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About BellBlitzKing

  • Birthday January 3

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  1. Fan Animation By BellBlitzKing on YouTube: Watch Now Fusions battle, from Naruto, Bleach, Digimon, MHA My Hero Academia, DBZ and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! YouTube.com/watch?v=5HDuGvrUC0Y You can download HD Art & Background from the video on ItchIO
  2. Attack Sounds from Game Boy, GBA, NDS up to 3DS! Over 4500 SFX! Download on ItchIO/Dropbox: Bellblitzking.itch.io/pokemon-sound-collection Watch All Attack SFX on Youtube, every Generation This took some major effort, using emulator tools to HD capture every attack. It is a great blast of nostalgia. What were some of the most memorable sounds you recognize instantly? Hyperbeam, Psychic and haunted Celadon city sounds I can never forget.
  3. Pokemon Attack Moves Sound Effects Pack! Gen 1 to Gen 7! Get over 3,200 SFX featuring attack moves from GB, GBA & NDS games! MP3's Crossing Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Kalos and Unova! Tagged with metadata, cleaned and edited, directly recorded with emulator tools. Download: https://bellblitzking.itch.io/pokemon-sound-collection/#download Watch all on YouTube: SFX Attack Moves Collection Playlist
  4. PROMO VIDEO: Pokemon Attack Sound Effects Collection Released! 4,500 SFX! Download SFX Pack: Bellblitzking.itch.io/pokemon-sound-collection SFX in WAV & MP3 formats---4500 sounds in high quality from Gameboy, GBA, DS & 3DS!
  5. PROMO VIDEO: PokeRap ASCII Version on YouTube! Get all ASCII Art HD Backgrounds: Bellblitzking.itch.io/pkmncmdbattlegame/#download Over 900 Pokemon in full text-art form plus exclusive HD backgrounds from PokeWalls! Includes artists from DeviantArt, Steam, Gamespot, ASCII Art Online, Train.Board8 & Gamefaqs
  6. Relive the sights and sounds of First-gen Pokémon in this classic text-based Battle Game! All 151 Pokémon to play, with four Ranks to master! Download Game and Source Code: Bellblitzking.itch.io/pkmncmdbattlegame/#download Choose your Character then Start your journey: Use Pikachu, Charizard, and Eevee all the way up to the rare legendaries: Zapdos, Mew and Mewtwo---all here in full HD text-art glory. Fight using over 300 attacks in intense 1-on-1 battles with full sounds effects for every single move---Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic and more types to unlock and explore. BONUSES: Includes Source Code (C#), so anyone and everyone can to build their own text-based battle game from the ground up! Includes over 300 Sound Effects---Gen I to Gen V cries and attack move sound effects! Includes the Pokémon ASCII Art Collection, an exclusive master-set of all Pokémon ascii-art through Gen V---you want 18 different Pikachu’s in adorable text-art form? Got it!
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