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About This File

Maybe you've did some glitch and got stuck in a map? Maybe you've edited the map coordinates and somehow it went wrong?

This tool aims to fix it. This tool will warp you to a somewhat starting area.
Note: Only for DP, Pt, XY, ORAS, SM, USUM
Note 2: Kinda works for DP and Pt. Gen 4 recognition depends on a) having either Male or Female gender b) the journey was started with one of the proper starters.

0. Keep a safe backup of your save. This program will not create a backup.
1. Launch the program
2. Open/drag&drop the save onto the open window
3. Press the Inject button
4. Close the program
5. Now open PKHeX, drag your save into it
6. Save the progress in PKHeX (should fix the checksums)
7. Now restore the save back into your game, and launch the game :3
8. When the game loads properly, but you're in black screen, enter the Bag/Pokédex/Party to reload the map of the overworld. To fix NPCs, enter and exit a building.

What's New in Version 0.0.3   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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