dream world abilities. Try this out and see if you can get past the wifi check.

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Oh really? Thank you very much! It passed with that English nickname though? I was thinking it could have been due to the characters in the nickname, but they are all legit Japanese characters. I guess something in the PID just messed up then.

Anyways, I'll change the nick back and try to run it through the checks later to see if it works. Thanks again for all the help! I appreciate it.

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Alright, so I downloaded your file with the PID changed, changed the name back to the original nickname and the EXP to the original EXP... And it still didn't work! I'm thinking it could possibly be the nickname causing the problems. Perhaps the character I was using at the front of the name? I will check next time I use PokeGen.

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yes well I just draged the pkm file onto the pokegen.exe which doesnt load all the data on the file that is why I thought you left out all that info. But nickname flag sounds like its the problem. I would just leave it エーフィ

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@jasterj: I redownloaded the file I uploaded and dragged it into PokeGen and all information was retained. Perhaps you have an older version that doesn't support the "drag and drop" or something?

Anyways, I removed the ` character from the name and it worked fine! Perhaps something was wrong with that character I was using (despite it being in the Japanese character section). Perhaps this issue could be looked more into.

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If I open pokegen and drag and drop it works its when I drop the pkm onto the pokegen.exe without opening it that causes missing location and such but its not a problem it could just be my windows install or something but anyways glad you got it working.

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