111 files
Korean Pokemon Eggs: Turtonator
This event was distributed to players via Infrared at a mall in South Korea.
The Pokemon distributed in this event are Drampa, Passimian, Goomy, Turtonator, Mareanie and Oranguru.
All of the eggs contain regular chance of being shiny.
Species Turtonator (EGG) Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Apr 29 - May 07, 2017 PID Chance of Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: SM Lv. 1 Nature Random Ability Shell Armor (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Flamethrower Body Slam Wide Guard (None) WC ID 1111: 「포켓몬의 알 선물」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 포켓몬의 알 선물 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
발견하기 어려운
포켓몬의 알을 선물합니다!
잘 키워서 배틀에서 활약시키자!864 downloads
Korean Pokemon Eggs: Drampa
This event was distributed to players via Infrared at a mall in South Korea.
The Pokemon distributed in this event are Drampa, Passimian, Goomy, Turtonator, Mareanie and Oranguru.
All of the eggs contain regular chance of being shiny.
Species Drampa (EGG) Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Apr 29 - May 07, 2017 PID Chance of Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: SM Lv. 1 Nature Random Ability Cloud Nine (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Play Nice Echoed Voice Hurricane (None) WC ID 1111: 「포켓몬의 알 선물」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 포켓몬의 알 선물 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
발견하기 어려운
포켓몬의 알을 선물합니다!
잘 키워서 배틀에서 활약시키자!937 downloads
Korean Pokemon Eggs: Passimian
This event was distributed to players via Infrared at a mall in South Korea.
The Pokemon distributed in this event are Drampa, Passimian, Goomy, Turtonator, Mareanie and Oranguru.
All of the eggs contain regular chance of being shiny.
Species Passimian (EGG) Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Apr 29 - May 07, 2017 PID Chance of Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: SM Lv. 1 Nature Random Ability Receiver (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Bestow Fling Feint (None) WC ID 1111: 「포켓몬의 알 선물」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 포켓몬의 알 선물 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
발견하기 어려운
포켓몬의 알을 선물합니다!
잘 키워서 배틀에서 활약시키자!859 downloads
Eevee Friends
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
This page has the WC7 and also photographs of the physical location, courtesy of @BLACKBIRD & @katsuya!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Sylveon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Sylveon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Pixilate (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Hyper Beam Draining Kiss Psyshock Calm Mind WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Glaceon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Glaceon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Snow Cloak (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Blizzard Shadow Ball Hail Aurora Veil WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Leafeon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Leafeon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Chlorophyll (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Leaf Blade Swords Dance Sunny Day Synthesis WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Umbreon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Umbreon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Synchronize (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Snarl Toxic Protect Moonlight WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Espeon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Espeon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Magic Bounce (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Psychic Dazzling Gleam Shadow Ball Reflect WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Flareon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Flareon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Guts (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Flare Blitz Facade Will-O-Wisp Quick Attack WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Jolteon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Jolteon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Volt Absorb (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Light Screen Volt Switch WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Eevee Friends: Vaporeon
From 15th July (Sat) to 23rd July (Sun), Eevee Friends was distributed via Infrared,
to players that visited the Pokemon Pop-up Store at Hyundai Department Store Shinchon Station Underground 2F Connection Passage Graduation Tempyo.
This is a once per day event, meaning it'll take 8 different days to collect all the Eeveelutions.
Species Vaporeon Nickname (default, save lang) OT 포켓몬스토어 TID 170715 Distribution Infrared Location a lovely place Dates Jul 15 - Jul 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Hydration (HA) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Scald Ice Beam Rain Dance Rest WC ID 1114: 「이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 이브이 프렌즈 선물 이벤트 포켓몬 팝업 스토어에 와 주셔서
개성 넘치는 매력을 지닌
이브이의 진화형 포켓몬을 선물합니다!
Distributions of the same event:
Pocket Monster Sun Moon Anime Alolan Sandshrew
This event was distributed to players with a Korean 3DS via a common password (serial code),
to commemorate the airing of the first episode of Pocket Monster Sun & Moon (Anime) on their Daekyo Children's TV (대교 어린이 TV) channel.
The common code was shown during the broadcast, on May 9th 2017, at 18:00 KST.
The common code is 2ALOLAFORM7
The end date was original May 31, 2017, but it was extended.
Species Sandshrew (Alola) Nickname (default, save lang) OT 썬문 TID 170502 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 09 - Jun 30, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games KO: SM Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Snow Cloak (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Rapid Spin Ice Ball Powder Snow Bide WC ID 1108: 「모래두지(알로라의 모습) 선물」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 모래두지(알로라의 모습) 선물 「포켓몬스터 썬&문」 TV방송을 기념해서
포켓몬을 선물합니다!1632 downloads
Pocket Monster Sun Moon Anime Alolan Diglett
This event was distributed to players with a Korean 3DS via a common password (serial code),
to commemorate the airing of the first episode of Pocket Monster Sun & Moon (Anime) on their ANIMAX channel.
The common code was shown during the broadcast, on May 2nd 2017, 18:00 KST.
The common code is NOTHAIR
The end date was original May 22, 2017, but it was extended.
Species Diglett (Alola) Nickname (default, save lang) OT 썬문 TID 170502 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 02 - Jun 30, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games KO: SM Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Tangling Hair (2) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Mud-Slap Astonish Growl Metal Claw WC ID 1109: 「디그다(알로라의 모습) 선물」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 디그다(알로라의 모습) 선물 「포켓몬스터 썬&문」 TV방송을 기념해서
포켓몬을 선물합니다!1300 downloads
Pocket Monster Sun Moon Anime Alolan Grimer
This event was distributed to players with a Korean 3DS via a common password (serial code),
to commemorate the airing of the first episode of Pocket Monster Sun & Moon (Anime) on their KBS kids channel.
The common code was shown during the broadcast, on May 2nd 2017, at 18:40 KST.
The common code is RAIN8BOW8
The end date was original May 22, 2017, but it was extended.
Species Grimer (Alola) Nickname (default, save lang) OT 썬문 TID 170502 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 02 to Jun 30, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games SM Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Poison Touch (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Bite Harden Poison Gas Pound WC ID 1110: 「질퍽이(알로라의 모습) 선물」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 질퍽이(알로라의 모습) 선물 「포켓몬스터 썬&문」 TV방송을 기념해서
포켓몬을 선물합니다!1326 downloads
Pocket Monster Sun Moon Anime Alolan Vulpix
This event was distributed to players with a Korean 3DS via a common password (serial code),
to commemorate the airing of the first episode of Pocket Monster Sun & Moon (Anime) on their Tooniverse! channel.
The common code was shown during the broadcast, on April 4th 2017, 17:00 KST.
The common code is ALOLA.
Species Vulpix (Alola) Nickname (default, save lang) OT 썬문 TID 170404 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Apr 04 to Jun 30, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games KO: SM Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Snow Cloak (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Ice Shard Baby-Doll Eyes Roar Tail Whip WC ID 1107: 「식스테일(알로라의 모습) 선물」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 식스테일(알로라의 모습) 선물 「포켓몬스터 썬&문」 TV방송을 기념해서
포켓몬을 선물합니다!1305 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Gardevoirite, Galladite & Lopunnite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge June Competition (Tiny Tourney).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1617: 메가스톤 선물 Gardevoirite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Galladite Lopunnite Serial Code | Jul 04 to Aug 30, 2017 | KO: SM 메가스톤 선물 ・가디안나이트
・이어롭나이트502 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Lure Ball
From the period of May 30th to June 12th, there was a Global Mission for players to successfully hook 500,000 Pokemon or items (combined count) from rare (fishing) spots.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player have 3 successful hooks, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if there is a total of 1,000,000 successful hooks globally, a Lure Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 1,228,170 successful hooks.
WC 1615: 포켓몬 글로벌 링크 Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Lure Ball Serial Code | Jun 20 - Jul 30, 2017 | KO: SM 포켓몬 글로벌 링크 글로벌 어트랙션 참가 기념 선물입니다!380 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Tyranitarite, Abomasite & Manectite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge May Competition.
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1614: 메가스톤 선물 Tyranitarite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Abomasite Manectite Serial Code | 06 Jun to 30 Jul 2017 | KO: SM 메가스톤 선물 ・마기라스나이트
・썬더볼트나이트488 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Sceptilite, Blazikenite & Swampertite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge April Competition.
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1613: 메가스톤 선물 Sceptilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Blazikenite Swampertite Serial Code | May 30, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017 | KO: SM 메가스톤 선물 ・나무킹나이트
・대짱이나이트526 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Level Ball
From the period of April 25th to May 9th, there was a Global Mission to harvest 3,000,000 Poké Beans from Poké Pelago.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player harvested 30 Poké Beans, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 6,000,000 Poké Beans was harvested globally, a Level Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 75,230,246 Poké Beans harvested.
WC 1612: 포켓몬 글로벌 링크 Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Level Ball Serial Code | May 16 to Jun 29, 2017 | KO: SM 포켓몬 글로벌 링크 글로벌 어트랙션 참가 기념 선물입니다!391 downloads
QR Code Magearna
This event was distributed to international players via a 3DS region-locked QR code on the main Pokemon website.
For Japanese players, it was distributed via a QR code on a Ga-ore disc with the QR code on it, collected only in theaters for the Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Movie.
(QR Code can be found in the screenshots segment of this posting)
This event is actually pre-programmed into the Pokemon Sun and Moon games, and it requires only the QR code to activate,
after the player has cleared the game (become the Champion).
Species Magearna Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution QR Code Location a lovely place Dates Any date PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Soul-Heart (1) or Soul-Heart (2) Item Bottle Cap Bundled Item None
Wishing Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Fleur Cannon Flash Cannon Lucky Chant Helping Hand1619 downloads
Snorlium Z Munchlax
Munchlax wonder card that comes with Snorlium Z.
Species Munchlax Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Online Wi-Fi Location an online present Dates Nov 18, 2016 to Jan 11, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games KO: SM Lv. 5 Nature Random Ability Thick Fat (2) Item None Bundled Item Snorlium Z
Classic Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Tackle Metronome Hold Back Happy Hour WC ID 1601: 「먹고자와 잠만보Z를 선물」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 먹고자와 잠만보Z를 선물 대식가포켓몬 먹고자와
도구 잠만보Z를 선물합니다!
잠만보로 진화시켜서 「진심의공격」을
사용해보자!1217 downloads
Demo Ash-Greninja
A Greninja with Battle Bond, that can transform to Ash-Greninja form!
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game(s).
(Language of Wondercard is determined by language of Demo, Not language of Main game save)
The Demo generates this Pokemon not to be shiny.
Species Ash-Greninja (Inactive) Nickname (default, in ) OT 지우 TID 131017 Distribution Pokemon Demo Location the Kalos region Dates Any transfer date PID Specified:C337B3F4 Games All Regions: SM Lv. 36 Nature Random Ability Battle Bond (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Souvenir Moves (Relearn will be Bold) Water Shuriken Aerial Ace Double Team Night Slash WC ID 2046: 「특별체험판 지우개굴닌자」's receiving text 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.2048 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Love Ball
From the period of March 28th to April 10th, there was a Global Mission with the goal of collectively hatching 200,000 eggs.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC. (failure resulting in 200 FC)
If the player hatched 3 eggs, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 400,000 eggs was hatched globally, a Love Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 14,503,078 eggs hatched.
Distribution Title 포켓몬 글로벌 링크 Wondercard ID 1610 Games SM Type Serial Code Distribution Date Apr 18 - May 30, 2017 Item Rare Candy Quantity x5 Bundled with Love Ball x1 Receiving Text 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text
글로벌 어트랙션 참가 기념 선물입니다!409 downloads