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  xxdbxx15 said:
just wondering when a person submits a txt file can they go like this

To the terminal global \ xfffe Welcome! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000Wi-Fi connection \ xfffe GORI how are you?Please please wake and the

or does it have to go like this

1To the terminal global \ xfffe Welcome! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

2Wi-Fi connection \ xfffe GORI how are you?

3 Please please wake and the

oops clicked reply not reply with quote


I've been thinking... Well since I figured all nds Pokemon games have the same text "XXX has been poisoned" or whatever in battle.

so I was wondering if it wouldn't be smarter to compare other ROM that is out in both Japanese and English to see what lines are the same I mean like :

"\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 fainted!

The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 fainted!

The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 fainted!

\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xffferegained health!"

with the Japanese ROM's and compare the locations and just copy paste the translated version of the same ROM's into the current version and just get a ready translation real quick?

Again it's just an idea I'm not sure if it can be done or correct I based this idea on my assumptions.

  SupahShroomKid said:
What would be the best flashcard to play this patch with because I have a dstt and im just not satisfied with the results

I am using a Supercard DSTWO and DSONEi, both are working just fine :)

  yamidarkstar said:
i heard the DSTWO card was good but hadn't found anyone actually using one

I use a SuperCard DSTWO as well, but I just sold my DSOnei to my friend.

I gave him my old DSOnei and a 4Gb microSD (Class 4) for about $30. He is a really good friend of mine, so gave it to him for cheap. :D

  yamidarkstar said:
A friend gave me their old R4 after they got their acekard but I'm hoping to get a better card soon this one's 2gig sd card limit gets annoying

I'm using the itouch2, its really good. Iv been able to play Pokemon patched and not patched without a problem.


The google translations bug me I just want to go through a correct them but I'm sure it's already been done. Haha.

Awesome work everyone and thanks for trying Dan, but google just isn't accurate.

What's new in V3?


Hey everyone, I registered just to let you know that I'm cheering you guys on, keep up the amazing job. I may not know anything on code or translating, but I'll lurk around here a bit, waiting for the patches to be released.

One question though: What does the v3 patch do exactly? Just change the title screen? Thanks in advance.


Just wanted to let Kaarosu know that all issues have been resolved. I finally got my save to work with v3. I was trying to load in the dst when I should've just loaded the file from the main menu. :) Thanks for the help.

  Kaarosu said:
I use the ak2i with AKAiO, I enjoy it a lot.

In a random tangent, does anyone know if there is an item that 'cures' the love/infatuation on a pokemon? I think that's where I messed up with 16.

In my experience, there is an item known as mental herb that cures infatuation. It is consumed after use however.


On a certain site that I shall not name they say they're having issues with V3 that freezes in battles and when you catch a pokemon? Are they just being whiny?

Also: Kaarosu - The mental herb cures infatuation.

Source: Serebii

  ChaoticKItten said:
On a certain site that I shall not name they say they're having issues with V3 that freezes in battles and when you catch a pokemon? Are they just being whiny?

Also: Kaarosu - The mental herb cures infatuation.

Source: Serebii

V3 works fine, I have caught a couple of Pokemon and beat another gym. So there might just be something wrong on there end.

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