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Everything posted by bgoode2006

  1. Here is 18 Meltans I caught legitimately, nothing has been changed. I simply got them in GO, transfered to Let's Go, caught, then exported. each filename shows Level and CP, a few have a couple 31 IVs and it shows in the filename. 31 ATK SpA LVL 14 153CP 808 - Meltan - C9A210AB55E2.pb7 31 Def SpD LVL 26 429CP 808 - Meltan - 9E8FECAD744C.pb7 31 HP 30 SPD LVL 14 149CP 808 - Meltan - 27C47468E22F.pb7 31 HP LVL 7 63 CP 808 - Meltan - B45F8D0B2C26.pb7 LVL 6 54CP 808 - Meltan - 7CAFE62D42D3.pb7 LVL 7 63CP 808 - Meltan - 438DDEEDCC50.pb7 LVL 8 73 CP 808 - Meltan - E692A8BA2A7E.pb7 LVL 8 73CP 808 - Meltan - 2228685A4426.pb7 LVL 9 84CP 808 - Meltan - 4A236CA0434C.pb7 LVL 12 120CP 808 - Meltan - 6B16929DED82.pb7 LVL 14 150CP 808 - Meltan - 95B8438A13CF.pb7 LVL 17 179 CP 808 - Meltan - 15271A7D6C08.pb7 LVL 24 356CP 808 - Meltan - 3D04AE5EDC1C.pb7 LVL 26 411CP 808 - Meltan - A970211FB248.pb7 LVL 27 442CP 808 - Meltan - E6C15646A245.pb7 LVL 28 450CP 808 - Meltan - 598EE8D457EA.pb7 LVL 29 484CP 808 - Meltan - 8DC7725E5847.pb7 LVL 29 498CP 808 - Meltan - 267B7B21DB44.pb7
  2. Here's 18 that I caught from 2 different GO accounts last night. A couple with 2 31 IVs. Meltan.rar
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