bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 When you first go to the Pokemon Center with Araragi, she says "Don't try not to lose though, okay?".
Hieber Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I signed up just to say: Awesome work, and I hope you don't give up on this project! And if I were to ever see you irl, I'd totally give you the biggest high 6 ever!
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Hieber said: I signed up just to say:Awesome work, and I hope you don't give up on this project! And if I were to ever see you irl, I'd totally give you the biggest high 6 ever! Uh, that's not normal bro!
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Lol wut? "This Spicky-eared PICHU can't enter the Wi-Fi club." I don't even have a Pichu! Is this another one of your surprises?
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: When you first go to the Pokemon Center with Araragi, she says "Don't try not to lose though, okay?". ?
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 ruinairas said: ? There's a double negative. Don't and not. She's basically saying try to lose lol.
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Lol wut? "This Spicky-eared PICHU can't enter the Wi-Fi club."I don't even have a Pichu! Is this another one of your surprises? Ah yes, You can get event Pichu on my be an error from someone elses work.
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: There's a double negative. Don't and not. Oh, yeah now I see lol. I'll correct that now. appears as though I've already fixed that 0.0
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 Hieber said: I signed up just to say:Awesome work, and I hope you don't give up on this project! And if I were to ever see you irl, I'd totally give you the biggest high 6 ever! I never leave a project unfinished. I've always completed them. Unless of course my computer crashes and have to start from scratch, but I got backups on the internet and on flash drives.
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 When Geechisu is speaking in the town square, you left an engine code in. "We make them battle everyday and we teach them what they need!xf000??" Then everything goes Japanese.
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: When Geechisu is speaking in the town square, you left an engine code in."We make them battle everyday and we teach them what they need!xf000??" Fixed. =D We make them battle everyday\xfffeand we teach them nothing but violence! thats on the last patch on the internet too 0.0 Reveal hidden contents Ah, there you are!\xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!!\xf000븁\x0000I've been waiting for you\xf000븁\x0000I think it's important to\xfffetalk about what this building is!\xf000븁\x0000It's where you go to heal\xfffeyour Pokemon!\xf000븁\x0000....\xf000븀\x0000Come with me!\xf000븁\x0000 Hey!……\xfffeI'm a member of Team Plasma!\xf000븁\x0000This path is closed off\xfffeuntil further notice! Hey!……\xfffeI'm a member of Team Plasma!\xf000븁\x0000This path is closed off\xfffeuntil further notice! Hey!……\xfffeYou cannot go through here!\xf000븁\x0000Please come back later!\xf000븁\x0000 no data Cheren: ……There is no Gym here.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe...\xf000븁\x0000To think of it, there aren't trainers\xfffehere either!\xf000븁\x0000I think I will go to Sanyou City\xfffeand take on the Gym Leader\xf000븁\x0000You better get going too!\xf000븁\x0000Oh wait…… You're suppose to go to the \xfffePokemon center\xf000븁\x0000The Professor is waiting outside. There are some people causing\xfffean uproar!\xf000븁\x0000 I wonder what they would want\xfffe...what legendary...\xf000븁\x0000 Cheren: \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000\xfffeCome over here!\xf000븁\x0000 Can I get everyone's attention!\xf000븁\x0000I am Geechisu!\xf000븁\x0000I am here to tell a tale of\xfffea legendary beast\xf000븁\x0000A beast not seen by many humans! Huh? What? Geechisu: We have been living side by\xfffe side by Pokemon as partners.\xf000븀\x0000Is that what we are really doing?\xf000븁\x0000Are they really our equal, or\xfffeare we the ones to control them!\xf000븁\x0000We make them battle everyday\xfffeand we teach them nothing,but violence!\xf000븁\x0000so...\xfffeAre they really our equal?\xf000븁\x0000Or are they our tools\xfffeof war……\xf000븁\x0000What our intetions are, mean no\xfffeharm to any of you!\xf000븁\x0000 I believe we choose to ignore\xfffewhat we are really doing!\xf000븀\x0000I was one of you……\xf000븁\x0000A so called Pokemon Trainer\xfffesomeone who USES them……\xf000븁\x0000It is actually really sad\xfffeto see this be happening. What! No I'm Confused. Geechisu:I ask you, all of you\xfffeto free your pokemon!\xf000븁\x0000Let them be free and\xfffelet this continous violence stop.\xf000븀\x0000They have been though enough.\xf000븁\x0000We can still be friends with the.\xf000븁\x0000Pokemon.\xf000븁\x0000We will not consider them OURS\xfffethey will be on their own!\xf000븀\x0000.... Free? Release? Geechisu: Yes!\xfffeNo matter what you do it's futile!!\xf000븁\x0000I will fight for the Pokemon\xfffeeven if they refuse themselves!\xf000븀\x0000With the legendary Pokemon lurking.\xf000븁\x0000I will be able to free them all!\xf000븀\x0000I do hope you choose the right thing.\xf000븁\x0000I will be going now, do whats right!\xf000븀\x0000Team Plasma!\xf000븁\x0000Lets head out!\xf000븁\x0000 What should I do……\xfffeis Team Plasma right?\xf000븁\x0000 Of course not!\xfffeWe don't use Pokemon!\xf000븁\x0000 ???: \xf000븉\x0001\x0001That was unexpected.\xf000븁\x0000 wonder if they're right……\xf000븉\x0001\x0000\xf000븁\x0000 Cheren: ……Of course not!\xf000븁\x0000how could you think that!\xf000븁\x0000Pokemon are our friends\xfffenot slaves…… right?\xf000븀\x0000They have to be wrong!\xf000븁\x0000 ???: \xf000븉\x0001\x0001It doesn't matter.\xf000븁\x0000I'll see what they are planning\xfffeby watching them……\xf000븀\x000by the way……\xf000븁\x0000My name is N\xf000븉\x0001\x0001\xf000븁\x0000 Cheren: ……sure\xfffeif thats your name.\xf000븁\x0000\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000\xf000븁\x0000 What do you think about\xfffeall of this?\xf000븀\x0000We don't use Pokemon!\xf000븁\x0000Look at my Pokemon\xfffedoes it look used to you!\xf000븁\x0000 N: \xf000븉\x0001\x0001No it doesn't……\xf000븁\x0000It may not know any better\xfffeit's the only way it knows\xf000븁\x0000I'm not saying I agree with Team\xfffePlasma, but it makes you think.\xf000븁\x0000It's all a matter of opinion\xfffeof who is right.\xf000븉\x0001\x0000\xf000븁\x0000 \xf000븉\x0001\x0001Well \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000....\xf000븁\x0000Lets battle and see for ourselves.!\xf000븉\x0001\x0000\xf000븁\x0000 N: \xf000븉\x0001\x0001I see..\xf000븉\x0001\x0000\xf000븁\x0000 Cheren: …….\xf000븁\x0000What was with that he\xfffejust walked off!\xf000븁\x0000Oh well!\xfffeTeam Plasma is wrong.\xf000븁\x0000I'm sure the others know that too.\xf000븁\x0000Someone will stop them\xfffe...I hope..\xf000븁\x0000Well, I better get going.\xf000븁\x0000You better go now\xfffeSee ya!\xf000Ā Oh?\xf000븁\x0000 I don't speak English well\xfffeI speak mostly Kanji! Can you believe it?\xfffeI was called a Grandpa!\xf000븁\x0000Do I look that old to you! Pokemon grow stronger by leveling..\xf000븁\x0000if your pokemon was from\xfffea friend it might not obey.\xf000븁\x0000You will need a certain about of\xfffebadges to impress the Pokemon\xf000븁\x0000Keep that in mind young trainer! Every time I could out here I\xfffefeel happy……\xf000븁\x0000I don't know what it is,\xfffebut I like it Pokemon are usually found in grass\xfffebut some are found in water!\xf000븁\x0000I love the different possibilities\xfffethat we get! カラクサタウン\xfffeおいしげるツルは はんえいのあかし no data
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Ah sweet. Don't know if you just saw my edit, but after that, everything goes Japanese.
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 Thats been concluded on the last patch here (It fixed some breaks and errors)
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Ah sweet. Don't know if you just saw my edit, but after that, everything goes Japanese. I think I 've been fixing faster than you've been patching my previous post shows it's all on english (but random thingy I dunno what it is)
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 ruinairas said: Thats been concluded on the last patch here (It fixed some breaks and errors) Ok, that's cool. Also, After fighting N, Cheren repeats the message about needing to go to the Pokemon Center, even though you've already been. Oh, I better update my patch then!
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Ok, that's cool. Also, After fighting N, Cheren repeats the message about needing to go to the Pokemon Center, even though you've already been. Fixed. Looks like you need to repatch with the link above. You have the now older one =D
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 ruinairas said: Fixed. Looks like you need to repatch with the link above. You have the now older one =D Just inserted the NARC. I'll go watch Geechisu an fight N again, and give the results. Edit: I'm re-fighting Bel, and before the battle, She's speaking Japanese again.
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Just inserted the NARC.I'll go watch Geechisu an fight N again, and give the results. Edit: I'm re-fighting Bel, and before the battle, She's speaking Japanese again. I'm about to rebattle too. I'll take snap shots on my end
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Just inserted the NARC.I'll go watch Geechisu an fight N again, and give the results. Edit: I'm re-fighting Bel, and before the battle, She's speaking Japanese again. Oh wait bel...she should be japanese either. hmm lol this is so confusing
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Ok, so apart from Bel speaking Japanese, and the Wi-Fi chick saying about the Pichu, I think it's all good!
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 bache said: Ok, so apart from Bel speaking Japanese, and the Wi-Fi chick saying about the Pichu, I think it's all good! I'll check into the pichu thing lol thats odd as hell. And Bel it works on my end maybe it was a memory error that i accidently fixed lol btw did the n fix your team plasma and "n" issue?
Squid Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Man, you guys post a lot, too. I'm going to be honest. I'm not even going to back read to see if I've missed anything. I'm a jerk like that. Also, I'm going to bed soon, so I'll just check out the new patch tomorrow.
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 ruinairas said: I'll check into the pichu thing lol thats odd as hell. And Bel it works on my end maybe it was a memory error that i accidently fixed lolbtw did the n fix your team plasma and "n" issue? Yep, that's all good. But what I have just noticed, is when your Pokemon wants to learn a new move, the dialogue for that is still in Japanese. Squid said: Man, you guys post a lot, too.I'm going to be honest. I'm not even going to back read to see if I've missed anything. I'm a jerk like that. Also, I'm going to bed soon, so I'll just check out the new patch tomorrow. Haha yeah, I just like to see things accurate! Goodnight!
ruinairas Posted October 7, 2010 Author Posted October 7, 2010 Squid said: Man, you guys post a lot, too.I'm going to be honest. I'm not even going to back read to see if I've missed anything. I'm a jerk like that. Also, I'm going to bed soon, so I'll just check out the new patch tomorrow. It's better to communicate then just ignore the issues lol btw good night =D
bache Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Uh, is it just me, or after fighting N, you face Cheren, and the game locks up? The music is still playing, but you cant move, and there's no text.
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