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FedeDC last won the day on July 11 2019

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  1. FedeDC

    Movie Shaymin

    Is it normal that the Shaymin is received in French? I have tried with Italian Pearl and Platinum and in both games the WonderCard is Italian, but the Pokemon is French
  2. Thank you for the codes @Sabresite I can make one in no time, I can give you the save file and we can trade online if you could help me Send me a message so we can organize ourselves for this trade
  3. @theSLAYER I'm using another code, hope that's not too much These 3 code were already used (idk why people don't say it) U90147A3SJ4J9E4UU90147A6V50BQKDXU90147A7KC9B3N92 I used this other one: U90147AD7HV5TPDB
  4. @theSLAYER I tried to use another one of the codes you gave us but it seems that every code has been taken, I personally tried the remaining codes and no one works Do you have one last code to give me? If not, don't worry. You have already done a lot for me
  5. Hi, is there anyone who wants to trade a Mew, the Japanese Mewtwo event or the Shiny Pikachu event? I'm looking for: the special Mew from the Pokeball Plus the Counterattack Mewtwo distributed with the tickets for "Mewtwo's Counterattack Evolution" in Japan and the Bullseye event Shiny Pikachu (I'm looking for a male one and a female one both in ENG language) The only things I can offer are: [on Let's Go] a Shiny Meltan, a Shiny Adamant Charizard, and probably some other shinyes (but I have to double check) [on 6/7gen games] a lot of events personally redeemed by me Let me know if anyone is interested
  6. @theSLAYER I didn't know all these troubles with online for those with modded Switches, thank you for explaining me. I'll definitely try searching for someone nearby with a modded Switch Yeah, I missunderstood about the codes, I thought that they were language/region locked but now I got it. As you said, the problem is getting the codes for those that don't live in the places where the promotion happens.  Btw I'd like to keep open the topic, who knows maybe someone who has already tried to go online with a modded Switch can help me Thank you sooooo much for the codes, I m gonna redeem the Pokémon in a minute. I'm going to use the first two codes: 90147KC3SWAWWWH U90147KDF16MVTCV Thank you for the help and for your time
  7. Hi, I created this topic because no one seems to want to help me, so pleeeee if there is anything you can do, contact me The point is that I am looking for someone with a modded Nintendo Switch. I have some .pkmn files for Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, can someone put those pokemon in his game and trade them back to me? These pokemon are all events for LGPE and unfortunately they were only for Japanese, Korean ad US only players. There pokemon are totally legal and I don't think they will couse issues with online servers. Of course if anyone would help me, he can keep a copy of those pokemon (or you can get them by yourselves here https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/153-generation-7-switch/)
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