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Posts posted by DaseR

  1. ¡Hola!
    Alguien me podria decir cual es la diferencia entre el save de un Pokemon generado por la GBA con respecto al save generado por PKHex, le explico, 
    partiendo de un Jirachi nivel 5, subiendolo de nivel hasta el 40, aprendiendo algunos ataques de forma natural en mi juego ,
    si leo los datos con un editor hexadecimal de pokemon me sale este bytes
    De igual manera si edito este Jirachi nivel 5 con PKHex e indico que tiene las mismas caracteristicas que el anterior me sale este dato:
    Por que la 5ta linea es todo 00? que informacion tiene el jirachi de mi SAV diferente al de PkHex, si el pkmn es TOTALMENTE IDENTICO,

    A veces, solo cambian uno o dos bytes de una fila específica, pero ¿cuál es la explicación detrás de esta diferencia?

    ¡¡Muchas gracias!!


  2. Dear Slayer

    Sorry to revive this thread but I think it is better to continue the conversation here

    God only knows that I have spent HOURS studying this post between my lack of experience and my bad English lol, I want to be brief, I have injected a event (wihout WonderCard) in my game and I have modified the following data indicated in red to make the game believe that this JAP event Diancie [0131 ORAS - ポケセン (PokeCen) Shiny Diancie (JPN).] Got it my friend from Japan, he came to Spain and exchanged it to my 3ds with EU region, would it be correct as I have done? I have left empty the "Residence" section.
    I think this is the only way I have to acquire these events in my region...
    If you tell me something is wrong I will just dedicate myself to inject my cartridge the events in my region in (SPA) my head hurts from going around so much😖

    Really, thanks a lot for dedicating your time, it means a lot to me.


  3. Wow thanks for your answer, do you have any idea if the latest version of VBA (M 2.1.4) does handle the random number generator correctly?

    Well, I also understand then that if I only use the emulator to level up my Pokemon or even advance events in the game there would be no difference of data.

    For example, when starting a new game on the emulator of a Crystal Pokemon and saving with no further objective than getting a specific number of EO, is the same result as doing the same thing on the original hardware, right?

    Thank you very much for your help!! eternally grateful 🤩

  4. Hello everyone
    First of all, I apologize if this topic has already been addressed or if I am not writing it where it belongs.
    The question is that I've been curious about this for some time and I would like that someone knowledgeable on the subject could solve my doubt, 
    I know that ROM is the image of a game and the Emulator is the program that makes it play as if it were the original console, but the save file generated by an emulator is 100% identical to the original cartridge¿? (for internal data purposes).

    I've all the original Pokemon cartridges that I keep with much affection but the problem of these cartridges as you all know is that unfortunately you can only have one active game and does not give much option to replay them, so I play my games combining different media, original cartridge, in VBA, or even in my mobile phone, and what I'm doing is to extract the SAV and inject it back into the site that interests me to play it (It has always been compatible and without problems, at most I had to add a few hexadecimal codes at the end and then remove them depending on the device where I play).

    SUMMARY: There is some difference even if it is minimal between the save data that generates a game started or continued in Emulator and the original cartridge itself?

    Thank you very much to anyone who can solve this doubt and above all I hope I have explained well😆... 

  5. Hi all,
    I would like to know, if I run a ROM in a computer emulator, play and re-save and export that .SAV file and it's injected again with PKHex into the original cartridge, Does this make any changes? 
    Does it alter anything or is it exactly the same?
    Thanks a lot

    PS: Obviously without using GameSharks etc. at most the fast forward function in the game with the space key.

  6. Dear friends @suloku @ajxpk

    First of all sorry if this has already been answered, this topic is a bit confusing to me...

    Extracting and using a .sav from my original cartridge game, I've modified with PkHex the fields I indicate in the attached image and injected it back into my original cartridge to get the GS Ball event and receive Celebi in my own GBColor (was succesfull)
    My question is, have I done wrong? I would like to know if this change has somehow irreversibly modified my game (ROM) of the current cartridge? I've read you guys talking about something about the memory bank data and although I don't quite know what it is I am a little afraid that I have altered something as I've done all this on my original game, I wouldn't like to and would be willing to remove any changes including restarting the game...
    Thank you very much for your help!



  7. 3 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    Daré una breve explicación sobre los riesgos de recibir archivos de otros. Solo te daré la versión corta.

    No puedo garantizar que el 100% de nuestros eventos fueran oficiales. La mayoría, si no todos, de nuestros eventos fueron examinados, y un gran grupo incluso lo tomamos directamente nosotros. Pero incluso entonces, nuestro principal modo de recibir eventos son las contribuciones. Lo que pasa con las contribuciones es que las partes malintencionadas pueden ser ingeniosas y tratar de encontrar formas de hacer que se acepte su material simulado.
    Como tal, no puedo estar 100% seguro de que nada se nos escapó. Solo tengo un 99,9% de confianza.

    Espero que responda completamente a la pregunta.

    Now yes😝
    99,9% it seems to me a more than reasonable percentage to convince me, I also don't think that in the pokemon community there are people who seek to annoy with these things..

    Thanks for all!!! finally I'm going to inject the events from here, I have more than 1 year interested in this and finally I want to do it.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    1) Recibimos nuestras tarjetas. 2) Si es una combinación legal, se marcará como tal. Lo mismo para ilegal. 3) Si cuál es mejor depende del usuario. También parece que está mostrando una captura de pantalla de las ROM de distribución, que es piratería. Eso no está permitido en nuestros foros y no puedo ayudarlo más en ese asunto.

    I don't understand what you mean by "We get our cards contributed to us." you haven't answered my question if the file that is downloaded on this page is 100% identical to the official or is a simulation, on the other hand with the images of the ROMS distribution that I have found I just wanted to ask if they were original, since you indicate that they are piracy right now they are deleted from my computer, as I said I wouldn't like to put anything corrupt in my games, so I seek to ensure both of everything, thanks again.

  9. Oh sorry my bad, i have changed the font color so that anyone can read it

    2 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    For Gen 4 and onwards, injections bypass any restrictions relating to "whether this game can receive it", as long as you're injecting a wonder card of the correct generation.

    Of course, the resulting mon may not be legal, if they were not supposed to be cross received.

    As I said above, from Generation 4 and onwards, you can cross inject the wonder card within the same generation. However the mon may not be legal, if they were not supposed to be cross received.


    Ok, now I understand more how it works, I only have 3 questions left:
    1-Is the data of the events downloaded from this page 100% official or are they a simulation of the original?
    2-Assuming that in my original cartridge, it automatically changes Region / Subregion / Country, (as it does in the CITRA emulator) if I modify it manually in PkHex to add mine that corresponds, would it change anything in terms of legality?
    3-Is it better to use the event files / WonderCards uploaded on this page and inject them with PKHex or emulate the ROMS of the events (supposedly official) on a flash card so as not to touch the saved game of the original cartridge? [In order not to give information from other sources, I am attaching an image of some that I have downloaded]

    If the mission is to generate the legal pokemon in the game, what option do you recommend me to do?
    Thanks again for your time

  10. Hi, I mustn’t have expressed myself well, what I want to know is why I can inject into my Pokemon cartridge Diamond / Pearl an event that was made only for Platinum, it shouldn’t be programmed in the game, right?

    The same happens with events for ORAS, I can inject it and run it perfectly it in XY, why I can do this if it should not be programmed in the game, please i need confirm this

    PS: The images are to show that I can reproduce it perfectly, in the title of the window you can see the game that is loaded

    Thanks a lot for clarifying things for me

  11. As I indicate in the title, I would like to ask why i can inject events that were exclusive to specific versions of Pokemon and reproduce them the same and without any problem, why does PKHex let you do that? That is, if in the past you went to the event, they could only give in specific versions, for example "Member Card" is only for platinum but i can inject it and reproduce it identically in Pokemon Pearl / Diamond, also with other events that were for specific versions


    Add some images from my Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon X where it is shown that I inject the event without problem and also I can collect it in the NPC, I have to say that I am using emulators to do this until I am sure of doing it on my console and original games, i want to apologize if i seem too unsafe but for nothing in the world I would like to inject a file with the smallest apex of difference from the one the official Nintendo..

    Another very curious thing is that, when inject a WonderCard it automatically changes me the Region - Subregion - Country to which I indicate in the attached image, do you know why this can happen if the events that I inject are European?


    Thanks a lot for your help, I am eternally grateful to all of you who have achieved all this.

  12. 5 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    Algunos emuladores como VisualBoyAdvance parecen saltarse este "congelamiento" mientras que otros como mGBA ejecutan correctamente el script. Pero puedo confirmar que esto sucede en el hardware original con seguridad.
    Información sobre el script de la descompilación: https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/wiki/Disabling-Union-Room-check-when-entering-Pokémon-Centers.
    Debería ser posible omitir esta verificación con códigos de Action Replay o mediante piratería de ROM.

    So, the correct/legal thing is that it's frozen that second, and this would happen when entering a PC in a newly purchased virgin cartridge, wow really thanks, you have helped me a lot since i thought it was the opposite and my game had been edited in some way... I try to do thing as legitimate as possible

    I will always love u for getting me out of this doubt🤩

  13. Hello everyone, first of all i apologize if this topic doesn't go here, but i don't know where to post it.

    The question is that I have observed that in my original LG / FR and EMERALD cartridges, when entering any Pokemon Center, the image freezes for 1 second, i need to know why, as you know the normal thing is: ENTER->SCREEN IN BLACK-->IT LIGHTS UP PROGRESSIVELY AND YOU APPEAR INSIDE THE POKEMON CENTER, whitout the frozen image being left as indicated below

    I don't know if it has to do with the fact of having accessed the games with an external application to extract the SAV games (with GBA Backup tool program) or when injecting the events of the 3rd GEN(program created by Suloku)

    The same thing happens in my 3 games and it surprises me because I've already done t his with Pokemon Rubi & Sapphire and this error doesn't happen, only in this next generations

    I think it's some error in the ROM but my games are original and have never been manipulated before

    These are the characteristics:
    FireRed: Version 1.1

    LifeGreen:Version 1.0

    EMERALD: I've only extracted the SAV to know my SID, never injected again

    I attach images of the error, this happens playing in GBA / GBA SP / DS lite / Game boy player in game cube etc..I upload the images from an emulator so that it is better appreciated.

    Thanks a lot for all and I hope u could solve this doubt that drives me crazy









    PC INSIDE.png


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