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About This File

This is a save file with a recreation of 426 Legal ROCKS METANG.

This event was distribuited to players during the Rocks America Tour in 2005. 

Pokémon Characteristics: 

TID 02005, SID 00000, OT Male ROCKS, National Ribbon
Moves: Take Down, Confusion, Metal Claw, Refresh
Origin Game Ruby, Fateful Encounter as Met Location, Caught in Pokéball, Met at Level 30
ENG, Lvl 30, Clear Body as Ability
PID and IVs matching the 10 ANNIV Distribution Method.

This save file is based on @GalosAlan10 and @Sabresite's Celebi Save File:

ROCKS Metang share the same generation algorithm as 10 ANIV and Aura Mew Events: 


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