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Posted (edited)


It is time for an official Code List to be started for the Canada/USA releases of Pokemon Black & White versions. CodeJunkies' website maybe yet to update but the Action Replay Code Manager subscription thread did update. I will be leaving some blanks so that this can be updated with more tested functioning codes.

In order for these codes to work, the firmware on your Action Replay must be up-to-date. The firmware release IS already available. The necessary Firmware was necessary for full use with Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver.

For those with an Action Replay DS (or Action Replay DS EZ), you will need to update your firmware to version: 1.71.

If you need assistance with that here's the link: CodeJunkie's - How to Update Your Firmware

For those with an Action Replay DSi, you will need to update your firmware to version: 1.25.

If you need assistance with that here's the link: CodeJunkie's - How to Update Your Firmware

So, let's setup our XML code file with the barebones:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Pokemon 5th Generation Codes</name>
	<name>Pokemon Black Version</name>
	<gameid>IRBO 106820a5</gameid>
	<date>2010/01/01 01:00</date>
	<name>Pokemon White Version</name>
	<gameid>IRAO 0f0875fe</gameid>
	<date>2010/01/01 01:00</date>

Edited by AllyKat
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<name>Trainer Information</name>
<note>These codes are for adjusting your Trainer's information.</note>
	<name>Change Trainer's Gender to Female</name>
	<note>Press and hold Select while saving to activate this code.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FFFB0000 22234FED 00000001 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Change Trainer's Gender to Male</name>
	<note>Press and hold Select while saving to activate this code.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FFFB0000 22234FED 00000000 038090E0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Maximum Money</name>
	<note>This code changes the amount of Money you have to Y999,999. Press L + R to activate this code.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 0223cdAc 0098967f d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Maximum Battle Points</name>
	<note>This code changes the amount of Battle Points you have to 9,999. Press L + R to activate this code.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 1223D8AC 0000270F D2000000 00000000 </codes>

Codes that I am looking for here are:

* Adjust the Adventure Start Date to March 6, 2011 at 11am

* Adjust the Time Played to 500 hours

* Press L + R to show Secret ID in place of Trainer ID

The purpose of these is for if one ever wants to restart their game and not make it seem cheated (especially if you have date specific event Pokemon on your game!)

Edited by AllyKat
Posted (edited)

<name>Adventure Codes</name>
<note>These codes are for changing events along your journey.</note>
	<name>Avoid Wild Encounters</name>
	<note>This code prevents Wild Pokemon from attacking you unless you press and hold R.</note>
	<codes>521A9FC0 28FF9803 121A9FC0 000020ff D2000000 00000000 94000130 feff0000 921A9FC0 000020ff 121A9FC0 00009803 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Pass Through Blocking Path</name>
	<note>This code allows the player to walk through things. Press L + B to turn off. Press L + A to turn on.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fdfc0002 1216398e 00000200 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fdfd0000 1216398e 00001c20 d2000000 00000000 94000130 000002DC 94000136 FFFC0000 0224F90C 00000185 0224F910 030E8000 0224F914 00000000 0224F918 02ED8000 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Season Change (Spring)</name>
	<note>Only use one Season Changer at a time. Press L + R to activate. Save and reset after activating.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 2224F9DC 00000000 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Season Change (Summer)</name>
	<note>Only use one Season Changer at a time. Press L + R to activate. Save and reset after activating.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 2224F9DC 00000001 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Season Change (Autumn)</name>
	<note>Only use one Season Changer at a time. Press L + R to activate. Save and reset after activating.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 2224F9DC 00000002 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Season Change (Winter)</name>
	<note>Only use one Season Changer at a time. Press L + R to activate. Save and reset after activating.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 2224F9DC 00000003 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Spray Repel</name>
	<note>This provides 255 steps of Repel. Repel does not work on Shaking Areas. Press L + R to activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 FCFF0000 2223D6FD 000000FF D2000000 00000000 </codes>

Codes that I am looking for here are:

* Trainer's Pokemon are Level 85, Level 90, Level 95, Level 100 (excellent for Training ~ the Level 100 is excellent for testing your Line-Up)

* All catch attempts are Critical Captures (it a less cheating version of the Perfect Capture.)

* Push L+R turn the square you are standing on into a Shaking area (for Grass, Cave, Bridge and Water areas.)

Edited by AllyKat
Posted (edited)

<name>Trainer's Bag</name>
<note>These cheats are for changing the contents of your bag in the game. Press L + R to activate any of these codes.</note>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x900 Master Ball)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x900 Master Ball. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 03840001 d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x100 Fire Stone)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Fire Stone. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640052 d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x100 Leaf Stone)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Leaf Stone. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640055 d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x100 Moon Stone)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Moon Stone. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640051 d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x100 ThunderStone)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Thunder Stone. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640053 d2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Items - 1st Slot (x100 Water Stone)</name>
	<note>This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Water Stone. Press L + R to Activate.</note>
	<codes>94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640054 d2000000 00000000 </codes>

This is a work in progress and better codes for will be updated here. Note: these codes do not appear to modify the first slot Item... still looking into this.

Edited by AllyKat

<name>Breeding Codes</name>
<note>These codes are used for assisting the breeding your Pokemon.</note>
	<name>Eggs Hatch Faster</name>
	<note>This code decrease the number of steps necessary for eggs to hatch.</note>
	<codes>9218AB16 00004281 1218AB18 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 </codes>

There are various "forced" breeding codes that I would like to see with this including certain Nature/Gender/Ability one's and always have Dream World ability.


<name>Training Codes</name>
<note>These codes are used for assisting in the training of your Pokemon.</note>
	<name>Increased EXP Gained (x4)</name>
	<note>This multiples the amount of EXP normally gained by x4. Only use one Increased EXP Gained code at a time.</note>
	<codes>521CB54C 59A8437E 023AE840 59A8437E 023AE844 51a80080 023AE848 00004770 021CB54C F978F1E3 D2000000 00000000</codes>
	<name>Increased EXP Gained (x16)</name>
	<note>This multiples the amount of EXP normally gained by x16. Only use one Increased EXP Gained code at a time.</note>
	<codes>521CB54C 59A8437E 023AE840 59A8437E 023AE844 51a80100 023AE848 00004770 021CB54C F978F1E3 D2000000 00000000</codes>
	<name>Increased EXP Gained (x128)</name>
	<note>This multiples the amount of EXP normally gained by x128. Only use one Increased EXP Gained code at a time.</note>
	<codes>521CB54C 59A8437E 023AE840 59A8437E 023AE844 51a801c0 023AE848 00004770 021CB54C F978F1E3 D2000000 00000000 </codes>
	<name>Increased EXP Gained (x1024)</name>
	<note>This multiples the amount of EXP normally gained by x128. Only use one Increased EXP Gained code at a time.</note>
	<codes>521CB54C 59A8437E 023AE840 59A8437E 023AE844 51a80280 023AE848 00004770 021CB54C F978F1E3 D2000000 00000000 </codes>

Codes that I would like to see added:

* Max Happiness

* Hold L and push left to decrease the amount of a certain Wing in bag

* Hold L and push left to increase the amount of a certain Wing in bag

* Push something and select a Pokemon to set it's matching IV to match the corresponding Wing

* Push something and select a Pokemon to set it's matching EV to match the corresponding Wing

* Change move learned from TM 01 and it can be learned by any Pokemon.


Here are some things I need cleared up please:

A) What's the basic game code (like when you enter in a new game, the code for the us game)

B) Code for catching Pokemon with perfect IVs

C) Code for altering IVs to 31s (via marking them in box, there are codes for this in the JP version, so... D:_


Posted (edited)

Can someone provide me a code to change the Ball my Victini is in to a regular Pokeball? Maybe one that just does the first pokemon in your party or something, please

Edited by Crest

^ Alright, I see that now (I'm so dumb lol)

Just waiting on IV Codes ;)

I found on this site codes for changing marked pc box pokemon's ivs (you do one at a time), but it's for jp and I doubt it'll work on US ;/


4X EXP code crashes my AR, I've checked it four times to make sure it's typed in right (I have to manually input the codes).

Edit: So does the max cash code.

  tikki said:
4X EXP code crashes my AR, I've checked it four times to make sure it's typed in right (I have to manually input the codes).

Edit: So does the max cash code.

Is your Firmware up-to-date?

As for everyone else... there is a separate thread for Requests. If you could please keep this topic: Tested & Working Codes.


I've tried the 2x, 4x, and 16x exp codes (one at a time of course) but none of them work. I triple checked each of the codes too, and updated the firmware. Do you have to hold down a button or something?

  Lambo said:
I've tried the 2x, 4x, and 16x exp codes (one at a time of course) but none of them work. I triple checked each of the codes too, and updated the firmware. Do you have to hold down a button or something?

I have used the 2x and 4x codes with success. I am using the codes that CodeJunkies supplied...


I'm hoping that the following are made:

Instant Breed (no gimmicks, just the Pokemon breeding right away)

IV check (Triggered by holding Select then looking at the Pokemon's stats while holding it)

EV check (Triggered by holding Start then looking at the Pokemon's stats while holding it)

Cloning code used Start+Select

Run Through Walls (Unless that pass through blocked path one is that but under a different name...?)

Those are all I really need

If you could please do this, then thank you! The main reason why I need these codes this way is that I have non functioning shoulder buttons, and I do a lot of breeding and trading (I alert the other party to the cloning). Run Through Walls is just for fun though :3

And sorry if this post does not belong here. I saw requests in here, so I thought I should try making one


What's the code that will turn Japenese Pokemon Black and White created pokemon codes into the American codes so that they will work on the American games? The Action Replay Code Manager has the codes for that allows you to catch certain pokemon in the wild, but I don't know if changing the first five code numbers of the using the first five code numbers of the Japanese pokesav with the first five that the Code Manager is providing us with will work or not, because I don't have the games yet.

Does anyone know when the Black and White Pokesav is going to be updated with the English/International stuff along with the english names of Unova pokemon and cities?

and the AR code for the Liberty Pass.


Would it be possible for someone to make a code that works on the UK version of Pokémon White that will allow you to check your Secret ID. Please test that it works. I've found a couple of codes claiming to do this, but none of them work

Any help would be much appreciated.


There are already other thread's for non-USA versions. There is already ANOTHER thread for Requests.

These are the Code Junkies codes (just cleaned up for organization.)

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