Recommended settings:
High End Computers:
Run as admin
Config -> General -> Untick Dual Core and Cheats (Optional, but less likely to cause crashes)
Config -> Interface -> Untick Use Panic Handlers
Config -> Audio -> DSP LLE Recompiler
Graphics -> Direct3D 11 or OpenGL
Graphics -> Hacks -> Texture Cache Safe
Pokémon GX (XD) Properties -> GameConfig -> Tick Synchronize GPU Thread (Only use if you keep Dual Core enabled)
Low End Computers:
Run as admin
Config -> General -> Untick Cheats (Optional, but less likely to cause crashes)
Config -> Interface -> Untick Use Panic Handlers
Config -> Audio -> DSP LLE Recompiler
Graphics -> OpenGL
Graphics -> Hacks -> Texture Cache Safe
Pokémon GX (XD) Properties -> GameConfig -> Tick Synchronize GPU Thread