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SkyLink98 last won the day on February 23

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475 Excellent

About SkyLink98

  • Birthday 03/29/1998


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  1. RecoverSaveGen3 managed to partially recover the save file. Some blocks/mons would be missing, but at least the save file should be usable Rename the save file removing the .fixed at the end before using POKEMON_EMER_BPEE00.sav.fixed
  2. PKHeX does not support ROM Hacks.
  3. 420 downloads

    Event description This is an event raid held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event you get a chance to encounter Tera raids featuring a level 100 (Shiny Locked) Quaquaval, with the Water Tera Type. This event ran from March 14 to 20, 2025. How to encounter this raid in-game For this raid to be findable by players, they must first have unlocked 6-Stars Raids through story progression. This requires completing the entire game story and the post game until the academy tournament. Players must then complete 10 4-stars or 5-stars raids. Only after all these steps have been performed, the player will receive a call from Jacq, which he will proceed to tell you about dangerous black crystal raids. What can be done with these files The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index. Use our tutorial to import these files into your save. After importing you might need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the dens. To see other Poké Portal Events, here.
  4. 362 downloads

    Event description This is an event raid held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event you get a chance to encounter Tera raids featuring a level 100 (Shiny Locked) Skeledirge, with the Fire Tera Type. This event ran from March 7 to 13, 2025. How to encounter this raid in-game For this raid to be findable by players, they must first have unlocked 6-Stars Raids through story progression. This requires completing the entire game story and the post game until the academy tournament. Players must then complete 10 4-stars or 5-stars raids. Only after all these steps have been performed, the player will receive a call from Jacq, which he will proceed to tell you about dangerous black crystal raids. What can be done with these files The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index. Use our tutorial to import these files into your save. After importing you might need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the dens. To see other Poké Portal Events, here.
  5. 739 downloads

    Event description This is an event raid held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event you get a chance to encounter Tera raids featuring a level 100 (Shiny Locked) Meowscarada, with the Grass Tera Type. This event ran from February 28 to March 6, 2025. How to encounter this raid in-game For this raid to be findable by players, they must first have unlocked 6-Stars Raids through story progression. This requires completing the entire game story and the post game until the academy tournament. Players must then complete 10 4-stars or 5-stars raids. Only after all these steps have been performed, the player will receive a call from Jacq, which he will proceed to tell you about dangerous black crystal raids. What can be done with these files The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index. Use our tutorial to import these files into your save. After importing you might need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the dens. To see other Poké Portal Events, here.
  6. 237 downloads

    Event description This is an event Mass Outbreak held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event players will encounter Charcadet, Smoliv and Finizen in the Paldea region, Applin, Sewaddle and Poliwag in the Kitakami region and Porygon, Scyther and Lapras in the Blueberry Academy. Notably, these encounters have a 0.5% shiny rate. This event ran from February 28 to March 20, 2025. What can be done with these files The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index. Use our tutorial to import these files into your save. After importing you may need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the Outbreaks. To see other Mass Outbreak Events, here.
  7. 256 downloads

    These gift were released to players of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet to celebrate the Pokémon Day 2025. Pokémon Scarlet players could use the code SB00KC0VER to obtain a Scarlet Case. Pokémon Violet players could use the code VB00KC0VER to obtain a Violet Case. #1539: Clothing Gift Scarlet Case Serial Code | S | Only One Allowed | Starting from Feb 27, 2025 Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20250227_1702 #1539: Clothing Gift Violet Case Serial Code | V | Only One Allowed | Starting from Feb 27, 2025 Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20250227_1702 What can be done with these files In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager
  8. http://web.archive.org/web/20250301142737/https://www.nintendoswitch.com.cn/adw2b/20181024/index.html
  9. 294 downloads

    This gift was released to players in Mainland China, as a celebration gift to commemorate the Pokémon Day 2025. This gift could be redeemed with the serial code W1THY0U29YEARS. This distribution provides Mainland China players with a chance to obtain a Melmetal, as Pokémon GO is not officially available in the region, and access to the GO Park Complex is restricted. It follows the 2024 Meltan distribution, allowing players to acquire a Melmetal, given that Meltan cannot be evolved in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu and Let's Go, Eevee. Please do note that this gift could only be redeemed on Tencent/Mainland China’s variant of the Nintendo Switch consoles, with a Mainland Chinese LGPE game. Given that the Mainland China release of LGPE language selection is forced to simplified Chinese, this gift can only be redeemed as CHS (would be illegal in any other language). Currently, the only possible way for this gift to enter the international stream of games, is for it to first be locally traded from Mainland China’s LGPE to International LGPE. (The explanation for the BCAT being different can be read here) Wonder Card ID #1502: Mythical Pokémon Melmetal Gift Species Melmetal TID (recipient) Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Feb 27 to April 30, 2025 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Random Card Per Save Only One Allowed Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunder Wave Thunder Shock Acid Armor Flash Cannon Lang Slot OT Name Nickname Preset Lang JPN (recipient) (default) ENG (recipient) (default) FRE (recipient) (default) ITA (recipient) (default) GER (recipient) (default) SPA (recipient) (default) KOR (recipient) (default) CHS (recipient) (default) CHT (recipient) (default) Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20250227_1447 Credits to jelly (果冻), 9Bit, baichen, abcboy, and the community that helped reach out and obtain the data for this gift. What can be done with these files PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager
  10. Welcome! For any help requests, please make sure to use the appropriate subforum and describe your issue with as much detail as possible
  11. If you care about the Pokémon being fully legal, then yes. You can spoof the transfer process with PKHeX, but it cannot assign a valid HOME transfer tracker, meaning HOME can recognize the Pokémon as illegal. HOME will know that you didn’t transfer the Pokémon from Pokémon Bank. HOME will know that you didn’t obtain the ribbons in the correct games.
  12. Give your Pokémon all the ribbons you want while in Gen 7, then deposit it into Pokémon Bank and transfer it to Pokémon HOME. From there, deposit the Pokémon into all the Switch games and give the respective ribbons within each game.
  13. 436 downloads

    This gift was awarded to players for completing the Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee Pokédex in Pokémon HOME. This is the first LGPE gift that comes with a ribbon. While the ribbon cannot be seen within LGPE gameplay, it can be seen when transferred to other main series titles (besides Legends: Arceus) Wonder Card ID #9028: HOME's Meltan Gift Species Meltan TID 250212 Distribution Online Location a faraway place Dates Starting from Feb 12, 2025 PID Specified: FFEEAF23 Games Given to: Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Preset as: LGP Nature Adamant Card Per Save Only One Allowed Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Headbutt Thunder Wave Acid Armor Flash Cannon Souvenir Ribbon Lang Slot OT Name Nickname Preset Lang JPN HOME (default) - ENG HOME (default) - FRE HOME (default) - ITA HOME (default) - GER HOME (default) - SPA HOME (default) - KOR HOME (default) - CHS HOME (default) - CHT HOME (default) - Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20250224_1818
  14. 484 downloads

    This gift was awarded to players for completing the Pokémon Sword & Shield, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra Pokédex in Pokémon HOME. Wonder Card ID #9029: Keldeo Gift Species Keldeo TID 250212 Distribution Online Location Pokémon HOME (2) Dates Starting from Feb 12, 2025 PID (Specified) CCB62802 (Shiny) Games Receivable by: SWSH Preset as: SW Nature Modest Ability Justified (1) Item None IVs EVs HP 31 ALL 0 ATK 20 DEF 20 S.ATK 31 S.DEF 20 SPE 31 Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Quick Guard Double Kick Aqua Tail Sacred Sword Souvenir Ribbon Lang Slot Mon's Lang Nickname OT Name OT's Lang JPN (default) HOME - ENG (default) HOME - FRE (default) HOME - ITA (default) HOME - GER (default) HOME - SPA (default) HOME - KOR (default) HOME - CHS (default) HOME - CHT (default) HOME - Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20250224_1814
  15. 411 downloads

    Event description This is an event raid held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event you get a chance to encounter Tera raids featuring a level 75 Walking Wake in Scarlet and a level 75 Iron Leaves in Violet. This event ran from February 21 to 27, 2025. Compared to previous iterations of this event, this one features different item rewards. What can be done with these files The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index. Use our tutorial to import these files into your save. After importing you might need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the dens. To see other Poké Portal Events, here.
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