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About This File

This event was distributed to commemorate the Movie 20: Pokemon I Choose You release in Taiwan territories.
The serial code was distributed to players with 3DSes of either TW, EU or JP regions, when they pre-order the movie tickets.

 Species   Pikachu (Original Cap) 
 Nickname   (default, save lang) 
 OT   Satoshi 
 TID   970401 
 Distribution   Serial Code 
 Location   2017 Pokémon Movie 
 Dates   Oct 19 to Nov 23, 2017
 PID   Cannot Be Shiny 
 Games   TW, EU & JP 3DS: SM 
  Poke Ball Lv. 1  
 Nature   Hardy 
 Ability   Static (1) 
 Item   None 
 Bundled Item    Pikashunium Z 
 Card Per Save   Multiples Allowed 

  Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)
  Thunderbolt Thunderbolt   Quick Attack Quick Attack
  Thunder Thunder   Agility Agility
  WC ID 271: 「Satoshi's Pikachu (Original Cap)」's receiving text
0x03 Thank you for coming to see the 2017 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Satoshi's Pikachu (Original Cap)
Satoshi and Pikachu have been together
since their fateful encounter on
Satoshi's 10th birthday. Pikachu has been
at Satoshi's side since his first step toward
becoming a Pokémon Master!

Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_1938

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@Champion Tobias


The rest of the ash Pikachus are great but this one Original Cap says Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon the dates of this event does not add up with the release of the Ultras games so it is impossible to get them in these games because they had a limit of time to receive the event


When I try to change it to sun or moon it marks it as not legal and then marks relearned moves wrong as well...


Erm, this wonder card cannot be received on US/UM.

It doesn't even same USUM:


as such I have no idea what you are talking about.
It is either you're confused, or you're confusing me.

In any case, if PKHeX is flagging it as illegal, you're probably doing something wrong. Show screenshots + upload the file for us to inspect.

Champion Tobias


Download the file and you will understand champ!
It says met in ultra moon it has to be regular sun or moon and when you change it pkhex marks it not legal, the post is perfect but the pkm file says otherwise it says ultra moon.

Add the file in your pkhex and you will see...

-double post merged-

But nothing serious just wanted to let you know... 

I have downloaded every single event you have uploaded and gone through each checking them in every aspect for perfect authenticity as much as possible from dates to evs ivs natures available places distributed and such, these are just minor mistakes that pkhex does not let me fix and marks them wrong and wanted to let you know...




  On 2/24/2018 at 9:16 PM, Champion Tobias said:

Download the file and you will understand champ!
It says met in ultra moon it has to be regular sun or moon and when you change it pkhex marks it not legal, the post is perfect but the pkm file says otherwise it says ultra moon.

Add the file in your pkhex and you will see...

-double post merged-

But nothing serious just wanted to let you know... 

I have downloaded every single event you have uploaded and gone through each checking them in every aspect for perfect authenticity as much as possible from dates to evs ivs natures available places distributed and such, these are just minor mistakes that pkhex does not let me fix and marks them wrong and wanted to let you know...



You probably did something wrong.
I changed it to Moon and it's legal.

Champion Tobias


Yea it was that I changed the met location to a lovely place because bulbapedia says it was met like that and all the rest went well but this one didn’t, but no biggy I will just put this one as 2017 pokemon movie :)




  On 2/24/2018 at 11:23 PM, Champion Tobias said:

Yea it was that I changed the met location to a lovely place because bulbapedia says it was met like that and all the rest went well but this one didn’t, but no biggy I will just put this one as 2017 pokemon movie :)



It's a serial code event, meaning I was able to extract it directly from mystery gift servers, so there's no chance that the Wonder card is wrong.

Plus looking at the screenshot you attached, you're looking at the wrong entry.

This particular Original Cap Pikachu was released in Taiwan to commemorate the 20th Movie.
Hence it's OT name is Satoshi, not Ash/Sacha. The correct entry would be this link.

(Additionally, the entry you are looking at would be this distribution.)

Champion Tobias


The one I was talking about is the Ash one thats the one I downloaded sorry exactly the one on the link But if its like you say bulbapedia is wrong then on the met location...



  On 2/25/2018 at 12:43 AM, Champion Tobias said:

The one I was talking about is the Ash one thats the one I downloaded sorry exactly the one on the link But if its like you say bulbapedia is wrong then on the met location...


What? They didn't get it wrong. I think you're confused.

When I just checked half an hour ago:

taiwan distribution: Satoshi OT, 2017 Pokemon movie (this event, plus the bulba link I provided)
US/EU distribution: Ash/Sacha OT, a lovely place (also in the image you showed)

give me the link of the one which they listed wrongly.

(also, you're aware the events are different right? Different wonder card ID)



Pkhex does not know the game origin of gen 6 or 7 Pokemon. So If you import one, it will use your game and be wrong.

Champion Tobias


theslayer im talking about the OT Ash US original cap pikachu event the link you shared... I shared the wrong one is the US that says Pokemon Movie 17 when its supposed to say lovely place...

Champion Tobias


Sabresite that’s weird because when I change the game of origin of all my mons pkhex they change the region when I look at them in my game... 

So it looks like you can change it now with the latest  pkhex version



  On 2/25/2018 at 11:32 AM, Champion Tobias said:

theslayer im talking about the OT Ash US original cap pikachu event the link you shared... I shared the wrong one is the US that says Pokemon Movie 17 when its supposed to say lovely place...


Okay, you've been telling me this whole time Bulbapedia made a mistake with the location details.
Now, look at the image below, and see the colored boxes and match them by following the colored lines.
Where's the mistake you speak of?

Now tell me, did they make a mistake, or did you make a mistake?
To me, it appears as though you confused the Singapore's distribution with America's main distribution.

Champion Tobias


Its true, I thought this was the American event! xD looks just like it the only thing that changes was that sorry!



  On 2/25/2018 at 9:31 PM, Champion Tobias said:

Its true, I thought this was the American event! xD looks just like it the only thing that changes was that sorry!


No worries, Glad that's cleared up!



  On 2/25/2018 at 9:31 PM, Champion Tobias said:

Its true, I thought this was the American event! xD looks just like it the only thing that changes was that sorry!


That is because south east asia doesn't have its own region. It is NA/JP regions.

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