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Static Mystery Gift Editing


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I inserted my PBR Surf Pikachu wondercard into my Platinum save file, picked it up at the store, saved, dumped a PKM file, and then repeated the process with my original save three times and gotten the following:


As you can see, the PID is the same every time and the IVs change. All three report as legal--which they should, since I didn't modify them.

My objective, though, is to edit some more favorable IVs on this "Mystery Gift (Static)" pokemon. Pokegen's PID calculator obviously gives me a different number every time I change IVs.

So can I just edit IVs willy-nilly and leave the PID (433683475) and nature (Hardy) as they are? Thanks, y'all.

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IVs and PID are independent with Mystery Gifts for D/P/Pt/HG/SS. The PID is generated very similar to other Pokemon (subject to a shiny check for wondercards with a template PID of 1), however the IVs (if I remember correctly), are generated via a timer/counter. According to what I remember of SCV explaining it, it goes through HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of combinations of IVs per second.

EDIT: SCV says that the seed (for IVs) is cycled by 1 via a counter/timer.

Edited by Sabresite
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(subject to a shiny check for wondercards with a template PID of 0)

The default PID for an ungenerated dynamic PID event Pokémon is actually 1, if that changes anything.

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