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About Klrc102

  • Birthday 03/04/1990
  1. Hey there, I'm basically looking for some help, so I can steamroll the elite 4 when I get to that point in the game. What I would like, is a Turtwig/Grotle. I'm willing to trade something other than a starter or a legendary for it (Since I'm hoping to use those to take the 4 out) I really want it to be a low level, as I would like to train it myself. I'm completly fine with getting a level one. I don't really care about the nature, and sex doesn't matter much (Although I would prefer a female, but it's not a big deal). Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of Pokemon to trade in return, but I will try my best. Lastly, I would really like someone to give me a hand Evolving my Haunter and Graveller. Thanks! 0259 6600 4272
  2. QFT I agree with this, I'm a closet Pokemon fan. Out of every JRPG out there, Pokemon is the only one I can actually play for over 3 seconds. I just can't stand how FF and such keep repeating the same storyline with different characters, or how nearly every JPRG rarely differs from any other. The difference is, Pokemon follows the whole RPG story curve, but it somehow manages to be different from the likes of Final Fantasy and such. It's weird. It also dosen't help that most people who do like Pokemon aren't the coolest or the sanest people in the world. Hence why I don't announce my enjoyment for Pokemon to the world. And I'm a programmer, we're all insane And yes, theres that whole "Pokemon isn't manly!" I know a guy who's never played an RPG in his lifetime. Just FPS's and Racing games. Any game that's not similar to "Gears of War" or "Halo" is retarded in his opinion. He won't even acknowledge games like "Shadowrun" simply because it's got Elves, Dwarfs and Trolls in it. Some people just hate playing anything that's different.
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