About This File
Edit: If you want the latest copy
QuoteDownload the latest version here (click on latest run at the top, then click Artifacts (Published), and download the 'drop' folder)
This page will not be as up to date as the link above. Use that instead!
QuoteAuthors: Kaphotics, SciresM
GitHub: https://github.com/kwsch/pk3DS
Thread: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/34377-pk3ds-xy-oras-rom-editor-and-randomizer/
The download link there is the latest master release on PK3DS, so it includes static encounter editing and other features not in the release version on Kaphotics' thread for the tool. Be warned that some parts may be unstable. Though in my experience it's all been pretty awesome. PK3DS is also still in development, though for Gen 6 it is pretty much complete.f