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Ok, here's the scenario: I put a male larvitar that already learned Stone edge and earthquake into daycare, along with my female Jolly gible (holding everstone). Eggs I received, when hatched, are gibles that know both moves. Then, I took one female gible, made it hold everstone, and put it in daycare again, but this time its mate was a male dragonite that learned outrage. Supposely, they should breed gibles that know outrage, stone edge, and earthquake, all within one gible. It turned out, however, that the new gibles only know outrage move. Did I do anything wrong here??


When you breed, it only passes down the male's moves. In this case, it passed down the male Dragonite's Outrage.

Gible was the female, so Stone Edge and Earthquake couldn't get passed down.

  Aarux said:
When you breed, it only passes down the male's moves. In this case, it passed down the male Dragonite's Outrage.

Gible was the female, so Stone Edge and Earthquake couldn't get passed down.

That means, I can only make a gible learn outrage via breeding only, and for stone edge+earthquake, the only way I could get both of them on my gible is through TMs learning?


As Aarux stated, moves can only be passed down by the male parent, no matter what moves the female has.

  Naru-Chu said:
As Aarux stated, moves can only be passed down by the male parent, no matter what moves the female has. Also to be noted, everstone does not increase your chances of getting the certain nature.

Just like what Aarux said, everstone does increase chances, up to like 60% of being the same nature as mother (personal experiences).


Well my personal experiences have not shown good results. I've had about 30 Ralts eggs with the female Adamant holding an Everstone, not a single one was Adamant. I'm sorry if the statement I made was untrue, it will be edited out.

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